Concile Mondial de Congres Diplomatiques des Aumoniers pour
la Paix Universelle des Droits Humains et Juridiques
An organization in Special Status of the
United Nations Economic Social Council
[Main Office] 33, Arcachon 32, Carrefour, HAITI
Tels: +(509)46398098/+33 675115488
[EU Office] 72 rue du Faubourg St.
Honoré 75008 Paris, France
26 February 2014
ATTN: Small Island Developing States Bureau
CC: Kelly Dorkenoo
RE: Intervention Statement CMOCDAPUNDHJ in Regards to Small Island Development
Dear Small Island Developing States Delegates:
Today CMOCDAPUNDHJ, [referred to as (“Comocodi” Haiti” for short form”) would like
to thank all of the participants here today to allow us to share our ideas, communication
on progress on civil society partnerships that we currently have active in the Member
States of Haiti and Jamaica.
A short description about our organization- We currently are a stakeholder and partner of
ECCO2 Global Partners, an intergovernmental association, consisting of a multiple civil
society groups in the West Indies, Eastern Europe, and more recently, Micronesia.
Our missions and focal points are aligned with the Rio+ 20 Principles and the Millennium
Developments Goals to develop and support the awareness and solutions on program
platforms that aid humanity and the environment.
About five years ago Mr. Cary Lee Peterson founded the concept and organization,
currently known as Environmental Control of Carbon Dioxide [or ECCO2 for short].
CMOCDAPUNDHJ partnered with ECCO2 along with other UN-affiliated NGOs and
local governments in West Africa and the West Indies.
The organization and network grew but it was not easy all the time delegating and
working with Member Parties. There were many times where stakeholders and
associates wanted to give up and quit or abandon the civil society program due to lack of
cooperation, communication, and support from the governments. Haiti, for example took
about two years before the national government agreed to make public notice to
acknowledge a program that had been active in development stages two years prior. We
ask ourselves how can observers make observation on something they cannot see. This
happens all too often with NGOs and civil society groups. This is why making awareness
of your actions are pertinent. Our origination and its partners have spend a great amount
Concile Mondial de Congres Diplomatiques des Aumoniers pour
la Paix Universelle des Droits Humains et Juridiques
An organization in Special Status of the
United Nations Economic Social Council
[Main Office] 33, Arcachon 32, Carrefour, HAITI
Tels: +(509)46398098/+33 675115488
[EU Office] 72 rue du Faubourg St.
Honoré 75008 Paris, France
of time, funding, and effort to maintain communication of progress (COP), which will
certain keep potential sponsors, contributors, and financial aid prospects interested in
our Mission and projects.
The pervious testimony is provided at this meeting today to encourage other NGOs and
stakeholders to not give up, work on strong communication amongst partnerships, and
always maintain awareness of your activities and progress.
Many participants talk about the obvious topics: Let’s bypass the common facts and
focus on what matters. If you are here today and do not know what all eight of the focal
points that make up the Millennium Developments Goals and how each of them affects
the Small Island nation that your are representing, you need to afford the time to educate
yourself with the content that can be easily found on the United Nations website.
Education is first and foremost the most important elements. Securing funding sources
are also very pertinent. We can talk about several sustainable solutions; however
without the proper funding nothing will ever come to fruition.
My closing comments: The civil society groups and partners Small Island Developing
States should set a goal to have communication of progress for the upcoming Third
International Conference on Small Island Developing States in Samoa later this year,
whether it be small progress, as a person building a house and laying only one brick per
day. After several days and weeks the aggregation of works will show productivity and
enable us to eventually reach our goals for S.I.D.S, opposed to continuance of endless
delegations about the problems at hand and showing no efforts to viable solutions.
CMOCDAPUNDHJ and ECCO2 Global Partners would like to thank you all for allowing
us to share our comments and statements for intervention at today’s meeting.
Thank you and God Bless.
H.E. Cary Lee Peterson – Main Representative to the U.N. Office of Vienna, CMOCDAPUNDHJ
la Paix Universelle des Droits Humains et Juridiques
An organization in Special Status of the
United Nations Economic Social Council
[Main Office] 33, Arcachon 32, Carrefour, HAITI
Tels: +(509)46398098/+33 675115488
[EU Office] 72 rue du Faubourg St.
Honoré 75008 Paris, France
26 February 2014
ATTN: Small Island Developing States Bureau
CC: Kelly Dorkenoo
RE: Intervention Statement CMOCDAPUNDHJ in Regards to Small Island Development
Dear Small Island Developing States Delegates:
Today CMOCDAPUNDHJ, [referred to as (“Comocodi” Haiti” for short form”) would like
to thank all of the participants here today to allow us to share our ideas, communication
on progress on civil society partnerships that we currently have active in the Member
States of Haiti and Jamaica.
A short description about our organization- We currently are a stakeholder and partner of
ECCO2 Global Partners, an intergovernmental association, consisting of a multiple civil
society groups in the West Indies, Eastern Europe, and more recently, Micronesia.
Our missions and focal points are aligned with the Rio+ 20 Principles and the Millennium
Developments Goals to develop and support the awareness and solutions on program
platforms that aid humanity and the environment.
About five years ago Mr. Cary Lee Peterson founded the concept and organization,
currently known as Environmental Control of Carbon Dioxide [or ECCO2 for short].
CMOCDAPUNDHJ partnered with ECCO2 along with other UN-affiliated NGOs and
local governments in West Africa and the West Indies.
The organization and network grew but it was not easy all the time delegating and
working with Member Parties. There were many times where stakeholders and
associates wanted to give up and quit or abandon the civil society program due to lack of
cooperation, communication, and support from the governments. Haiti, for example took
about two years before the national government agreed to make public notice to
acknowledge a program that had been active in development stages two years prior. We
ask ourselves how can observers make observation on something they cannot see. This
happens all too often with NGOs and civil society groups. This is why making awareness
of your actions are pertinent. Our origination and its partners have spend a great amount
Concile Mondial de Congres Diplomatiques des Aumoniers pour
la Paix Universelle des Droits Humains et Juridiques
An organization in Special Status of the
United Nations Economic Social Council
[Main Office] 33, Arcachon 32, Carrefour, HAITI
Tels: +(509)46398098/+33 675115488
[EU Office] 72 rue du Faubourg St.
Honoré 75008 Paris, France
of time, funding, and effort to maintain communication of progress (COP), which will
certain keep potential sponsors, contributors, and financial aid prospects interested in
our Mission and projects.
The pervious testimony is provided at this meeting today to encourage other NGOs and
stakeholders to not give up, work on strong communication amongst partnerships, and
always maintain awareness of your activities and progress.
Many participants talk about the obvious topics: Let’s bypass the common facts and
focus on what matters. If you are here today and do not know what all eight of the focal
points that make up the Millennium Developments Goals and how each of them affects
the Small Island nation that your are representing, you need to afford the time to educate
yourself with the content that can be easily found on the United Nations website.
Education is first and foremost the most important elements. Securing funding sources
are also very pertinent. We can talk about several sustainable solutions; however
without the proper funding nothing will ever come to fruition.
My closing comments: The civil society groups and partners Small Island Developing
States should set a goal to have communication of progress for the upcoming Third
International Conference on Small Island Developing States in Samoa later this year,
whether it be small progress, as a person building a house and laying only one brick per
day. After several days and weeks the aggregation of works will show productivity and
enable us to eventually reach our goals for S.I.D.S, opposed to continuance of endless
delegations about the problems at hand and showing no efforts to viable solutions.
CMOCDAPUNDHJ and ECCO2 Global Partners would like to thank you all for allowing
us to share our comments and statements for intervention at today’s meeting.
Thank you and God Bless.
H.E. Cary Lee Peterson – Main Representative to the U.N. Office of Vienna, CMOCDAPUNDHJ