Thank you Madam Chair,
Denmark would like to take this opportunity to stress the call for a concrete and action-oriented
outcome from CSD 15
The momentum is unique and we owe it to present and future generations to set the world on a
sustainable energy path
We need first of all to provide the right market conditions and the right political framework, which
the setting of national and regional timebound goals and targets for RE, EE and Access to energy,
can provide.
DK would like to stress ? in accordance with the EU position, that the setting of goals and
commitments in relation to compilation proposed by the EU, is not a condition for obtaining donor
funding. There is no such conditionality in that regard.
In the case of Denmark, timebound targeting has been instrumental in decoupling economic growth
from increased energy consumption. Our GDP has grown 70 % over the last 25 years, while
maintaining same level of energy consumption.
Moreover we must - in the absence of a home for Energy in the UN system, ensure an effective
review-arrangement for sustainable energy to help promote RE, EE and Access to energy.
In that regard, Denmark would like to highlight the effort by the Johannesburg Renewable Energy
Coalition ? JREC, containing some 90 countries committed to the promotion of RE.
Within that framework ? and in compliance with commitments stemming from the World Summit
in Johannesburg, a specific review arrangement is being proposed, which among other things calls
upon UNEP, UNIDO and UNDP through UN Energy to urgently establish a robust arrangement to
produce a state of the art progress report for deliberation during the sessions of CSD in 2010 and
Denmark would like to align itself with this proposal, and would encourage the Chair to reflect the
need for such a concrete and action-oriented review-arrangement in the negotiated text.
Thank you Madam Chair
Delivered by Jarl Krausing, Special Advisor to the Minister for Environment.
Denmark would like to take this opportunity to stress the call for a concrete and action-oriented
outcome from CSD 15
The momentum is unique and we owe it to present and future generations to set the world on a
sustainable energy path
We need first of all to provide the right market conditions and the right political framework, which
the setting of national and regional timebound goals and targets for RE, EE and Access to energy,
can provide.
DK would like to stress ? in accordance with the EU position, that the setting of goals and
commitments in relation to compilation proposed by the EU, is not a condition for obtaining donor
funding. There is no such conditionality in that regard.
In the case of Denmark, timebound targeting has been instrumental in decoupling economic growth
from increased energy consumption. Our GDP has grown 70 % over the last 25 years, while
maintaining same level of energy consumption.
Moreover we must - in the absence of a home for Energy in the UN system, ensure an effective
review-arrangement for sustainable energy to help promote RE, EE and Access to energy.
In that regard, Denmark would like to highlight the effort by the Johannesburg Renewable Energy
Coalition ? JREC, containing some 90 countries committed to the promotion of RE.
Within that framework ? and in compliance with commitments stemming from the World Summit
in Johannesburg, a specific review arrangement is being proposed, which among other things calls
upon UNEP, UNIDO and UNDP through UN Energy to urgently establish a robust arrangement to
produce a state of the art progress report for deliberation during the sessions of CSD in 2010 and
Denmark would like to align itself with this proposal, and would encourage the Chair to reflect the
need for such a concrete and action-oriented review-arrangement in the negotiated text.
Thank you Madam Chair
Delivered by Jarl Krausing, Special Advisor to the Minister for Environment.