Denmark, Ireland and Norway
Remarks by Denmark, Ireland and Norway (at the 11th. OWG) – v.3
Focus area 6:
Water and sanitation
- We support an ambitious goal and an actionable and measurable set of universal targets in relation to water and sanitation. Water is as a crucial requisite and key asset for sustainable development and growth.
- We think most of the central issues are covered in the present text.
- However, In relation to the suggested targets in the text we have the following comments:
o We support target a but think that adequate sanitation and hygiene should be added
o We support target b but suggest adding text on a measurable reduction of discharge of untreated wastewater by x%
o We support target c and believe it could be strengthened by adding energy to agriculture
o We support target d on water resource management, but would like to strengthen the text by highlighting that
the implementation of integrated water resource management should be using a holistic multistakeholder and people centered approach, and
that in due time and within a specific time frame all countries should have sustainable water use policies and implementation strategies in place
o We support target e, f, g and h
- Co chairs, somewhere in the list of targets we would like to see a reference to equal access to water as a productive resourse.
- We are ready to discuss overlaps between the suggested targets in order to further consolidate the text.
- However, for us it is absolutely key that the economic, environmental and social dimension of the water goal is reflected in a balanced and sufficient way, as it is now
- Further we find that there are important linkages between water and other focus areas, such as health, gender and womens empowerment, sustainable cities, SCP, oceans, biodiversity as well as agriculture, food security and nutrition, economic growth and industrialization.
Focus area 6:
Water and sanitation
- We support an ambitious goal and an actionable and measurable set of universal targets in relation to water and sanitation. Water is as a crucial requisite and key asset for sustainable development and growth.
- We think most of the central issues are covered in the present text.
- However, In relation to the suggested targets in the text we have the following comments:
o We support target a but think that adequate sanitation and hygiene should be added
o We support target b but suggest adding text on a measurable reduction of discharge of untreated wastewater by x%
o We support target c and believe it could be strengthened by adding energy to agriculture
o We support target d on water resource management, but would like to strengthen the text by highlighting that
the implementation of integrated water resource management should be using a holistic multistakeholder and people centered approach, and
that in due time and within a specific time frame all countries should have sustainable water use policies and implementation strategies in place
o We support target e, f, g and h
- Co chairs, somewhere in the list of targets we would like to see a reference to equal access to water as a productive resourse.
- We are ready to discuss overlaps between the suggested targets in order to further consolidate the text.
- However, for us it is absolutely key that the economic, environmental and social dimension of the water goal is reflected in a balanced and sufficient way, as it is now
- Further we find that there are important linkages between water and other focus areas, such as health, gender and womens empowerment, sustainable cities, SCP, oceans, biodiversity as well as agriculture, food security and nutrition, economic growth and industrialization.