China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan
Statement by the Troika of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan
Focus Area 11: Sustainable Consumption and Production
Focus Area 12: Climate Change
at the 11th Meeting of the Open Working Group on
Sustainable Development Goals
New York, 5-9 May 2014
Mr. Co-Chairs,
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the troika consisting of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan. We would also like to align our statement with the statement made by Bolivia on behalf of the G77 and China.
With regard to Focus Area 11 (Sustainable consumption and production), we consider that promoting sustainable consumption and production is a basic requirement and necessary means of sustainable economic, social and environmental development. Addressing SCP needs to focus the attention on the whole spectrum of the SCP cycle, from production to the consumption cycle.
Therefore, we are of the view that the elements presented in Focus Area 11 have not adequately addressed the concern on SCP in a balanced manner.
The FA 11 has mainly reflected the production side of the SCP cycle and has not reflected how developed countries would take the lead in the promotion of sustainable consumption and production patterns. Our Troika is of the view that this focus area needs an explicit assertion that developed countries are to take the lead.
With regard to item 11.a., we propose to replace “achieve” with “improve”, so the paragraph will read as follows:
“By 2030 improve sustainable management and use of natural resources”.
With regard to item 11.b., we suggest to insert “major”, so the paragraph will read as follows:
“By 2030 reduce major waste X% through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse”.
On item 11.c., we propose to delete this item, since the concept of resource productivity of economic activity is not multilaterally defined.
On item 11.d, we propose some revisions on this target so it would read as follows:
“By 2030 implement policies to raise awareness for sustainable lifestyles, in particular in developed countries.”
A note on this item, is that we would like to have a comprehensive understanding on the meaning of “culture of sufficiency”, since we have not yet an agreement on that term. While there is not yet a consensus view on “culture of sufficiency”, we prefer to use the word “awareness” in this proposed target.
With regard to item 11.e, we propose the revision as follows:
“By 2020, developed countries lead the implementation of policies that promote sustainable consumption and production patterns including through a product life-cycle approach,”
With regard to item 11.f, we propose to add the reference to “in developed countries” after “companies”. We are of the view that in case specific percentages or indicators are to be used; this needs to be restricted to developed countries taking the lead. Otherwise, the multilaterally agreed formulation from paragraph 47 on Rio+20 needs to be the basis.
Mr. Co-Chairs,
In order to balance the various elements in this focus area, our Troika would like to propose 6 (six) targets for means of implementation, which should read as follows:
1. By X year implement fully the 10 Year Framework of Programme (10YFP) on sustainable consumption and production, in which developed countries take the lead;
2. Reduce per capita energy consumption in developed countries by x% by 20xx;
3. Reduce per capita wastage of food at consumer level in developed countries by x% by 20xx;
4. Promote sound management of chemicals and hazardous materials in accordance with agreed international frameworks;
5. Reduce the average material intensity of consumption per capita in developed countries by xx% in 2030;
6. Enhance international cooperation in implementing sustainable consumption and production patterns, including through financial resources, capacity-building and technology transfer to developing countries;
Focus Area 12: Climate Change
With regard to Focus Area 12 (Climate Change), as our Troika has reiterated previously, as a shared global challenge, the international community should respond to this challenge together according to the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities” (CBDR) in the framework of the UNFCCC.
In this regard, we cannot understand the rationale behind the proposal of the revised working group to have a stand-alone goal on climate change, while many Member States have already expressed their reservation to be discussed as a stand-alone goal.
The sub-title on urgent and significant actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change is basically the agenda and the work of the UNFCCC.
The suggestion that the SDG goal on climate change should be built on the outcome of the COP-21 UNFCCC also cannot accept either, as it will prejudge the outcome of the meeting. We are presently still in the phase of preparation for the 20th Session of the UNFCCC, to take place in November 2014.
Looking at the elements of this focus area, we are of the view that point 12.a and 12.b are essentially the existing process and work under the UNFCCC. We oppose to set any specific numeric targets on the increase in global average temperature in the SDGs.
Items 12.c, 12.d and 12.e are basically national policy measures, which are also a part of the UNFCCC process and have been already reflected in other different focus areas.
We understand the importance of addressing the challenges of climate change as well as its crosscutting nature. However, we are of the view that climate change should not be the subject of a stand-alone goal. It should rather be reflected in relevant areas or in a narrative and kept consistent with the consensus within the UNFCCC so that it does not affect the negotiation process under the UNFCCC Framework.
I thank you, Mr. Co-Chairs.
Focus Area 11: Sustainable Consumption and Production
Focus Area 12: Climate Change
at the 11th Meeting of the Open Working Group on
Sustainable Development Goals
New York, 5-9 May 2014
Mr. Co-Chairs,
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the troika consisting of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan. We would also like to align our statement with the statement made by Bolivia on behalf of the G77 and China.
With regard to Focus Area 11 (Sustainable consumption and production), we consider that promoting sustainable consumption and production is a basic requirement and necessary means of sustainable economic, social and environmental development. Addressing SCP needs to focus the attention on the whole spectrum of the SCP cycle, from production to the consumption cycle.
Therefore, we are of the view that the elements presented in Focus Area 11 have not adequately addressed the concern on SCP in a balanced manner.
The FA 11 has mainly reflected the production side of the SCP cycle and has not reflected how developed countries would take the lead in the promotion of sustainable consumption and production patterns. Our Troika is of the view that this focus area needs an explicit assertion that developed countries are to take the lead.
With regard to item 11.a., we propose to replace “achieve” with “improve”, so the paragraph will read as follows:
“By 2030 improve sustainable management and use of natural resources”.
With regard to item 11.b., we suggest to insert “major”, so the paragraph will read as follows:
“By 2030 reduce major waste X% through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse”.
On item 11.c., we propose to delete this item, since the concept of resource productivity of economic activity is not multilaterally defined.
On item 11.d, we propose some revisions on this target so it would read as follows:
“By 2030 implement policies to raise awareness for sustainable lifestyles, in particular in developed countries.”
A note on this item, is that we would like to have a comprehensive understanding on the meaning of “culture of sufficiency”, since we have not yet an agreement on that term. While there is not yet a consensus view on “culture of sufficiency”, we prefer to use the word “awareness” in this proposed target.
With regard to item 11.e, we propose the revision as follows:
“By 2020, developed countries lead the implementation of policies that promote sustainable consumption and production patterns including through a product life-cycle approach,”
With regard to item 11.f, we propose to add the reference to “in developed countries” after “companies”. We are of the view that in case specific percentages or indicators are to be used; this needs to be restricted to developed countries taking the lead. Otherwise, the multilaterally agreed formulation from paragraph 47 on Rio+20 needs to be the basis.
Mr. Co-Chairs,
In order to balance the various elements in this focus area, our Troika would like to propose 6 (six) targets for means of implementation, which should read as follows:
1. By X year implement fully the 10 Year Framework of Programme (10YFP) on sustainable consumption and production, in which developed countries take the lead;
2. Reduce per capita energy consumption in developed countries by x% by 20xx;
3. Reduce per capita wastage of food at consumer level in developed countries by x% by 20xx;
4. Promote sound management of chemicals and hazardous materials in accordance with agreed international frameworks;
5. Reduce the average material intensity of consumption per capita in developed countries by xx% in 2030;
6. Enhance international cooperation in implementing sustainable consumption and production patterns, including through financial resources, capacity-building and technology transfer to developing countries;
Focus Area 12: Climate Change
With regard to Focus Area 12 (Climate Change), as our Troika has reiterated previously, as a shared global challenge, the international community should respond to this challenge together according to the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities” (CBDR) in the framework of the UNFCCC.
In this regard, we cannot understand the rationale behind the proposal of the revised working group to have a stand-alone goal on climate change, while many Member States have already expressed their reservation to be discussed as a stand-alone goal.
The sub-title on urgent and significant actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change is basically the agenda and the work of the UNFCCC.
The suggestion that the SDG goal on climate change should be built on the outcome of the COP-21 UNFCCC also cannot accept either, as it will prejudge the outcome of the meeting. We are presently still in the phase of preparation for the 20th Session of the UNFCCC, to take place in November 2014.
Looking at the elements of this focus area, we are of the view that point 12.a and 12.b are essentially the existing process and work under the UNFCCC. We oppose to set any specific numeric targets on the increase in global average temperature in the SDGs.
Items 12.c, 12.d and 12.e are basically national policy measures, which are also a part of the UNFCCC process and have been already reflected in other different focus areas.
We understand the importance of addressing the challenges of climate change as well as its crosscutting nature. However, we are of the view that climate change should not be the subject of a stand-alone goal. It should rather be reflected in relevant areas or in a narrative and kept consistent with the consensus within the UNFCCC so that it does not affect the negotiation process under the UNFCCC Framework.
I thank you, Mr. Co-Chairs.