Cyprus, Singapore and United Arab Emirates
5-9 MAY, 2014, NEW YORK
May 8, 2014
FOCUS AREA 13: Conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans
and the seas
Take urgent and significant actions for the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas
• Our Troika would like to reiterate its support for a standalone goal on oceans and seas as they are a vital life support system.
• We welcome the further development of action areas under oceans and seas which we fully support. We call that SDG targets should be at minimum at par with targets agreed internationally and not short of them, and beyond, where possible- for example action area (c ) is not in line with the 2020 deadline of the Aichi target 6 and action area (f) has no target date for its implementation while the respective Aichi target 11 sets 2020 as a deadline. The same with action area (a) which target year is 2025 per Rio+20 outcome document.
• For action area (d) we would like to modify its latter part as follows “…including for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction.”
FOCUS AREA14: Ecosystems and biodiversity
Protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and halt all biodiversity loss
• Our Troika supports a standalone goal on ecosystems and biodiversity due its critical role for sustainability and human well being. The extent of biodiversity loss has grave effects on global development by affecting, inter alia, food security and nutrition, health and water.
• This focus area is closely tied to all three pillars of sustainable development and sustainable management of forests has a significant role in the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity and in addressing climate change. In this regard, we support the intent of target (d) in ensuring sustainable management of all forests and ecosystems, halting deforestation and increasing reforestation.
• However, like in focus area 13, we would like targets to be at minimum in line with what has been agreed internationally and not short of that and to go beyond, where possible-
• We would like to reiterate our suggestion for a target on “creation for protected areas”, as previously stated, which can be included in action area (a).
5-9 MAY, 2014, NEW YORK
May 8, 2014
FOCUS AREA 13: Conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans
and the seas
Take urgent and significant actions for the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas
• Our Troika would like to reiterate its support for a standalone goal on oceans and seas as they are a vital life support system.
• We welcome the further development of action areas under oceans and seas which we fully support. We call that SDG targets should be at minimum at par with targets agreed internationally and not short of them, and beyond, where possible- for example action area (c ) is not in line with the 2020 deadline of the Aichi target 6 and action area (f) has no target date for its implementation while the respective Aichi target 11 sets 2020 as a deadline. The same with action area (a) which target year is 2025 per Rio+20 outcome document.
• For action area (d) we would like to modify its latter part as follows “…including for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction.”
FOCUS AREA14: Ecosystems and biodiversity
Protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and halt all biodiversity loss
• Our Troika supports a standalone goal on ecosystems and biodiversity due its critical role for sustainability and human well being. The extent of biodiversity loss has grave effects on global development by affecting, inter alia, food security and nutrition, health and water.
• This focus area is closely tied to all three pillars of sustainable development and sustainable management of forests has a significant role in the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity and in addressing climate change. In this regard, we support the intent of target (d) in ensuring sustainable management of all forests and ecosystems, halting deforestation and increasing reforestation.
• However, like in focus area 13, we would like targets to be at minimum in line with what has been agreed internationally and not short of that and to go beyond, where possible-
• We would like to reiterate our suggestion for a target on “creation for protected areas”, as previously stated, which can be included in action area (a).