China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan
Statement by the Troika of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan
on Focus Area 13: Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Resources, Oceans and Seas
Focus Area 14: Ecosystems and Biodiversity
at the 11th Meeting of the Open Working Group of
Sustainable Development Goals
New York, 5-9 May 2014
Mr. Co-Chair,
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the troika consisting of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan. We would like to associate our statement with the statement by Bolivia on behalf of the G77 and China.
With regard to focus area 13 and 14, we are of the view that these two Focus Areas reflect how we manage and utilize natural resources assets sustainably to support development agenda. We, as Troika generally support many of the elements being proposed as targets in focus area 13 and 14. However, we have some notes regarding the elements of the targets reflected in those focus areas, which are as follows:
• For Focus Area 13, in particular on its title, we propose to use the exact phrase from Rio+20 Outcome, so it would read: “Conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and seas and their resources”
• On the issue of oceans, we are of the view that some of the possible targets have already covered a wide range of aspects related to sustainable management of marine resources, oceans and seas; nevertheless, we will still need further discussion regarding the baseline and measuring of the respective element of targets.
• We propose to delete item 13.d and 13.f because we should not prejudge the respective inter-governmental negotiations process in the UN that is still ongoing, in particular biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ). We also cannot establish marine protected areas as a possible target, because the works and programs related to it are generally based by unilateral or bilateral arrangement, and so far has not been agreed in any multilateral fora.
• Regarding item 13.e (“by 2020, eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and destructive fishing practices”), we acknowledge that the main challenge of the IUU lies with the lack of capacity of developing countries in implementing the elimination of IUU. Therefore, we propose to revise the formulation into: “by 2020 reduce substantially the IUU …”.
• On item 13.g. (“by 2030, eliminate fishing subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing”), we propose to delete this element since this issue has to be addressed in a package and proper context of reform in the global financial and trade system.
Focus Area 14: Ecosystems and Biodiversity
With regard to the Focus Area 14 (ecosystem and biodiversity), we are of the view that the elements should encompass sustainable forest management.
Several notes on the proposed elements/targets under this FA are as follows:
• On item 14.a., we propose to revise it so it should read as follows: “By 2020, control the loss of all biodiversity, and protect threatened species”.
• On item 14.d., with regard to forests, we are of the view that the correct term to use is “sustainable forest management”.
Our Troika believes that while we are supportive to the call for halting deforestation and increasing reforestation, attention should also be given to restoring degraded ecosystems as well as increasing protected forest areas and other areas of sustainably managed forests.
Therefore we would like to propose revision on elements in item 14.d as follows:
“By 2030, ensuring the implementation of sustainable forest management of all types of forests and mountain ecosystems, halting deforestation and increasing forest cover recovery and reforestation, as well as restoring degraded forest ecosystems and increasing protected forests area by x% by 2030”.
• On the element of item 14.f., we are of the view that fair and equitable sharing of the benefits should be revised to be consistent with the existing multilateral terms that are being applied. It should be read as follows:
“Ensuring fair and equitable sharing of benefits from the utilization of genetic resources”;
• On item 14.g., we propose to change the formulation of this target into: “Protect endangered species according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
• We would like to propose additional elements with regard to forests that should read as follows:
“Provide adequate incentives and policy space for developing countries to advance sustainable forests management and enhancement of forest carbon stocks”;
• We would further like to propose a new target: “By 2020 achieve the comprehensive protection of wetland ecosystem”.
• With regard to the MoI, we would like to propose 2 (two) elements that underline the importance of enhancing support and access in developing capacities, which are as follows:
a. “Ensuring support for developing countries in enhancing their capacities and ensure affordable access to related know-how, science, technologies, and innovations by developing countries;”
b. “Enhance access to science, engineering and technical skills, and innovations for developing countries;
I thank you Mr. Co-Chair.
on Focus Area 13: Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Resources, Oceans and Seas
Focus Area 14: Ecosystems and Biodiversity
at the 11th Meeting of the Open Working Group of
Sustainable Development Goals
New York, 5-9 May 2014
Mr. Co-Chair,
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the troika consisting of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan. We would like to associate our statement with the statement by Bolivia on behalf of the G77 and China.
With regard to focus area 13 and 14, we are of the view that these two Focus Areas reflect how we manage and utilize natural resources assets sustainably to support development agenda. We, as Troika generally support many of the elements being proposed as targets in focus area 13 and 14. However, we have some notes regarding the elements of the targets reflected in those focus areas, which are as follows:
• For Focus Area 13, in particular on its title, we propose to use the exact phrase from Rio+20 Outcome, so it would read: “Conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and seas and their resources”
• On the issue of oceans, we are of the view that some of the possible targets have already covered a wide range of aspects related to sustainable management of marine resources, oceans and seas; nevertheless, we will still need further discussion regarding the baseline and measuring of the respective element of targets.
• We propose to delete item 13.d and 13.f because we should not prejudge the respective inter-governmental negotiations process in the UN that is still ongoing, in particular biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ). We also cannot establish marine protected areas as a possible target, because the works and programs related to it are generally based by unilateral or bilateral arrangement, and so far has not been agreed in any multilateral fora.
• Regarding item 13.e (“by 2020, eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and destructive fishing practices”), we acknowledge that the main challenge of the IUU lies with the lack of capacity of developing countries in implementing the elimination of IUU. Therefore, we propose to revise the formulation into: “by 2020 reduce substantially the IUU …”.
• On item 13.g. (“by 2030, eliminate fishing subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing”), we propose to delete this element since this issue has to be addressed in a package and proper context of reform in the global financial and trade system.
Focus Area 14: Ecosystems and Biodiversity
With regard to the Focus Area 14 (ecosystem and biodiversity), we are of the view that the elements should encompass sustainable forest management.
Several notes on the proposed elements/targets under this FA are as follows:
• On item 14.a., we propose to revise it so it should read as follows: “By 2020, control the loss of all biodiversity, and protect threatened species”.
• On item 14.d., with regard to forests, we are of the view that the correct term to use is “sustainable forest management”.
Our Troika believes that while we are supportive to the call for halting deforestation and increasing reforestation, attention should also be given to restoring degraded ecosystems as well as increasing protected forest areas and other areas of sustainably managed forests.
Therefore we would like to propose revision on elements in item 14.d as follows:
“By 2030, ensuring the implementation of sustainable forest management of all types of forests and mountain ecosystems, halting deforestation and increasing forest cover recovery and reforestation, as well as restoring degraded forest ecosystems and increasing protected forests area by x% by 2030”.
• On the element of item 14.f., we are of the view that fair and equitable sharing of the benefits should be revised to be consistent with the existing multilateral terms that are being applied. It should be read as follows:
“Ensuring fair and equitable sharing of benefits from the utilization of genetic resources”;
• On item 14.g., we propose to change the formulation of this target into: “Protect endangered species according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
• We would like to propose additional elements with regard to forests that should read as follows:
“Provide adequate incentives and policy space for developing countries to advance sustainable forests management and enhancement of forest carbon stocks”;
• We would further like to propose a new target: “By 2020 achieve the comprehensive protection of wetland ecosystem”.
• With regard to the MoI, we would like to propose 2 (two) elements that underline the importance of enhancing support and access in developing capacities, which are as follows:
a. “Ensuring support for developing countries in enhancing their capacities and ensure affordable access to related know-how, science, technologies, and innovations by developing countries;”
b. “Enhance access to science, engineering and technical skills, and innovations for developing countries;
I thank you Mr. Co-Chair.