China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan
Statement by the Troika of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan
on Focus Area 1: Poverty Eradication, Building Shared Prosperity
and Promoting Equality
Focus Area 2: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition
at the 11th Meeting of the Open Working Group of
Sustainable Development Goals
New York, 5-9 May 2014
Distinguished Co-Chairs,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the troika of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan. We would also like to align with the statement made by the Permanent Representative of the Plurinational State of Bolivia on behalf of the G77 and China.
First, allow me to take this opportunity to convey our brief overall assessment on the revised document.
As the OWG is to finalize the SDGs by this July, this is clearly a very important juncture in crystalizing the possible elements for the goals and targets of the SDGs.
That being the case, many of the important elements that we have frequently reiterated, not only during previous OWG on SDGs meeting, but also throughout the stocktaking sessions, have yet to be reflected in the revised working document.
By doing so the revised document would retain its carefully crafted balance that the OWG has worked very hard to maintain.
We also note the notion of differentiation should be more prominent in this document, as well as the importance for developed countries to take the lead and support the developing countries in achieving economic growth and sustainable development.
We would like to see the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR) to be directly reflected in the revised text; it is not even referred to in the context of climate change.
Based on CBDR, we view that there should be a balanced focus between developed and developing countries. There should be tangible deliverables for both.
Many elements that our Troika has reiterated at the last meeting, including on the means of implementation and the global partnerships that we believe were also shared by many other Member States, were not adequately reflected in this text. However, we noticed that some elements, which did not enjoy majority support from many countries during the last meeting, such as on climate change and peace and security, are still reflected, as it is, as a “stand-alone goal” in the revised document.
Therefore, our Troika would like to call for a more direct process in the OWG on SDGs. We urge you, Mr. Co-chairs, to call for an informal consultation among member states as soon as possible in between the 11th and the 12th meeting of the OWG. In the proposed informal consultation, we as Member States would be able to discuss more intensively on the elements of the SDGs, and reach a conclusion for the report, by consensus, on a timely manner.
Mr. Co-chair,
Our Troika has prepared some inputs and suggestions for the proposed elements in Focus Area 1 and 2. I will convey the main points and send our full intervention to the Secretariat for further reference.
With regard to the Focus Area 1, our troika is of the view that the term “shared prosperity” in the title, need to be followed with the principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities (CBDR). Sustained and inclusive economic growth should also be defined as a key enabler for achieving poverty eradication.
With regard to point 1.c. we propose to change “…. including floors” into “in particular social protection floors” and to change the term “the most marginalized” into “the poor and the most vulnerable”, which is a UN agreed term.
On point 1.d on resiliency related to disasters, we are of the view that this point is more relevant to be part of Focus Area 10 on Sustainable Cities and Human Settlement. We also propose to delete the numerical reference (percentage) and specify the focus of “disaster” into “natural disasters”.
We would further like to propose revisions to paragraph 1.e. and paragraph 1.f.
For point 1.e. the revision will read:
“Ensuring equal access to full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women, young people, person with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations”
For point 1.f. the revised point will read:
“Ensuring equality of economic opportunity for all women and men including access to productive resources and access to financial services for all women and men”.
We would further like to propose additional 4 (four) possible targets:
1. Ensure the fulfillment by developed countries, to fulfill the 0.7 per cent commitment of gross national income (GNI) for official development assistance (ODA) for developing countries by 2020 and 1 per cent by 2030, as well as a target of 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of gross national product for ODA to the LDCs by 2020;
2. Ensure that global trade and investment rules are designed and implemented with the objective of addressing pro-actively the specific constraints faced by developing countries, including effectively implementing the principle of special and differential treatment for developing countries, especially those facing increasing marginalization in the globalizing world economy;
3. Ensure that adequate policy space is given to developing countries by international organizations and rules to enable developing countries to establish and implement their policies in favour of poverty eradication and interests of the poor;
4. Ensure debt sustainability
Focus Area 2: Sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition
With regard to the sub-title of the focus area, we propose to simplify it into “End hunger and improve nutrition for all.”
For point 2.b., we propose to change to “reduce malnutrition in all its form by 50% of present level by 2030”
For point 2.c, we propose to delete the wording after “high yields…”
For point 2.d, we propose some revisions, so 2.d. will read:
“By 2030 achieve access to adequate inputs, knowledge, productive resources, financial services and markets for developing countries, especially small farmers and fishers, to improve their livelihood, including income, productivity and resilience, with a particular focus on women, youth, person with disabilities and indigenous peoples.”
On point 2.e, due to the different nature of the challenges entailed in “food loss” and “food waste”, we propose to split this point into 2 paragraphs as follows:
• “Reduce the global rate of food loss along the food supply chain by 50 percent by 2030”;
• “Reduce the global rate of food waste due to unsustainable lifestyle in developed countries by 2030”.
We also propose to delete point 2.f, since the paragraph focuses on land policy and disaster preparedness issues, which are obviously under national policy and measures.
For point 2.g, since the term “climate smart agriculture” has not received multilateral consensus, we propose to change this term to “implement sustainable agricultural practices”.
Our Troika would further like to propose 4 (four) new targets under this Focus Area, which are as follows:
1. Increase agricultural productivity by x%, including through adequate irrigation, seeds and fertilizers, while in parallel halting and reversing land degradation, drought and desertification;
2. Address excessive food price volatility, including through market information and oversight on commodity markets;
3. Enhance productive capacity of small farmers in developing countries through proper functioning of markets, storage, rural infrastructure, research, post-harvest practices;
4. Increase by x% market access for agricultural products from developing countries by 2030.
With regard to Means of Implementation, we would like to propose 7 (seven) points, as follows:
1. Eliminate by 20xx all export subsidies in developed countries (in line with the WTO Hong Kong Declaration 2005, which agreed on an elimination target year of 2013);
2. Substantially and effectively phase out trade distorting subsidies in developed countries by x% by 20xx;
3. Increase the flow, transfer and dissemination of clean and environmentally sound agricultural technologies to developing countries by 2020;
4. Support developing countries, especially LDCs, in implementing capacity building programmes in support of the national plans for agriculture;
5. Provide developing countries adequate policy space, including in conditions for loans and aid, to support their agriculture sector and their farmers through various measures such as credit, marketing, storage, processing, provision of agricultural inputs, land reform and land improvement measures, and measures to make agriculture more sustainable through improved sustainable agriculture methods;
6. Avoid rules that create barriers to small farmers’ access and use of seeds and other agricultural inputs, for example the patenting by international companies of seeds or genetic resources that originate in developing countries;
7. By X year, ensure that markets for agricultural products are functioning and accessible for all, especially for small-scale farmers and fishers, through reshaping of the relevant trade policies, including phasing out export and other harmful subsidies, and implement global measures to mitigate excessive food price volatility.
I thank you Mr. Co-Chairs.
on Focus Area 1: Poverty Eradication, Building Shared Prosperity
and Promoting Equality
Focus Area 2: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition
at the 11th Meeting of the Open Working Group of
Sustainable Development Goals
New York, 5-9 May 2014
Distinguished Co-Chairs,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the troika of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan. We would also like to align with the statement made by the Permanent Representative of the Plurinational State of Bolivia on behalf of the G77 and China.
First, allow me to take this opportunity to convey our brief overall assessment on the revised document.
As the OWG is to finalize the SDGs by this July, this is clearly a very important juncture in crystalizing the possible elements for the goals and targets of the SDGs.
That being the case, many of the important elements that we have frequently reiterated, not only during previous OWG on SDGs meeting, but also throughout the stocktaking sessions, have yet to be reflected in the revised working document.
By doing so the revised document would retain its carefully crafted balance that the OWG has worked very hard to maintain.
We also note the notion of differentiation should be more prominent in this document, as well as the importance for developed countries to take the lead and support the developing countries in achieving economic growth and sustainable development.
We would like to see the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR) to be directly reflected in the revised text; it is not even referred to in the context of climate change.
Based on CBDR, we view that there should be a balanced focus between developed and developing countries. There should be tangible deliverables for both.
Many elements that our Troika has reiterated at the last meeting, including on the means of implementation and the global partnerships that we believe were also shared by many other Member States, were not adequately reflected in this text. However, we noticed that some elements, which did not enjoy majority support from many countries during the last meeting, such as on climate change and peace and security, are still reflected, as it is, as a “stand-alone goal” in the revised document.
Therefore, our Troika would like to call for a more direct process in the OWG on SDGs. We urge you, Mr. Co-chairs, to call for an informal consultation among member states as soon as possible in between the 11th and the 12th meeting of the OWG. In the proposed informal consultation, we as Member States would be able to discuss more intensively on the elements of the SDGs, and reach a conclusion for the report, by consensus, on a timely manner.
Mr. Co-chair,
Our Troika has prepared some inputs and suggestions for the proposed elements in Focus Area 1 and 2. I will convey the main points and send our full intervention to the Secretariat for further reference.
With regard to the Focus Area 1, our troika is of the view that the term “shared prosperity” in the title, need to be followed with the principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities (CBDR). Sustained and inclusive economic growth should also be defined as a key enabler for achieving poverty eradication.
With regard to point 1.c. we propose to change “…. including floors” into “in particular social protection floors” and to change the term “the most marginalized” into “the poor and the most vulnerable”, which is a UN agreed term.
On point 1.d on resiliency related to disasters, we are of the view that this point is more relevant to be part of Focus Area 10 on Sustainable Cities and Human Settlement. We also propose to delete the numerical reference (percentage) and specify the focus of “disaster” into “natural disasters”.
We would further like to propose revisions to paragraph 1.e. and paragraph 1.f.
For point 1.e. the revision will read:
“Ensuring equal access to full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women, young people, person with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations”
For point 1.f. the revised point will read:
“Ensuring equality of economic opportunity for all women and men including access to productive resources and access to financial services for all women and men”.
We would further like to propose additional 4 (four) possible targets:
1. Ensure the fulfillment by developed countries, to fulfill the 0.7 per cent commitment of gross national income (GNI) for official development assistance (ODA) for developing countries by 2020 and 1 per cent by 2030, as well as a target of 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of gross national product for ODA to the LDCs by 2020;
2. Ensure that global trade and investment rules are designed and implemented with the objective of addressing pro-actively the specific constraints faced by developing countries, including effectively implementing the principle of special and differential treatment for developing countries, especially those facing increasing marginalization in the globalizing world economy;
3. Ensure that adequate policy space is given to developing countries by international organizations and rules to enable developing countries to establish and implement their policies in favour of poverty eradication and interests of the poor;
4. Ensure debt sustainability
Focus Area 2: Sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition
With regard to the sub-title of the focus area, we propose to simplify it into “End hunger and improve nutrition for all.”
For point 2.b., we propose to change to “reduce malnutrition in all its form by 50% of present level by 2030”
For point 2.c, we propose to delete the wording after “high yields…”
For point 2.d, we propose some revisions, so 2.d. will read:
“By 2030 achieve access to adequate inputs, knowledge, productive resources, financial services and markets for developing countries, especially small farmers and fishers, to improve their livelihood, including income, productivity and resilience, with a particular focus on women, youth, person with disabilities and indigenous peoples.”
On point 2.e, due to the different nature of the challenges entailed in “food loss” and “food waste”, we propose to split this point into 2 paragraphs as follows:
• “Reduce the global rate of food loss along the food supply chain by 50 percent by 2030”;
• “Reduce the global rate of food waste due to unsustainable lifestyle in developed countries by 2030”.
We also propose to delete point 2.f, since the paragraph focuses on land policy and disaster preparedness issues, which are obviously under national policy and measures.
For point 2.g, since the term “climate smart agriculture” has not received multilateral consensus, we propose to change this term to “implement sustainable agricultural practices”.
Our Troika would further like to propose 4 (four) new targets under this Focus Area, which are as follows:
1. Increase agricultural productivity by x%, including through adequate irrigation, seeds and fertilizers, while in parallel halting and reversing land degradation, drought and desertification;
2. Address excessive food price volatility, including through market information and oversight on commodity markets;
3. Enhance productive capacity of small farmers in developing countries through proper functioning of markets, storage, rural infrastructure, research, post-harvest practices;
4. Increase by x% market access for agricultural products from developing countries by 2030.
With regard to Means of Implementation, we would like to propose 7 (seven) points, as follows:
1. Eliminate by 20xx all export subsidies in developed countries (in line with the WTO Hong Kong Declaration 2005, which agreed on an elimination target year of 2013);
2. Substantially and effectively phase out trade distorting subsidies in developed countries by x% by 20xx;
3. Increase the flow, transfer and dissemination of clean and environmentally sound agricultural technologies to developing countries by 2020;
4. Support developing countries, especially LDCs, in implementing capacity building programmes in support of the national plans for agriculture;
5. Provide developing countries adequate policy space, including in conditions for loans and aid, to support their agriculture sector and their farmers through various measures such as credit, marketing, storage, processing, provision of agricultural inputs, land reform and land improvement measures, and measures to make agriculture more sustainable through improved sustainable agriculture methods;
6. Avoid rules that create barriers to small farmers’ access and use of seeds and other agricultural inputs, for example the patenting by international companies of seeds or genetic resources that originate in developing countries;
7. By X year, ensure that markets for agricultural products are functioning and accessible for all, especially for small-scale farmers and fishers, through reshaping of the relevant trade policies, including phasing out export and other harmful subsidies, and implement global measures to mitigate excessive food price volatility.
I thank you Mr. Co-Chairs.