Cyprus, Singapore and United Arab Emirates
Open Working Group on Sustainable Development- 10th Session
31 March- 4 April 2014
Cyprus-Singapore-United Arab Emirates
Wednesday, April 2 2014
Talking points
Focus areas 8, 9, 10: Economic growth, Industrialization, Infrastructure
• Sustained and inclusive economic growth is a pre-requisite for eradicating poverty and hunger, while for growth to be sustained, it needs to be also sustainable and equitable
• A SDG on economic growth is likely to focus member states’ efforts in structural transformation of the economy and infrastructure development. We consider therefore focus areas 8,9 and 10 closely linked to each other
• Sustainable consumption and production is indispensable for achieving global sustainable development therefore it is important to include action areas with regard to SCP in all three focus areas
• Macroeconomic strategy, including international trade in action area (j) and external debt sustainability in action area (k) are critical to the means of implementation. Nevertheless, the troika is of the view that these issues are also cross-cutting. For example, while trade is considered as a means of implementation, it also plays an essential part in measuring economic growth
• In all three focus areas we would like to see a stronger gender mainstreaming
• Finally we would like to propose a target on human capital development under focus area 8 that could also serve focus area 11 and which requires inclusive social policies on cross-cutting sectors such as health and education and financial services. And the proposal reads “investing in human capital development, integrating the poor and vulnerable groups into productive and income generating activities, and investing in the development of labour skills”
Talking points
Focus area 7: Energy
• Our troika considers the action areas under the Energy focus area as quite comprehensive, however we consider the SE4A initiative as a basis on which a global goal and targets can be developed.
• We propose a global goal for Energy for All and three targets, to which countries should collectively contribute at a global level in line with their national policies, priorities and circumstances and the premise of not one size fits all. Such goal and targets should be aspirational in nature such as: ensuring universal access to modern energy services, doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency and doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix
31 March- 4 April 2014
Cyprus-Singapore-United Arab Emirates
Wednesday, April 2 2014
Talking points
Focus areas 8, 9, 10: Economic growth, Industrialization, Infrastructure
• Sustained and inclusive economic growth is a pre-requisite for eradicating poverty and hunger, while for growth to be sustained, it needs to be also sustainable and equitable
• A SDG on economic growth is likely to focus member states’ efforts in structural transformation of the economy and infrastructure development. We consider therefore focus areas 8,9 and 10 closely linked to each other
• Sustainable consumption and production is indispensable for achieving global sustainable development therefore it is important to include action areas with regard to SCP in all three focus areas
• Macroeconomic strategy, including international trade in action area (j) and external debt sustainability in action area (k) are critical to the means of implementation. Nevertheless, the troika is of the view that these issues are also cross-cutting. For example, while trade is considered as a means of implementation, it also plays an essential part in measuring economic growth
• In all three focus areas we would like to see a stronger gender mainstreaming
• Finally we would like to propose a target on human capital development under focus area 8 that could also serve focus area 11 and which requires inclusive social policies on cross-cutting sectors such as health and education and financial services. And the proposal reads “investing in human capital development, integrating the poor and vulnerable groups into productive and income generating activities, and investing in the development of labour skills”
Talking points
Focus area 7: Energy
• Our troika considers the action areas under the Energy focus area as quite comprehensive, however we consider the SE4A initiative as a basis on which a global goal and targets can be developed.
• We propose a global goal for Energy for All and three targets, to which countries should collectively contribute at a global level in line with their national policies, priorities and circumstances and the premise of not one size fits all. Such goal and targets should be aspirational in nature such as: ensuring universal access to modern energy services, doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency and doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix