China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan
Statement by the Troika of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan
Focus Area 15: Means of Implementation/Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
Focus Area 16: Peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law and capable institutions
at the 11th Meeting of the Open Working Group of
Sustainable Development Goals
New York, 5-9 May 2014
Mr. Co-Chair,
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the troika consisting of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan. We would also like to align our statement with the statement made by Bolivia on behalf of the G77 and China.
Our Troika is concerned with the way that the revised working document framed the Means of Implementation (MoI) as well as the Global Partnership. The MoI in the revised document were defined more as operational issues like finance, trade and technology, while the Global Partnership for Development is directed as a process of engaging stakeholders and of reporting progress.
We believe that the MOIs of the SDGs will need to be upheld by the principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities (CBDR). These MOIs must be supported by action of developed countries at the international level, such as time-bound financing targets; associated trade and economic policies; technology transfer and other means to assist and enable developing countries’ efforts.
With regard to global partnership, our Troika would like to propose a Strengthened or Enhanced Partnership for Development in which its primary objective is to enhance international cooperation on a broad range of key development issues, based on the North – South relationship and also includes the private sector and civil society. We also share the view on the significance of ensuring all stakeholder participation in development, including private sector, philanthropic organizations, NGOs and other stakeholders. However we reiterate that this participation should be complementary to the G-to-G partnerships, and not to be considered as a substitute.
Mr. Co-Chairs,
With regard to MoI on Trade, in particular point 15.a, 15.b. and 15.c, these elements are what we call “reinventing the wheel” since these are the outcome of the previous WTO Ministerial Meeting 2013.
Targets with regard to trade need to be more aspirational and really answer to the challenges of initiating pro-development policies for enhancing economic growth and eradicating poverty in developing countries including countries in special situation.
For item 15.e, we propose to change into “promote transfer and dissemination of technologies to developing countries, make a list of priorities in transferring technology and develop specific work and implementation plans by 2020”
For item 15.f, we propose to add “developing countries, including countries in special situations” before “LDCs”.
With regard to “Financing and debt sustainability”, the reference to financing (item 15.i to 15.l) remained very weak, and debt sustainability only referred to 1 (one) item – that is 15.m.
Furthermore, paragraph 15.i. reflected the importance of ODA as the main source of international financing for many developing countries, including countries in special situations; however it is reflected again with certain qualifiers (“agreed timetables; agreed principles”) when we are reiterating the importance of the ODA commitment for developing countries.
In this specific item, we call for the deletion of the term “…on an agreed timetable based on agreed principles”
With regard to item 15.m on debt, we propose to revise it so it would read as follows:
“Ensure debt sustainability, debt restructuring and debt relief, while taking into account each country’s needs to successfully implement the agreed SDGs.
For item 15.n and 15.o, we propose revisions in these items as follows:
For item 15.n, we propose to focus the promotion of inclusive and participatory decision making at the international level, and delete the reference to “national”.
Therefore, the target would read as follows:
“promote inclusive, participatory decision-making at the international levels, including the conclusion of reforms for increasing effective participation of developing countries in international financial institutions”
For item 15.o, we propose to delete the reference to “strengthening systems to harness domestic savings for investment”
Mr. Co-Chairs,
We have reiterated the importance of developed countries to continue to provide ODA to developing countries as well as the role of international financial institutions in mobilizing and coordinating all possible resources for development.
However, the revised document has stated nothing about the importance of mobilizing ODA, while there is one paragraph dedicated for domestic resource mobilization (item15.o).
The revised document has not adequately addressed the issue of establishing and improving mechanisms for technology transfer. It is imperative to promote and support R&D, dissemination and transfer of technologies that meet the actual needs of developing countries.
With regard to capacity building part in paragraph 15.q to 15.t, we are of the view that the focus of capacity building was directed not to ensure the efforts to increase capacity in economic development, but rather to improve national measures, in particular monitoring mechanism through proposal for strengthening data collections and analysis (15.r) and national accounting (15.s), which are serving the interests of some of the member states. The calls for capacity building to support productive capacities, higher technology and know-how have not been reflected in this revised document.
On global partnership for sustainable development, we cannot accept the notion of “innovative partnership”. Reference to “shared accountability framework” is basically against the principle that our Troika has reiterated many times throughout the stocktaking session as well as the previous substantive OWG session - that the principle of universality does not mean uniformity - and that differentiation needs to be reflected with regard to the implementation of the SDGs.
In this regard, in order to balance the targets under this FA, we would like to propose the following:
1. Suggest to frame the goal under this FA into “Scale up global partnership for development”
2. We are of the view that targets for the MoI need to be further clustered to meet at least 4 important elements which are: enhancing ODA, reform and enhance global trade and finance system; establishment of a global technology facilitation mechanism for development and ensuring debt management.
In this regard, we would like to suggest the additional targets:
First, ODA commitments, recommitment by developed countries to meet the ODA targets with an agreed timetable, and ensure the provision of adequate financial resources for sustainable development of developing countries, including countries in special situations to enable them to achieve the SDGs;
Second, ensuring that trade and trade rules work to support the development of developing countries, including countries in special situations to support them in achieving their development objectives;
Third, ensuring developing countries, including countries in special situations, achieve debt sustainability through debt financing, debt relief and debt restructuring.
Fourth, reducing transaction cost of remittances;
Fifth, implement measures to promote, facilitate and finance access to and the development, transfer and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies and know-how to developing countries through the UN Global Technology Facilitation Mechanism;
Sixth, reform of the international intellectual property regime with a view to facilitating technological catch-up and improving development sectors such as health and education standards, agriculture, food security and enhancing nutrition in developing countries; and increase and support for developing countries for using of TRIPS flexibilities;
Seventh, improve democratic economic governance, including through the full and effective participation of all countries, in particular developing countries, in global decision making, through among others, broadening and strengthening the participation of developing countries in international economic decision-making and norm-setting, reform of governance of those institutions to be able to deliver more effective, credible, accountable and legitimate institutions.
Focus Area 16: Peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law and capable institutions
Now I would like to share our Troika’s view on Focus Area 16. As we have clearly stated in the previous OWG session, we would like to delete Focus area 16. We are of the view that some elements of this FA are already reflected in other FA, whereas some other could be merged some into the existing focus areas.
In item 16.e: “By 2030 implement planned and managed migration policies” we believe that this element could be injected into Focus Area 8 considering the benefit of migration to economic growth and employment.
However other elements as reflected in this item are not relevant to be placed as targets since some of them are already captured in other parts of the document and are difficult to measure.
For example:
• Proposed target “violence of children and women, elimination on discriminatory laws, participation in decision making” has been captured in Focus Area 5 on gender equality.
• Proposed target “education on a culture of non-violence”, have been captured in the Focus Area 4 on education and life-long learning, in particular “awareness raising on culture’s contribution to sustainable development” that can include culture of non-violence.
• Proposed target “reducing crime” is also difficult to measure because it is not clear what kind of crime that we would like to reflect in the document and how we interlink this issue with development.
• With regard to the sub-focus “rule of law and capable institutions”, we are of the view that some of this sub-focus elements can be improved and further revised to adjust to the development context, such as:
• “Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels” can be improved by revising the formulation into “Develop effective, accountable and transparent economic and financial institutions at global level” and relocate this into Focus Area 15 on MOI.
• On providing “equal access to independent and responsive justice system to support development”: without further defining details on this issue will provide “adequate space” for countries to further determine priorities of their legal and justice development that support development focus. This issue may be inserted in the sub focus area on capacity building.
It might be reformulated into a target as follows: “Support the development of capacity to ensure adequate access to independent and responsive justice system to support development”.
• Our troika also propose to delete the paragraph on “public services”
• On the proposed target “improve access to information on public finance management, public procurement and on the implementation of national development plans”, we would like to propose to reflect this element into capacity building sub focus areas with reformulation as follows:
“Improve capacity on public finance management, public procurement and on the implementation of national development plans”
that will be more beneficial in supporting the development management in developing countries than only reflects issues on “access to information”.
• On combating corruption as reflected in the item 16.e, as well as “illicit financial flows”, we are of the view that these elements are related to national measures, which have been captured in our proposed target on “Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions”.
• With regard to item 16.f on freedom of media, association and speech, we do acknowledge the importance of this issue as the foundation of democracy, however this element could not be developed as a target since it is not closely related to development but more political in nature. In this regard, we propose to delete this point.
Finally, Mr. Co-chair, our Troika is of the view that it is important to explore the way forward through direct consultation among Member States.
I thank you.
Focus Area 15: Means of Implementation/Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
Focus Area 16: Peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law and capable institutions
at the 11th Meeting of the Open Working Group of
Sustainable Development Goals
New York, 5-9 May 2014
Mr. Co-Chair,
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the troika consisting of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan. We would also like to align our statement with the statement made by Bolivia on behalf of the G77 and China.
Our Troika is concerned with the way that the revised working document framed the Means of Implementation (MoI) as well as the Global Partnership. The MoI in the revised document were defined more as operational issues like finance, trade and technology, while the Global Partnership for Development is directed as a process of engaging stakeholders and of reporting progress.
We believe that the MOIs of the SDGs will need to be upheld by the principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities (CBDR). These MOIs must be supported by action of developed countries at the international level, such as time-bound financing targets; associated trade and economic policies; technology transfer and other means to assist and enable developing countries’ efforts.
With regard to global partnership, our Troika would like to propose a Strengthened or Enhanced Partnership for Development in which its primary objective is to enhance international cooperation on a broad range of key development issues, based on the North – South relationship and also includes the private sector and civil society. We also share the view on the significance of ensuring all stakeholder participation in development, including private sector, philanthropic organizations, NGOs and other stakeholders. However we reiterate that this participation should be complementary to the G-to-G partnerships, and not to be considered as a substitute.
Mr. Co-Chairs,
With regard to MoI on Trade, in particular point 15.a, 15.b. and 15.c, these elements are what we call “reinventing the wheel” since these are the outcome of the previous WTO Ministerial Meeting 2013.
Targets with regard to trade need to be more aspirational and really answer to the challenges of initiating pro-development policies for enhancing economic growth and eradicating poverty in developing countries including countries in special situation.
For item 15.e, we propose to change into “promote transfer and dissemination of technologies to developing countries, make a list of priorities in transferring technology and develop specific work and implementation plans by 2020”
For item 15.f, we propose to add “developing countries, including countries in special situations” before “LDCs”.
With regard to “Financing and debt sustainability”, the reference to financing (item 15.i to 15.l) remained very weak, and debt sustainability only referred to 1 (one) item – that is 15.m.
Furthermore, paragraph 15.i. reflected the importance of ODA as the main source of international financing for many developing countries, including countries in special situations; however it is reflected again with certain qualifiers (“agreed timetables; agreed principles”) when we are reiterating the importance of the ODA commitment for developing countries.
In this specific item, we call for the deletion of the term “…on an agreed timetable based on agreed principles”
With regard to item 15.m on debt, we propose to revise it so it would read as follows:
“Ensure debt sustainability, debt restructuring and debt relief, while taking into account each country’s needs to successfully implement the agreed SDGs.
For item 15.n and 15.o, we propose revisions in these items as follows:
For item 15.n, we propose to focus the promotion of inclusive and participatory decision making at the international level, and delete the reference to “national”.
Therefore, the target would read as follows:
“promote inclusive, participatory decision-making at the international levels, including the conclusion of reforms for increasing effective participation of developing countries in international financial institutions”
For item 15.o, we propose to delete the reference to “strengthening systems to harness domestic savings for investment”
Mr. Co-Chairs,
We have reiterated the importance of developed countries to continue to provide ODA to developing countries as well as the role of international financial institutions in mobilizing and coordinating all possible resources for development.
However, the revised document has stated nothing about the importance of mobilizing ODA, while there is one paragraph dedicated for domestic resource mobilization (item15.o).
The revised document has not adequately addressed the issue of establishing and improving mechanisms for technology transfer. It is imperative to promote and support R&D, dissemination and transfer of technologies that meet the actual needs of developing countries.
With regard to capacity building part in paragraph 15.q to 15.t, we are of the view that the focus of capacity building was directed not to ensure the efforts to increase capacity in economic development, but rather to improve national measures, in particular monitoring mechanism through proposal for strengthening data collections and analysis (15.r) and national accounting (15.s), which are serving the interests of some of the member states. The calls for capacity building to support productive capacities, higher technology and know-how have not been reflected in this revised document.
On global partnership for sustainable development, we cannot accept the notion of “innovative partnership”. Reference to “shared accountability framework” is basically against the principle that our Troika has reiterated many times throughout the stocktaking session as well as the previous substantive OWG session - that the principle of universality does not mean uniformity - and that differentiation needs to be reflected with regard to the implementation of the SDGs.
In this regard, in order to balance the targets under this FA, we would like to propose the following:
1. Suggest to frame the goal under this FA into “Scale up global partnership for development”
2. We are of the view that targets for the MoI need to be further clustered to meet at least 4 important elements which are: enhancing ODA, reform and enhance global trade and finance system; establishment of a global technology facilitation mechanism for development and ensuring debt management.
In this regard, we would like to suggest the additional targets:
First, ODA commitments, recommitment by developed countries to meet the ODA targets with an agreed timetable, and ensure the provision of adequate financial resources for sustainable development of developing countries, including countries in special situations to enable them to achieve the SDGs;
Second, ensuring that trade and trade rules work to support the development of developing countries, including countries in special situations to support them in achieving their development objectives;
Third, ensuring developing countries, including countries in special situations, achieve debt sustainability through debt financing, debt relief and debt restructuring.
Fourth, reducing transaction cost of remittances;
Fifth, implement measures to promote, facilitate and finance access to and the development, transfer and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies and know-how to developing countries through the UN Global Technology Facilitation Mechanism;
Sixth, reform of the international intellectual property regime with a view to facilitating technological catch-up and improving development sectors such as health and education standards, agriculture, food security and enhancing nutrition in developing countries; and increase and support for developing countries for using of TRIPS flexibilities;
Seventh, improve democratic economic governance, including through the full and effective participation of all countries, in particular developing countries, in global decision making, through among others, broadening and strengthening the participation of developing countries in international economic decision-making and norm-setting, reform of governance of those institutions to be able to deliver more effective, credible, accountable and legitimate institutions.
Focus Area 16: Peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law and capable institutions
Now I would like to share our Troika’s view on Focus Area 16. As we have clearly stated in the previous OWG session, we would like to delete Focus area 16. We are of the view that some elements of this FA are already reflected in other FA, whereas some other could be merged some into the existing focus areas.
In item 16.e: “By 2030 implement planned and managed migration policies” we believe that this element could be injected into Focus Area 8 considering the benefit of migration to economic growth and employment.
However other elements as reflected in this item are not relevant to be placed as targets since some of them are already captured in other parts of the document and are difficult to measure.
For example:
• Proposed target “violence of children and women, elimination on discriminatory laws, participation in decision making” has been captured in Focus Area 5 on gender equality.
• Proposed target “education on a culture of non-violence”, have been captured in the Focus Area 4 on education and life-long learning, in particular “awareness raising on culture’s contribution to sustainable development” that can include culture of non-violence.
• Proposed target “reducing crime” is also difficult to measure because it is not clear what kind of crime that we would like to reflect in the document and how we interlink this issue with development.
• With regard to the sub-focus “rule of law and capable institutions”, we are of the view that some of this sub-focus elements can be improved and further revised to adjust to the development context, such as:
• “Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels” can be improved by revising the formulation into “Develop effective, accountable and transparent economic and financial institutions at global level” and relocate this into Focus Area 15 on MOI.
• On providing “equal access to independent and responsive justice system to support development”: without further defining details on this issue will provide “adequate space” for countries to further determine priorities of their legal and justice development that support development focus. This issue may be inserted in the sub focus area on capacity building.
It might be reformulated into a target as follows: “Support the development of capacity to ensure adequate access to independent and responsive justice system to support development”.
• Our troika also propose to delete the paragraph on “public services”
• On the proposed target “improve access to information on public finance management, public procurement and on the implementation of national development plans”, we would like to propose to reflect this element into capacity building sub focus areas with reformulation as follows:
“Improve capacity on public finance management, public procurement and on the implementation of national development plans”
that will be more beneficial in supporting the development management in developing countries than only reflects issues on “access to information”.
• On combating corruption as reflected in the item 16.e, as well as “illicit financial flows”, we are of the view that these elements are related to national measures, which have been captured in our proposed target on “Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions”.
• With regard to item 16.f on freedom of media, association and speech, we do acknowledge the importance of this issue as the foundation of democracy, however this element could not be developed as a target since it is not closely related to development but more political in nature. In this regard, we propose to delete this point.
Finally, Mr. Co-chair, our Troika is of the view that it is important to explore the way forward through direct consultation among Member States.
I thank you.