Czech Republic
Mr Chairman,
As regards investing in Africa to achieve Millennium Development Goals and to promote sustainable development, international community has several instruments to strengthen its partnership with Africa, such as international development cooperation, debt relief, foreign direct investment, or external trade. The assistance of international community to achieve sustainable development goals in Africa should effectively complement the national efforts of the individual African countries and of the whole African region, e.g. through the instruments of the AU, NEPAD´s and also of regional integration structures.
There are key prerequisites to create an attractive environment for effective investing, such as good governance at local, national and regional levels, transparent and democratic participation by relevant stakeholders in decision making. Important are also peaceful relations among and inside the African countries and in the world not to loose money dedicated to development for recovery from war conflicts. Therefore, further cooperation with African countries in this area and prevention from the armed conflicts should be promoted.
While creating conditions for investing in Africa, there should be focus on building economic freedom to stimulate economic growth, and also on improving social conditions, particularly in areas such as health, education and decent work (CSR, ILO labour standards).
Investments should not be made without respect to environmental limits. According to the ecological footprint concept, Africa is still creditor of the world. The use of EIA and SEA procedures should be promoted to save huge treasures of biological diversity and clean air of the continent.
Through capacity building and technology transfer (using e.g. Bali Strategic Plan, SAICM, CDM, NAPs and RAPs UNCCD) the international community (both industrial countries through North ? South cooperation and developing countries within the South-South cooperation) can help Africa to minimize potential negative impacts of its economic, industrial, social and ethical development on the environment in order to promote sustainable development.
Thank you.
As regards investing in Africa to achieve Millennium Development Goals and to promote sustainable development, international community has several instruments to strengthen its partnership with Africa, such as international development cooperation, debt relief, foreign direct investment, or external trade. The assistance of international community to achieve sustainable development goals in Africa should effectively complement the national efforts of the individual African countries and of the whole African region, e.g. through the instruments of the AU, NEPAD´s and also of regional integration structures.
There are key prerequisites to create an attractive environment for effective investing, such as good governance at local, national and regional levels, transparent and democratic participation by relevant stakeholders in decision making. Important are also peaceful relations among and inside the African countries and in the world not to loose money dedicated to development for recovery from war conflicts. Therefore, further cooperation with African countries in this area and prevention from the armed conflicts should be promoted.
While creating conditions for investing in Africa, there should be focus on building economic freedom to stimulate economic growth, and also on improving social conditions, particularly in areas such as health, education and decent work (CSR, ILO labour standards).
Investments should not be made without respect to environmental limits. According to the ecological footprint concept, Africa is still creditor of the world. The use of EIA and SEA procedures should be promoted to save huge treasures of biological diversity and clean air of the continent.
Through capacity building and technology transfer (using e.g. Bali Strategic Plan, SAICM, CDM, NAPs and RAPs UNCCD) the international community (both industrial countries through North ? South cooperation and developing countries within the South-South cooperation) can help Africa to minimize potential negative impacts of its economic, industrial, social and ethical development on the environment in order to promote sustainable development.
Thank you.