China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan
Statement by the Troika of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan
on Focus Area 3: Health and Population Dynamics
Healthy life at all ages for all
Focus Area 4: Education and Life-long Learning
Provide quality education and life-long learning for all
at the 11th Meeting of the Open Working Group of Sustainable Development Goals
New York, 5-9 May 2014
Thank you Mr. Co-Chairs,
I would like to align my intervention on behalf of the troika of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan with the intervention made by the distinguished representative of Bolivia on behalf of the G-77 and China.
With regard to the these two Focus Areas, our Troika is pleased that the revised working document has articulated some proposed targets that could lead to achieving a standalone goal on health as well as on education.
Mr. Co-chairs,
Allow me now to discuss specifically the proposed targets under Focus Area 3: health and population dynamics.
On item 3.b., in order to emphasize on the communicable and cyclical nature of the diseases, our Troika proposes revising the text into:
“By 2030, prevent, control, eliminate, and eradicate the epidemics of communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases”.
On item 3.d., with respect to different national capacities, we propose to revise the text, so it would read as follows:
“Ensure access to universal health services, with particular attention to the poor and most vulnerable”.
On item 3.e., our Troika proposes to reiterate the focus on the availability of affordable medicines, including generic medicines, therefore, the text should read as follows:
“By 2030, ensure universal availability and access to affordable essential medicines, including generic medicines, medical treatment and vaccines for all”.
On item 3.f, we propose deletion of the word “comprehensive” in the context of sexual and reproductive health for all, and to add a reference to the Programme of Action of ICPD at the end of the sentence.
Our Troika further proposes to delete item 3.g. and item 3.h, on the grounds that the proposed targets are not universally applicable and hardly measurable.
We are of the view that the proposed item 3.g is too much focused on one dimension of the health challenges, and omitting more imminent and direct causes of deaths and illnesses in the developing countries, such as malnutrition, etc. We are also of the view that challenges in item 3.h. need to be addressed from its root causes rather than the symptoms.
Mr. Co-chairs,
Our Troika is of the view that means of implementation, including financing, capacity building, and transfer of technology are important for the health sector to support the achievement of poverty eradication and sustainable development. In this regard, we would like to propose 3 (three) elements for the MoI, as follows:
1. Support research and development of vaccines and medicines for the common diseases of developing countries;
2. Ensure affordable access to medicines, including through the use of TRIPS flexibilities, to enable the use and production of affordable generic medicines by 20xx;
3. Further collaboration and cooperation at the national and international levels to strengthen health systems through increased health financing, recruitment, development, training and retention of the health workforce, through improved distribution and access to safe, affordable, effective and quality medicines, vaccines and medical technologies, and by improving health infrastructure.
Mr. Co-chairs,
Allow me to share our Troika’s view on Focus Area 4: Education and Life-long Learning.
Regarding the title, we are of the view that as a possible goal, the title should be modified to “Provide inclusive quality education and life-long learning opportunities for all”.
Regarding item 4.b. we propose to add a reference on the access to labour market for people with disabilities, so the text should read as follows:
“Ensure that people with disabilities have access to inclusive education, skills development and vocational training, as well as ensuring their access into labor markets by 2030”
On item 4.d., we propose to delete “most marginalized” and replace with “poor and most vulnerable”.
On item 4.e., we propose to add the notion of innovative and creative skills, so the text should read as follows:
“By 2030 increase by x% the number of young and adult women and men with vocational training, technical, innovative, creative, engineering and scientific skills”
On item 4.f., we propose to add the integration of sustainable consumption and production in education curricula, so that the text would read as follows: “Integrate relevant knowledge and skills in education curricula, including ICT skills, education for sustainable development as well as on sustainable consumption and production, and awareness raising, on culture’s contribution to sustainable development”.
Because there is no paragraph or focus on life-long learning for all as well as support for education professionals, our Troika would further like to propose 2 (two) possible targets, as follows:
a. “By 2030 increase by X% the number of persons able to access life-long learning” and,
b. “Promote training and support for teachers and education professionals”
With regard to the means of implementation, we would like to propose the following:
Expand by x% globally the number of scholarships for students from developing countries, in particular LDCs, to enroll in higher education programmes in developed countries and other developing countries, with focus on science, engineering and management.
To conclude, Mr. Co-Chairs, it is our fervent hope that the next document of the SDGs will comprehensively include the means of implementation that is crucial for developing countries to achieve the goals and targets of education and health.
I thank you.
on Focus Area 3: Health and Population Dynamics
Healthy life at all ages for all
Focus Area 4: Education and Life-long Learning
Provide quality education and life-long learning for all
at the 11th Meeting of the Open Working Group of Sustainable Development Goals
New York, 5-9 May 2014
Thank you Mr. Co-Chairs,
I would like to align my intervention on behalf of the troika of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan with the intervention made by the distinguished representative of Bolivia on behalf of the G-77 and China.
With regard to the these two Focus Areas, our Troika is pleased that the revised working document has articulated some proposed targets that could lead to achieving a standalone goal on health as well as on education.
Mr. Co-chairs,
Allow me now to discuss specifically the proposed targets under Focus Area 3: health and population dynamics.
On item 3.b., in order to emphasize on the communicable and cyclical nature of the diseases, our Troika proposes revising the text into:
“By 2030, prevent, control, eliminate, and eradicate the epidemics of communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases”.
On item 3.d., with respect to different national capacities, we propose to revise the text, so it would read as follows:
“Ensure access to universal health services, with particular attention to the poor and most vulnerable”.
On item 3.e., our Troika proposes to reiterate the focus on the availability of affordable medicines, including generic medicines, therefore, the text should read as follows:
“By 2030, ensure universal availability and access to affordable essential medicines, including generic medicines, medical treatment and vaccines for all”.
On item 3.f, we propose deletion of the word “comprehensive” in the context of sexual and reproductive health for all, and to add a reference to the Programme of Action of ICPD at the end of the sentence.
Our Troika further proposes to delete item 3.g. and item 3.h, on the grounds that the proposed targets are not universally applicable and hardly measurable.
We are of the view that the proposed item 3.g is too much focused on one dimension of the health challenges, and omitting more imminent and direct causes of deaths and illnesses in the developing countries, such as malnutrition, etc. We are also of the view that challenges in item 3.h. need to be addressed from its root causes rather than the symptoms.
Mr. Co-chairs,
Our Troika is of the view that means of implementation, including financing, capacity building, and transfer of technology are important for the health sector to support the achievement of poverty eradication and sustainable development. In this regard, we would like to propose 3 (three) elements for the MoI, as follows:
1. Support research and development of vaccines and medicines for the common diseases of developing countries;
2. Ensure affordable access to medicines, including through the use of TRIPS flexibilities, to enable the use and production of affordable generic medicines by 20xx;
3. Further collaboration and cooperation at the national and international levels to strengthen health systems through increased health financing, recruitment, development, training and retention of the health workforce, through improved distribution and access to safe, affordable, effective and quality medicines, vaccines and medical technologies, and by improving health infrastructure.
Mr. Co-chairs,
Allow me to share our Troika’s view on Focus Area 4: Education and Life-long Learning.
Regarding the title, we are of the view that as a possible goal, the title should be modified to “Provide inclusive quality education and life-long learning opportunities for all”.
Regarding item 4.b. we propose to add a reference on the access to labour market for people with disabilities, so the text should read as follows:
“Ensure that people with disabilities have access to inclusive education, skills development and vocational training, as well as ensuring their access into labor markets by 2030”
On item 4.d., we propose to delete “most marginalized” and replace with “poor and most vulnerable”.
On item 4.e., we propose to add the notion of innovative and creative skills, so the text should read as follows:
“By 2030 increase by x% the number of young and adult women and men with vocational training, technical, innovative, creative, engineering and scientific skills”
On item 4.f., we propose to add the integration of sustainable consumption and production in education curricula, so that the text would read as follows: “Integrate relevant knowledge and skills in education curricula, including ICT skills, education for sustainable development as well as on sustainable consumption and production, and awareness raising, on culture’s contribution to sustainable development”.
Because there is no paragraph or focus on life-long learning for all as well as support for education professionals, our Troika would further like to propose 2 (two) possible targets, as follows:
a. “By 2030 increase by X% the number of persons able to access life-long learning” and,
b. “Promote training and support for teachers and education professionals”
With regard to the means of implementation, we would like to propose the following:
Expand by x% globally the number of scholarships for students from developing countries, in particular LDCs, to enroll in higher education programmes in developed countries and other developing countries, with focus on science, engineering and management.
To conclude, Mr. Co-Chairs, it is our fervent hope that the next document of the SDGs will comprehensively include the means of implementation that is crucial for developing countries to achieve the goals and targets of education and health.
I thank you.