Working Document for 5 – 9 May Session of Open Working Group
General comments:
Cuba believes that the proposal of the SDGs must be structured on the basis of the 3 pillars of sustainable development, as reflected in relevant paragraphs of the document “The future we want”.
In accordance with this concept, we propose:
A. To present the proposal on the basis of the three pillars of sustainable development. Thus, each focus area must be considered in the context of its relevant pillar, as follows:
Social Pillar:
Focus area 1. Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality
Focus area 3. Health and population dynamics:
Focus area 4. Education and life-long learning
Focus area 5. Gender equality and women’s empowerment
Under this pillar we suggest to:
a. Split Focus area 3 in two different objectives. One will be devoted to Health and the other one to population and development .
b. Create a new focus area on culture
Economic pillar
Focus area 2. Sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition:
Focus area 7. Energy
Focus area 8. Economic growth, employment and infrastructure:
Focus area 9. Industrialization and promoting equality among nations:
Environmental pillar
Focus area 6. Water and sanitation
Focus area 10. Sustainable cities and human settlements
Focus area 11. Sustainable Consumption and Production:
Focus area 12. Climate change:
Focus area 13. Conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas.
Focus area 14. Ecosystems and biodiversity.
B. The means of implementation are an integral component in achieving sustainable development, including trade, financing for sustainable development, capacity building, and development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies. Global partnership for sustainable development is a key to unlocking the full potential of sustainable development initiatives Domestic actions are also fundamental tools in achieving sustainable development. Special consideration should be given to the needs of countries in special situations, African countries, LDCs, LLDCs, and SIDS as well as specific challenges facing the middle-income countries. International development cooperation through a strengthened global partnership for sustainable development is critical.
On the basis of their importance and relevance, we propose to have a general area addressing them and to reflect the relevant means of implementation under each specific focus area.
C. While recognizing the vital role of the international peace and security and the need for peaceful and stable societies in achieving sustainable development, Cuba considers that the proposed focus area “Peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law and capable institutions” doesn´t constitute a sustainable development goal. Those elements are part of the environment that contributes to achieving sustainable development.
In this regard we propose to draft a paragraph umbrella addressing those elements at the international and national levels as part of the conducive environment for sustainable development. Nevertheless, our specific comments to the proposal of the facilitators we´ll be duly reflected.
Social Pillar:
Focus area 1. Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality
End poverty in all its forms everywhere:
a) eradicate extreme poverty by 2020
b) Eradicate poverty by 2030
c) reduce by XXX the proportion of people living below national poverty lines by 2030
d) by 2030 implement nationally appropriate social protection measures including floors, with focus on coverage of the most marginalized, including children, women, youth, the unemployed, migrants, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, afro descendents, and older persons;
e) Reduce income disparities at the national level by XXXXX in 2030
f) Reduce wealth inequality within countries by XXXXX in 2030
g) disasters
h) achieve full build resilience of the poor and reduce by x% deaths and economic losses related to and productive employment for all, including women and young people
i) ensure equality of economic opportunity for all women and men, including secure rights to own land, property and other productive assets and access to financial services for all women and men,
j) achieve full build resilience of the poor and reduce by x% deaths and economic losses related to and productive employment for all, including women and young people
k) Reduce income inequality between countries by XXX % in 2030.
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 3. Health and population dynamics:
Split this focus area in 2, as follows:
Healthy life at all ages for all
a) by 2030 reduce the maternal mortality ratio to less than 40 per 100,000 live births, end preventable new-born and child deaths and reduce by x% child and maternal morbidity
b) by 2030 end the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases
c) reduce by x% the risk of premature mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs), injuries and promote mental health with strong focus on prevention
d) by 2030, reduce by XXXXX child mortality under 5 years old and by XXXX child mortality due to preventable diseases.
e) achieve universal health coverage (UHC), including financial risk protection, with particular attention to the most marginalized
f) By 2030, strengthening health systems, including through increased health financing, development and training of the health workforce, and access to safe, affordable, effective and quality medicines, vaccines and medical technologies
g) Decrease in XXXXXX the differences in life expectancy by 2030.
h) by 2030, ensure universal access to affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all,
i) Increased dissemination of medical and public health knowledge, including traditional knowledge;
j) decrease by x% the number of deaths and illnesses from indoor and outdoor air pollution and other forms of environmental degradation
h) Eliminate narcotic drug and substance abuse
i) elimination of preventable child and maternal deaths;
j( Reduction of XXXX % of child morbidity by 2030;
k) End the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030;
l) Reduction of XXXXX% of communicable diseases, including malaria, tuberculosis, and neglected tropical diseases by 2030
Means of implementation: to be added
New focus area: Population and development
Full integration of population and its dynamics into the development process
a) Integration of the rights of boys, girls, youth and adolescents into the development strategies by 2030
b) Full implementation of policies aimed at guaranteeing the care, as well as the incorporation and the equitable participation of older persons in society by 2030,
c) By 2030, ensure universal access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health for all, including modern methods of family planning
d) By 2030, eliminate unemployment of all female young active population
e) By 2030, implementing strategies for the full protection of the rights of all migrants, regardless of their migration status, especially those of women and children, and for their inclusion in the societies of countries of transit and destination.
f) By 2030, guaranteeing the rights of the indigenous and afro descendent population.
g) Ensure the full realization of the rights of refugees as well as of the populations in countries in war, in particular the rights of boys, girls and women, by 2030.
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 4. Education and life-long learning.
Provide quality education and life-long opportunities and learning for all
a) by 2030 ensure universal, free, equitable access to and completion of quality primary and secondary education for all girls and boys, leading to effective learning outcomes
b) ensuring by 2030, equitable access to education at all levels with focus on the most marginalized, including indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, persons living in rural areas, and migrants;
c) Implementing policies to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to quality inclusive education, skills development and vocational training as well as their integration into the labour market by 2030
d) by 2030 increase by x% the proportion of children able to access and complete quality pre-primary education,
e) achieving high completion rates at all levels of education for both girls and boys;
f) by 2030 achieve universal youth and adult literacy, with particular attention to women and the most marginalized
g) by 2030 increase by x% the number of young and adult women and men with vocational training, technical, engineering and scientific skills
h) integrate relevant knowledge and skills in education curricula, including ICT skills, education for sustainable development, and awareness raising on culture’s contribution to sustainable development
i) all schools and other educational institutions, to provide safe and healthy learning environment for all students
j) ) universal adult literacy and lifelong learning opportunities for all
k) integrating sustainable development in education curricula
l) enhancing science and math, engineering and technical skills
Means of implementation: to be added
New focus area. Culture
Promote respect for cultural diversity and the cultural rights of all
a) Adoption of comprehensive plans and activities for contributing to a wider exchange of knowledge and understanding of cultural heritage and cultural background, advancing the enjoyment of cultural rights of all.
b) Full integration of culture into programmes, strategies and development priorities
c) Increase in 30 % the public support for culture and recognize the arts as a strategic investment based on social needs.
d) Increase the financial support to culture and art
e) Adopting policy measures aimed at increasing the support to culture and the arts
f) Adoption of national legislations aimed at guaranteeing cultural rights, and the access to cultural goods and services and the freedom of artistic expression.
g) Ensuring equal access to the enjoyment of cultural rights of all, including women and girls, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, local communities, ethnic minorities and people living in rural areas by 2030.
h) Ensuring that at least 40% of all content broadcast on the airwaves are of national origin.
i) Increased cooperation for the promotion of multilingualism, on the Internet
j) Implementing plans and programmes at national, regional, and international levels for the preservation of cultural heritage and cultural identity
k) rising impact in the cultural live of the communities and the general public through increasing the literary and artistic creation and cultural offer,
l) Strengthen educational and artistic programmes with emphasis in the contribution of culture to sustainable development
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 5. Gender equality and women’s empowerment
Attain gender equality and women’s empowerment everywhere
a) by 2030 end all forms of discrimination against women of all ages
b) by 2030 end violence against women and girls in all its forms,
c) by 2030 ensure equal access to education at all levels
d) by 2030 ensure equal employment opportunities for women and equal pay for equal work,
e) by 2030 ensure equal access to, and control of, assets and resources, including natural resources management
f) ensure equal participation and leadership of women in decision-making in public and private institutions
g) Ensure equitable access of women to the decision-making structures in governments and in the international organizations,
h) by 2030 end child, early and forced marriage
i) by 2030 reduce the burden of unpaid care work
j) by 2030 ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights
k) promote the availability of gender disaggregated data to improve gender equality policies, including gender sensitive budgeting
Means of implementation: to be added
Economic pillar
Focus area 2. Sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition
End hunger and improve nutrition for all through sustainable agriculture and improved food systems
a) all people have access to adequate (safe, affordable, diverse and nutritious) food all year round
b) end malnutrition in all its forms, notably stunting and wasting in children under five years of age
c) by 2030 ensure sustainable food production systems with high yields, and reduce intensity of use of water by at least x%, chemicals by at least y%, and energy by at least z%
d) by 2030 achieve access to adequate inputs, knowledge, productive resources, financial services and markets for small farmers and fishers, with a particular focus on women and indigenous peoples
e) reduce the global rate of loss and waste along the food supply chain by 50 percent by 2030
f) all countries have in place sustainable land-use policies by 2020, and all drought-prone countries develop and implement drought preparedness policies by 2020
g) achieve climate-smart agriculture that is resilient and adaptable to extreme weather including drought, climate change and natural disasters
h) achieve by 2030 protection of agricultural biodiversity, including through use of the practices and local knowledge related to agro-biodiversity and diversity of food
i) promoting indigenous and sustainable farming and fishing practices
j) enhancing adherence to internationally recognized guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests, including full consultation with local communities;
k) k) increased investment and support to research and development on sustainable agricultural technologies;
l) reducing post-harvest crop losses and food waste along food supply chains;
m) addressing harmful agricultural subsidies;
n) addressing price volatility, including through market information and oversight on commodity markets;
o) Achieving the AOD international commitments
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 7. Energy
Ensure access to affordable, sustainable, and reliable modern energy for all
a) by 2030 ensure universal access to sustainable modern energy services, with emphasis in the most disadvantages communities
b) double increasing the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030
c) double increasing the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency, including in buildings, industry, agriculture and transport, by 2030
d) by 2030 increase by x% the share of clean and low- or zero-emission energy technologies, including sustainable biomass and advanced cookstoves
e) by 2030 phase out fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption
f) building capacity and transferring modern energy technologies;
g) mobilizing finance to invest in modern energy infrastructure;
h) sharing knowledge and experience on appropriate regulatory frameworks and enabling environments;
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 8. Economic growth, employment and infrastructure
Promote sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth and decent jobs for all and a conducive international environment to achieve
a. sustain income growth of the bottom 40% of the income distribution of each country to reduce income inequalities by 2030
b. enhancing macroeconomic policy coordination;
c. fostering conducive regulatory and fiscal systems to promote sustainable development;
d. achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all who seek employment including for marginalized groups by 2030
e. Implementing policies to integrate youth into the formal labour market and promote equal employment opportunities and outcomes
f. implementing policies to monitor the implementation of measures by non state actors, aimed at guaranteeing the professional training of young people and their insertion in the labor market by 2030
g. halve the number of youth not in employment, education or training by 2020
h. by 2030 improve by x% the energy and resource productivity of economic activities and reduce by y% their waste and emissions per unit of output
i. create appropriate climate for SMEs, entrepreneurship and innovation by 2020
j. increase the share of high productivity sectors and activities in the economy, and strengthen productive capacities through technological upgrading and greater value addition, with a particular focus on LDCs
k. develop sustainable infrastructure accessible to all, with attention to needs of countries in special situations, and by 2030 provide access for 100% of rural populations to basic infrastructure and services
l. protect the rights of all workers, including migrant workers, in compliance with ILO fundamental rights at work
m. end child labour by 2030
n. encourage formalization of informal sector activities and employment
o. ensure the rights, social protection, safe and decent work conditions as well as fair remuneration of workers in the informal sector
p. encouraging structural transformation towards higher productivity sectors and activities;
q. substantially improving energy and resource productivity of economic activities;
r. promoting entrepreneurship, small and medium scale enterprises, and innovation;
s. ensuring debt sustainability;
t. facilitating international technology cooperation and technology transfer, particularly for environmentally sound technologies;
u. promoting investments in infrastructure such as roads, railways, ports, electricity, and communications;
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 9. Industrialization and promoting equality among nations:
Promote sustainable industrialization and equality among nations
a) ensure adequate policy space and a conducive policy environment for industrial development, including encouragement of industrial entrepreneurship and enterprise formation with inclusion of SMEs
b) create decent industrial sector jobs and promote job-rich industrial development
c) achieve high productivity levels across industrial sectors in all countries
d) by 2030 increase industrial diversity particularly in developing countries, with a focus on shifting towards higher value-added activities
e) by 2030, increase by x% the resource-efficiency of industry, reduce by y% harmful chemicals used and waste generated, and decrease by z% the intensity of carbon emissions from the industrial sector
f) increase by a factor of x the share of environmentally sustainable products and services in GDP
g) by 2020 implement plans and measures to strengthen the technological capabilities of industrial sectors, including plans to accelerate development and adoption of environmentally sound industrial technologies and processes
h) by 2030 retrofit x% of existing industries on global level based on energy and resource-efficient technologies and environmentally sound industrial processes
i) advancing sustainable industrial development based on energy-and resource-efficient and environmentally sound industrial processes, including phase out of harmful chemicals, waste and pollution, minimizing material use and maximizing material recovery, with technology cooperation and transfer to support such development;
j) c) strengthening institutions that support industrial production, technological upgrading and value addition;
Means of implementation: to be added
Environmental pillar
Focus area 6. Water and sanitation
Water and sanitation for a sustainable world
a) by 2030, provide universal access to safe and affordable drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, especially for women and girls including in households, schools, health facilities, workplaces and refugee camps
b) by 2030, improve wastewater management, recycling and reuse by x%
c) by 2030, improve water-use efficiency by x% in all sectors, with particular focus on agriculture
d) implement integrated water resource management, including appropriate trans-boundary co-operation
e) by 2030, bring fresh water extraction in line with sustainable supply, protect and restore ecosystems, to provide water-related services
f) by 2030, significantly improve water quality, eliminate pollution and dumping of toxic materials in water bodies, and protect aquifers
g) invest in water harvesting and storage technologies, and double the rainwater harvested by 2030
h) decrease by x% mortality and serious injuries, and decrease economic losses caused by water-related disasters, by 2030
i) enhancing effective water governance including catchment area based integrated water resources management and appropriate trans-boundary co-operation;
j) g) expanding water-related vocational training at all levels;
k) h) protecting and restoring water-linked ecosystems like mountains, watersheds and wetlands;
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 10. Sustainable cities and human settlements
Build inclusive, safe and sustainable cities and human settlements
a) By 2030, ensure universal access to adequate and affordable housing and basic services for all, and eliminate slum-like conditions everywhere
b) By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport for all, improve road safety and urban air quality
c) enhance capacities for integrated urban planning and management
d) by 2030, reduce the ecological footprints of cities by x%
e) by 2020, increase by x% the number of cities adopting and implementing policies and plans towards resilience and adaptation to climate change and natural disasters
f) by 2030 enhance social cohesion and personal security, and ensure universal access to inclusive and safe public spaces
g) by 2030 ensure that all cities are accessible and offer opportunities to persons with disabilities
h) protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 11. Sustainable Consumption and Production
Promote sustainable consumption and production patterns
a) by 2030 achieve sustainable management and use of natural resources
b) by 2030 reduce waste by x% through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
c) improve the resource productivity of economic activities by x%, including through sustainable supply chains by 2030
d) by 2030 redouble efforts to raise awareness for creating a culture of sufficiency and sustainable lifestyles, including sustainability information on products and services
e) by 2020, encourage economic incentives that promote sustainable consumption and production patterns including through a product life-cycle approach
f) by 2030 increase by x percentage points the share of companies reporting on corporate social and environmental responsibility, including integrated reporting
g) by 2030, all financial sector actors incorporate sustainable development principles in their business practices
h) create incentives for sustainable tourism
i) fostering collaboration among the academic, scientific and technological community to advance technologies for sustainable consumption and production;
j) enhanced reporting on corporate social and environmental responsibility, including integrated reporting, and sustainable finance;
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 12. Climate change
Take urgent and significant action to mitigate and adapt to climate change
Build a climate change goal based on the outcome of COP21 of the UNFCCC
a) hold the increase in global average temperature below an x°C rise in accordance with international agreements
b) build resilience and adaptive capacity to climate induced hazards in all vulnerable countries
c) integrate climate adaptation and emissions reductions into development plans and poverty reduction strategies
d) introduce instruments and incentives for investments in low-carbon solutions in infrastructure, industry and other sectors
e) improve education and awareness raising on climate change
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 13. Conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas.
Take urgent and significant actions for the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas
a) by 2030, prevent, control and reduce by x% marine pollution and marine disposal of waste and tailings, including from land-based activities
b) by 2030, restore and protect marine ecosystems from destruction, including by halting and preventing ocean acidification
c) by 2030, regulate harvesting to restore fish stocks to ecologically safe levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield, and support sustainable small-scale fisheries
d) develop and ensure the full implementation of existing regional and international regimes governing oceans and seas, including for resources in areas beyond national jurisdictions
e) by 2020, eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and destructive fishing practices
f) establish Marine Protected Areas, consistent with international law
g) by 2030, eliminate fishing subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing
h) Increase the resilience of developing countries to the rise of the sea level and coast degradation in particular through the provision of substantive financial support.
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 14. Ecosystems and biodiversity.
Protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and halt all biodiversity loss
a) by 2020 halt the loss of all biodiversity, including habitats, and protect threatened species
b) by 2020 ensure conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems, including through restoration of degraded critical ecosystems
c) maintain genetic diversity of both farmed species and their wild relatives
d) by 2030, ensure sustainable management of all forests and mountain ecosystems, halting deforestation and increasing reforestation by x%
e) by 2030, achieve a land degradation neutral world
f) ensure fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from natural assets, including genetic resources
g) end poaching and trafficking of endangered species
h) by 2030, eliminate invasive alien species
i) ensure inclusion of indigenous and local communities in decision making, and promote traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 15. Means of implementation/Global partnership for sustainable development . MINREX, BCC, CIEM, CIEI, UH, INIE, CITMA, MINCEX, ANEC, ONEI, MES
Strengthen global partnership for sustainable development
Means of implementation
a) promote open, rules-based, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading and financial systems, including complying with the agricultural mandate of the WTO Doha Round
b) provide greater duty-free and quota-free market access to least developed countries in keeping with World Trade Organization decisions
c) improve market access for agricultural and industrial exports of developing countries, especially Least Developed Countries, and at least double the share of LDCs’ exports in global exports by 2020
Technology transfer, technological capabilities:
d) enhance regional and international cooperation for science, technology, and innovation and solutions-oriented research, and enhance knowledge sharing, including through North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation
e) promote transfer and dissemination of clean and environmentally sound technologies to developing countries
f) fully operationalize the Technology Bank and STI Capacity Building Mechanism for LDCs
g) strengthen institutions and build capacities in developing countries to undertake research, development and adaptation of technologies, including clean and environmentally sound technologies
h) support fully research and development of vaccines and medicines for the common diseases of developing countries, notably LDCs
Financing and debt sustainability:
i) full implementation by developed countries of ODA commitments on an agreed timetable based on agreed principles
j) mobilize additional financial resources from multiple sources, including reducing the cost of remittances
k) encourage long-term private foreign investment and inclusive finance
l) ensure adequate financial resources for investments in sustainable development
m) ensure debt sustainability and debt relief
n) promote inclusive, participatory decision-making at both national and international levels, including the conclusion of reforms for increasing effective participation of developing countries in international financial institutions
o) strengthen domestic resource mobilization, including by improving tax collection and the efficiency of public spending, reducing tax evasion and avoidance, improving stolen asset recovery, and strengthening systems to harness domestic savings for investment
p) promote sustainable public procurement, including through national targets
Capacity building:
q) expand by x% globally the number of scholarships for students from LDCs to enroll in higher education programmes in developed countries and other developing countries, with focus on science, engineering and management
r) substantially strengthen capacities for sustainable development data collection and analysis with a focus on generating disaggregated, timely and high-quality data
s) countries progressively introduce expanded measures of progress beyond GDP into national accounting, with supportive statistical capacity building in developing countries
t) develop and implement capacity building programmes in developing countries, especially LDCs, in support of the national plans implementing sustainable development goals, including in agriculture, water, energy, health as well as in disaster prevention and reduction capacity and sustainable natural resources management
Strengthened global partnership for sustainable development
u) engage all stakeholders in implementation of the SDGs, including through effective, innovative and accountable partnerships in cooperation with governments that mobilize financial resources, develop and disseminate technologies and provide technical expertise
v) regular monitoring and reporting of progress on SDGs within a shared accountability framework, including means of implementation, the global partnership among Member States and multi-stakeholder initiatives and partnerships
Focus area 16. Peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law and capable institutions. TO be deleted.
Peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law and capable institutions
On the basis of our position related to this focus area, we propose to move the targets to relevant focus areas, as follows,
Creating peaceful and inclusive societies:
by 2030 reduce by x% crime, violence and exploitation especially of children and women including by reducing organized crime and human trafficking : Focus area 1” Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality” and Focus Area 5 “ Gender equality and women’s empowerment
a) by 2030 eliminate discriminatory laws, policies and practices, empower marginalized groups, in the social, political and economic fields:. Focus Area 1. ” Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality”
b) by 2030 establish inclusive, participatory decision-making, including at local governments, taking into consideration the interests of future generations: Focus Area 1. ” Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality”
c) by 2020 provide information and education on a culture of non-violence. Focus Area 4 Education and life-long learning.
d) by 2030 implement planned and managed migration policies. Focus Area 1 ” Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality” or the Focus Area related to the population and its dynamics.
Rule of law, capable institutions:
a) by 2030 develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels. To be deleted, since is not related to any focus area, nor to any development pillar.
b) by 2030 provide equal access to independent and responsive justice systems including related to property and tenure rights, employment, business, taxation, trade and finance. Focus area 1” Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality” and 8” Economic growth, employment and infrastructure”
c) by 2020 provide public services for all, including legal identity. Focus area 1” Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality”
d) improve access to information on public finance management, public procurement and on the implementation of national development plans. Focus Area 8” Economic growth, employment and infrastructure”
e) by 2030 decrease by x% corruption in all its forms and illicit financial flows. Focus Area 8” Economic growth, employment and infrastructure”
f) remove unnecessary restrictions of freedom of media, association and speech . To be deleted, since is not related to any focus area, nor to any development pillar.
General comments:
Cuba believes that the proposal of the SDGs must be structured on the basis of the 3 pillars of sustainable development, as reflected in relevant paragraphs of the document “The future we want”.
In accordance with this concept, we propose:
A. To present the proposal on the basis of the three pillars of sustainable development. Thus, each focus area must be considered in the context of its relevant pillar, as follows:
Social Pillar:
Focus area 1. Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality
Focus area 3. Health and population dynamics:
Focus area 4. Education and life-long learning
Focus area 5. Gender equality and women’s empowerment
Under this pillar we suggest to:
a. Split Focus area 3 in two different objectives. One will be devoted to Health and the other one to population and development .
b. Create a new focus area on culture
Economic pillar
Focus area 2. Sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition:
Focus area 7. Energy
Focus area 8. Economic growth, employment and infrastructure:
Focus area 9. Industrialization and promoting equality among nations:
Environmental pillar
Focus area 6. Water and sanitation
Focus area 10. Sustainable cities and human settlements
Focus area 11. Sustainable Consumption and Production:
Focus area 12. Climate change:
Focus area 13. Conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas.
Focus area 14. Ecosystems and biodiversity.
B. The means of implementation are an integral component in achieving sustainable development, including trade, financing for sustainable development, capacity building, and development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies. Global partnership for sustainable development is a key to unlocking the full potential of sustainable development initiatives Domestic actions are also fundamental tools in achieving sustainable development. Special consideration should be given to the needs of countries in special situations, African countries, LDCs, LLDCs, and SIDS as well as specific challenges facing the middle-income countries. International development cooperation through a strengthened global partnership for sustainable development is critical.
On the basis of their importance and relevance, we propose to have a general area addressing them and to reflect the relevant means of implementation under each specific focus area.
C. While recognizing the vital role of the international peace and security and the need for peaceful and stable societies in achieving sustainable development, Cuba considers that the proposed focus area “Peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law and capable institutions” doesn´t constitute a sustainable development goal. Those elements are part of the environment that contributes to achieving sustainable development.
In this regard we propose to draft a paragraph umbrella addressing those elements at the international and national levels as part of the conducive environment for sustainable development. Nevertheless, our specific comments to the proposal of the facilitators we´ll be duly reflected.
Social Pillar:
Focus area 1. Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality
End poverty in all its forms everywhere:
a) eradicate extreme poverty by 2020
b) Eradicate poverty by 2030
c) reduce by XXX the proportion of people living below national poverty lines by 2030
d) by 2030 implement nationally appropriate social protection measures including floors, with focus on coverage of the most marginalized, including children, women, youth, the unemployed, migrants, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, afro descendents, and older persons;
e) Reduce income disparities at the national level by XXXXX in 2030
f) Reduce wealth inequality within countries by XXXXX in 2030
g) disasters
h) achieve full build resilience of the poor and reduce by x% deaths and economic losses related to and productive employment for all, including women and young people
i) ensure equality of economic opportunity for all women and men, including secure rights to own land, property and other productive assets and access to financial services for all women and men,
j) achieve full build resilience of the poor and reduce by x% deaths and economic losses related to and productive employment for all, including women and young people
k) Reduce income inequality between countries by XXX % in 2030.
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 3. Health and population dynamics:
Split this focus area in 2, as follows:
Healthy life at all ages for all
a) by 2030 reduce the maternal mortality ratio to less than 40 per 100,000 live births, end preventable new-born and child deaths and reduce by x% child and maternal morbidity
b) by 2030 end the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases
c) reduce by x% the risk of premature mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs), injuries and promote mental health with strong focus on prevention
d) by 2030, reduce by XXXXX child mortality under 5 years old and by XXXX child mortality due to preventable diseases.
e) achieve universal health coverage (UHC), including financial risk protection, with particular attention to the most marginalized
f) By 2030, strengthening health systems, including through increased health financing, development and training of the health workforce, and access to safe, affordable, effective and quality medicines, vaccines and medical technologies
g) Decrease in XXXXXX the differences in life expectancy by 2030.
h) by 2030, ensure universal access to affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all,
i) Increased dissemination of medical and public health knowledge, including traditional knowledge;
j) decrease by x% the number of deaths and illnesses from indoor and outdoor air pollution and other forms of environmental degradation
h) Eliminate narcotic drug and substance abuse
i) elimination of preventable child and maternal deaths;
j( Reduction of XXXX % of child morbidity by 2030;
k) End the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030;
l) Reduction of XXXXX% of communicable diseases, including malaria, tuberculosis, and neglected tropical diseases by 2030
Means of implementation: to be added
New focus area: Population and development
Full integration of population and its dynamics into the development process
a) Integration of the rights of boys, girls, youth and adolescents into the development strategies by 2030
b) Full implementation of policies aimed at guaranteeing the care, as well as the incorporation and the equitable participation of older persons in society by 2030,
c) By 2030, ensure universal access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health for all, including modern methods of family planning
d) By 2030, eliminate unemployment of all female young active population
e) By 2030, implementing strategies for the full protection of the rights of all migrants, regardless of their migration status, especially those of women and children, and for their inclusion in the societies of countries of transit and destination.
f) By 2030, guaranteeing the rights of the indigenous and afro descendent population.
g) Ensure the full realization of the rights of refugees as well as of the populations in countries in war, in particular the rights of boys, girls and women, by 2030.
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 4. Education and life-long learning.
Provide quality education and life-long opportunities and learning for all
a) by 2030 ensure universal, free, equitable access to and completion of quality primary and secondary education for all girls and boys, leading to effective learning outcomes
b) ensuring by 2030, equitable access to education at all levels with focus on the most marginalized, including indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, persons living in rural areas, and migrants;
c) Implementing policies to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to quality inclusive education, skills development and vocational training as well as their integration into the labour market by 2030
d) by 2030 increase by x% the proportion of children able to access and complete quality pre-primary education,
e) achieving high completion rates at all levels of education for both girls and boys;
f) by 2030 achieve universal youth and adult literacy, with particular attention to women and the most marginalized
g) by 2030 increase by x% the number of young and adult women and men with vocational training, technical, engineering and scientific skills
h) integrate relevant knowledge and skills in education curricula, including ICT skills, education for sustainable development, and awareness raising on culture’s contribution to sustainable development
i) all schools and other educational institutions, to provide safe and healthy learning environment for all students
j) ) universal adult literacy and lifelong learning opportunities for all
k) integrating sustainable development in education curricula
l) enhancing science and math, engineering and technical skills
Means of implementation: to be added
New focus area. Culture
Promote respect for cultural diversity and the cultural rights of all
a) Adoption of comprehensive plans and activities for contributing to a wider exchange of knowledge and understanding of cultural heritage and cultural background, advancing the enjoyment of cultural rights of all.
b) Full integration of culture into programmes, strategies and development priorities
c) Increase in 30 % the public support for culture and recognize the arts as a strategic investment based on social needs.
d) Increase the financial support to culture and art
e) Adopting policy measures aimed at increasing the support to culture and the arts
f) Adoption of national legislations aimed at guaranteeing cultural rights, and the access to cultural goods and services and the freedom of artistic expression.
g) Ensuring equal access to the enjoyment of cultural rights of all, including women and girls, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, local communities, ethnic minorities and people living in rural areas by 2030.
h) Ensuring that at least 40% of all content broadcast on the airwaves are of national origin.
i) Increased cooperation for the promotion of multilingualism, on the Internet
j) Implementing plans and programmes at national, regional, and international levels for the preservation of cultural heritage and cultural identity
k) rising impact in the cultural live of the communities and the general public through increasing the literary and artistic creation and cultural offer,
l) Strengthen educational and artistic programmes with emphasis in the contribution of culture to sustainable development
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 5. Gender equality and women’s empowerment
Attain gender equality and women’s empowerment everywhere
a) by 2030 end all forms of discrimination against women of all ages
b) by 2030 end violence against women and girls in all its forms,
c) by 2030 ensure equal access to education at all levels
d) by 2030 ensure equal employment opportunities for women and equal pay for equal work,
e) by 2030 ensure equal access to, and control of, assets and resources, including natural resources management
f) ensure equal participation and leadership of women in decision-making in public and private institutions
g) Ensure equitable access of women to the decision-making structures in governments and in the international organizations,
h) by 2030 end child, early and forced marriage
i) by 2030 reduce the burden of unpaid care work
j) by 2030 ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights
k) promote the availability of gender disaggregated data to improve gender equality policies, including gender sensitive budgeting
Means of implementation: to be added
Economic pillar
Focus area 2. Sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition
End hunger and improve nutrition for all through sustainable agriculture and improved food systems
a) all people have access to adequate (safe, affordable, diverse and nutritious) food all year round
b) end malnutrition in all its forms, notably stunting and wasting in children under five years of age
c) by 2030 ensure sustainable food production systems with high yields, and reduce intensity of use of water by at least x%, chemicals by at least y%, and energy by at least z%
d) by 2030 achieve access to adequate inputs, knowledge, productive resources, financial services and markets for small farmers and fishers, with a particular focus on women and indigenous peoples
e) reduce the global rate of loss and waste along the food supply chain by 50 percent by 2030
f) all countries have in place sustainable land-use policies by 2020, and all drought-prone countries develop and implement drought preparedness policies by 2020
g) achieve climate-smart agriculture that is resilient and adaptable to extreme weather including drought, climate change and natural disasters
h) achieve by 2030 protection of agricultural biodiversity, including through use of the practices and local knowledge related to agro-biodiversity and diversity of food
i) promoting indigenous and sustainable farming and fishing practices
j) enhancing adherence to internationally recognized guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests, including full consultation with local communities;
k) k) increased investment and support to research and development on sustainable agricultural technologies;
l) reducing post-harvest crop losses and food waste along food supply chains;
m) addressing harmful agricultural subsidies;
n) addressing price volatility, including through market information and oversight on commodity markets;
o) Achieving the AOD international commitments
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 7. Energy
Ensure access to affordable, sustainable, and reliable modern energy for all
a) by 2030 ensure universal access to sustainable modern energy services, with emphasis in the most disadvantages communities
b) double increasing the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030
c) double increasing the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency, including in buildings, industry, agriculture and transport, by 2030
d) by 2030 increase by x% the share of clean and low- or zero-emission energy technologies, including sustainable biomass and advanced cookstoves
e) by 2030 phase out fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption
f) building capacity and transferring modern energy technologies;
g) mobilizing finance to invest in modern energy infrastructure;
h) sharing knowledge and experience on appropriate regulatory frameworks and enabling environments;
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 8. Economic growth, employment and infrastructure
Promote sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth and decent jobs for all and a conducive international environment to achieve
a. sustain income growth of the bottom 40% of the income distribution of each country to reduce income inequalities by 2030
b. enhancing macroeconomic policy coordination;
c. fostering conducive regulatory and fiscal systems to promote sustainable development;
d. achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all who seek employment including for marginalized groups by 2030
e. Implementing policies to integrate youth into the formal labour market and promote equal employment opportunities and outcomes
f. implementing policies to monitor the implementation of measures by non state actors, aimed at guaranteeing the professional training of young people and their insertion in the labor market by 2030
g. halve the number of youth not in employment, education or training by 2020
h. by 2030 improve by x% the energy and resource productivity of economic activities and reduce by y% their waste and emissions per unit of output
i. create appropriate climate for SMEs, entrepreneurship and innovation by 2020
j. increase the share of high productivity sectors and activities in the economy, and strengthen productive capacities through technological upgrading and greater value addition, with a particular focus on LDCs
k. develop sustainable infrastructure accessible to all, with attention to needs of countries in special situations, and by 2030 provide access for 100% of rural populations to basic infrastructure and services
l. protect the rights of all workers, including migrant workers, in compliance with ILO fundamental rights at work
m. end child labour by 2030
n. encourage formalization of informal sector activities and employment
o. ensure the rights, social protection, safe and decent work conditions as well as fair remuneration of workers in the informal sector
p. encouraging structural transformation towards higher productivity sectors and activities;
q. substantially improving energy and resource productivity of economic activities;
r. promoting entrepreneurship, small and medium scale enterprises, and innovation;
s. ensuring debt sustainability;
t. facilitating international technology cooperation and technology transfer, particularly for environmentally sound technologies;
u. promoting investments in infrastructure such as roads, railways, ports, electricity, and communications;
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 9. Industrialization and promoting equality among nations:
Promote sustainable industrialization and equality among nations
a) ensure adequate policy space and a conducive policy environment for industrial development, including encouragement of industrial entrepreneurship and enterprise formation with inclusion of SMEs
b) create decent industrial sector jobs and promote job-rich industrial development
c) achieve high productivity levels across industrial sectors in all countries
d) by 2030 increase industrial diversity particularly in developing countries, with a focus on shifting towards higher value-added activities
e) by 2030, increase by x% the resource-efficiency of industry, reduce by y% harmful chemicals used and waste generated, and decrease by z% the intensity of carbon emissions from the industrial sector
f) increase by a factor of x the share of environmentally sustainable products and services in GDP
g) by 2020 implement plans and measures to strengthen the technological capabilities of industrial sectors, including plans to accelerate development and adoption of environmentally sound industrial technologies and processes
h) by 2030 retrofit x% of existing industries on global level based on energy and resource-efficient technologies and environmentally sound industrial processes
i) advancing sustainable industrial development based on energy-and resource-efficient and environmentally sound industrial processes, including phase out of harmful chemicals, waste and pollution, minimizing material use and maximizing material recovery, with technology cooperation and transfer to support such development;
j) c) strengthening institutions that support industrial production, technological upgrading and value addition;
Means of implementation: to be added
Environmental pillar
Focus area 6. Water and sanitation
Water and sanitation for a sustainable world
a) by 2030, provide universal access to safe and affordable drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, especially for women and girls including in households, schools, health facilities, workplaces and refugee camps
b) by 2030, improve wastewater management, recycling and reuse by x%
c) by 2030, improve water-use efficiency by x% in all sectors, with particular focus on agriculture
d) implement integrated water resource management, including appropriate trans-boundary co-operation
e) by 2030, bring fresh water extraction in line with sustainable supply, protect and restore ecosystems, to provide water-related services
f) by 2030, significantly improve water quality, eliminate pollution and dumping of toxic materials in water bodies, and protect aquifers
g) invest in water harvesting and storage technologies, and double the rainwater harvested by 2030
h) decrease by x% mortality and serious injuries, and decrease economic losses caused by water-related disasters, by 2030
i) enhancing effective water governance including catchment area based integrated water resources management and appropriate trans-boundary co-operation;
j) g) expanding water-related vocational training at all levels;
k) h) protecting and restoring water-linked ecosystems like mountains, watersheds and wetlands;
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 10. Sustainable cities and human settlements
Build inclusive, safe and sustainable cities and human settlements
a) By 2030, ensure universal access to adequate and affordable housing and basic services for all, and eliminate slum-like conditions everywhere
b) By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport for all, improve road safety and urban air quality
c) enhance capacities for integrated urban planning and management
d) by 2030, reduce the ecological footprints of cities by x%
e) by 2020, increase by x% the number of cities adopting and implementing policies and plans towards resilience and adaptation to climate change and natural disasters
f) by 2030 enhance social cohesion and personal security, and ensure universal access to inclusive and safe public spaces
g) by 2030 ensure that all cities are accessible and offer opportunities to persons with disabilities
h) protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 11. Sustainable Consumption and Production
Promote sustainable consumption and production patterns
a) by 2030 achieve sustainable management and use of natural resources
b) by 2030 reduce waste by x% through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
c) improve the resource productivity of economic activities by x%, including through sustainable supply chains by 2030
d) by 2030 redouble efforts to raise awareness for creating a culture of sufficiency and sustainable lifestyles, including sustainability information on products and services
e) by 2020, encourage economic incentives that promote sustainable consumption and production patterns including through a product life-cycle approach
f) by 2030 increase by x percentage points the share of companies reporting on corporate social and environmental responsibility, including integrated reporting
g) by 2030, all financial sector actors incorporate sustainable development principles in their business practices
h) create incentives for sustainable tourism
i) fostering collaboration among the academic, scientific and technological community to advance technologies for sustainable consumption and production;
j) enhanced reporting on corporate social and environmental responsibility, including integrated reporting, and sustainable finance;
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 12. Climate change
Take urgent and significant action to mitigate and adapt to climate change
Build a climate change goal based on the outcome of COP21 of the UNFCCC
a) hold the increase in global average temperature below an x°C rise in accordance with international agreements
b) build resilience and adaptive capacity to climate induced hazards in all vulnerable countries
c) integrate climate adaptation and emissions reductions into development plans and poverty reduction strategies
d) introduce instruments and incentives for investments in low-carbon solutions in infrastructure, industry and other sectors
e) improve education and awareness raising on climate change
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 13. Conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas.
Take urgent and significant actions for the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas
a) by 2030, prevent, control and reduce by x% marine pollution and marine disposal of waste and tailings, including from land-based activities
b) by 2030, restore and protect marine ecosystems from destruction, including by halting and preventing ocean acidification
c) by 2030, regulate harvesting to restore fish stocks to ecologically safe levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield, and support sustainable small-scale fisheries
d) develop and ensure the full implementation of existing regional and international regimes governing oceans and seas, including for resources in areas beyond national jurisdictions
e) by 2020, eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and destructive fishing practices
f) establish Marine Protected Areas, consistent with international law
g) by 2030, eliminate fishing subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing
h) Increase the resilience of developing countries to the rise of the sea level and coast degradation in particular through the provision of substantive financial support.
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 14. Ecosystems and biodiversity.
Protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and halt all biodiversity loss
a) by 2020 halt the loss of all biodiversity, including habitats, and protect threatened species
b) by 2020 ensure conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems, including through restoration of degraded critical ecosystems
c) maintain genetic diversity of both farmed species and their wild relatives
d) by 2030, ensure sustainable management of all forests and mountain ecosystems, halting deforestation and increasing reforestation by x%
e) by 2030, achieve a land degradation neutral world
f) ensure fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from natural assets, including genetic resources
g) end poaching and trafficking of endangered species
h) by 2030, eliminate invasive alien species
i) ensure inclusion of indigenous and local communities in decision making, and promote traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples
Means of implementation: to be added
Focus area 15. Means of implementation/Global partnership for sustainable development . MINREX, BCC, CIEM, CIEI, UH, INIE, CITMA, MINCEX, ANEC, ONEI, MES
Strengthen global partnership for sustainable development
Means of implementation
a) promote open, rules-based, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading and financial systems, including complying with the agricultural mandate of the WTO Doha Round
b) provide greater duty-free and quota-free market access to least developed countries in keeping with World Trade Organization decisions
c) improve market access for agricultural and industrial exports of developing countries, especially Least Developed Countries, and at least double the share of LDCs’ exports in global exports by 2020
Technology transfer, technological capabilities:
d) enhance regional and international cooperation for science, technology, and innovation and solutions-oriented research, and enhance knowledge sharing, including through North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation
e) promote transfer and dissemination of clean and environmentally sound technologies to developing countries
f) fully operationalize the Technology Bank and STI Capacity Building Mechanism for LDCs
g) strengthen institutions and build capacities in developing countries to undertake research, development and adaptation of technologies, including clean and environmentally sound technologies
h) support fully research and development of vaccines and medicines for the common diseases of developing countries, notably LDCs
Financing and debt sustainability:
i) full implementation by developed countries of ODA commitments on an agreed timetable based on agreed principles
j) mobilize additional financial resources from multiple sources, including reducing the cost of remittances
k) encourage long-term private foreign investment and inclusive finance
l) ensure adequate financial resources for investments in sustainable development
m) ensure debt sustainability and debt relief
n) promote inclusive, participatory decision-making at both national and international levels, including the conclusion of reforms for increasing effective participation of developing countries in international financial institutions
o) strengthen domestic resource mobilization, including by improving tax collection and the efficiency of public spending, reducing tax evasion and avoidance, improving stolen asset recovery, and strengthening systems to harness domestic savings for investment
p) promote sustainable public procurement, including through national targets
Capacity building:
q) expand by x% globally the number of scholarships for students from LDCs to enroll in higher education programmes in developed countries and other developing countries, with focus on science, engineering and management
r) substantially strengthen capacities for sustainable development data collection and analysis with a focus on generating disaggregated, timely and high-quality data
s) countries progressively introduce expanded measures of progress beyond GDP into national accounting, with supportive statistical capacity building in developing countries
t) develop and implement capacity building programmes in developing countries, especially LDCs, in support of the national plans implementing sustainable development goals, including in agriculture, water, energy, health as well as in disaster prevention and reduction capacity and sustainable natural resources management
Strengthened global partnership for sustainable development
u) engage all stakeholders in implementation of the SDGs, including through effective, innovative and accountable partnerships in cooperation with governments that mobilize financial resources, develop and disseminate technologies and provide technical expertise
v) regular monitoring and reporting of progress on SDGs within a shared accountability framework, including means of implementation, the global partnership among Member States and multi-stakeholder initiatives and partnerships
Focus area 16. Peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law and capable institutions. TO be deleted.
Peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law and capable institutions
On the basis of our position related to this focus area, we propose to move the targets to relevant focus areas, as follows,
Creating peaceful and inclusive societies:
by 2030 reduce by x% crime, violence and exploitation especially of children and women including by reducing organized crime and human trafficking : Focus area 1” Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality” and Focus Area 5 “ Gender equality and women’s empowerment
a) by 2030 eliminate discriminatory laws, policies and practices, empower marginalized groups, in the social, political and economic fields:. Focus Area 1. ” Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality”
b) by 2030 establish inclusive, participatory decision-making, including at local governments, taking into consideration the interests of future generations: Focus Area 1. ” Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality”
c) by 2020 provide information and education on a culture of non-violence. Focus Area 4 Education and life-long learning.
d) by 2030 implement planned and managed migration policies. Focus Area 1 ” Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality” or the Focus Area related to the population and its dynamics.
Rule of law, capable institutions:
a) by 2030 develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels. To be deleted, since is not related to any focus area, nor to any development pillar.
b) by 2030 provide equal access to independent and responsive justice systems including related to property and tenure rights, employment, business, taxation, trade and finance. Focus area 1” Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality” and 8” Economic growth, employment and infrastructure”
c) by 2020 provide public services for all, including legal identity. Focus area 1” Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality”
d) improve access to information on public finance management, public procurement and on the implementation of national development plans. Focus Area 8” Economic growth, employment and infrastructure”
e) by 2030 decrease by x% corruption in all its forms and illicit financial flows. Focus Area 8” Economic growth, employment and infrastructure”
f) remove unnecessary restrictions of freedom of media, association and speech . To be deleted, since is not related to any focus area, nor to any development pillar.