China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan
Statement by Troika of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan on Cluster 1 of focus areas (poverty eradication and promoting equality) on 10th Session of SDGs OWG.
Cluster 1
Poverty Eradication
Our troika is of the view that “eradication of poverty in all objective for sustainable development”. Therefore, poverty eradication is not only a standalone goal, but also should be a cross-cutting issue throughout all SDGs. We hope that the narrative para of poverty eradication area could reflect this.
As for specific elements, we have the following comments:
As for bullet point a: change “absolute” to “extreme”, use UN agreed term, we need to have defined poverty line for “extreme poverty”, for example could be less than $1.5 income a day.
As for bullet point b:reducing relative poverty, we propose to use national poverty line as reference to define relative poverty with base timeline 2015 in order for different countries to adapt in accordance with their national circumstances and development stage.
As for bullet point d: we propose to change to “access to productive resources” and delete the rest. We believe all kinds of productive resources are essential for poverty eradication and we need to mobilize them in a wholistic manner.
As for bullet point e: Since there is a Focus area 12 Promoting equality, it is not necessary to discuss it here.
As for bullet point g, we suggest deleting g : evaluating process should be discussed as a seprate issue after the goals and targets are formulated. According the Rio+20 mandate, the SDGsOWG is to develop global sustainable development goals to be agreed by the GA. Therefore, the evaluation work should be further discussed and decided by the intergovernmental process at GA.
Strong MOI could include:ensuring predictable and adequate international financing for developing countries by fulfilment of commitment of ODA, technology and capacity building, the UN and its agencies and other international organizations to establish mechanisms to address poverty eradication through integrated, coordinated and coherent strategies at all levels, improving international economic governance with the objective of addressing the specific constrains faced by developing countries, etc
Promoting equality
Promoting equality should mainly focus on the international level, addressing the inequality between countries and imbalance of global development. We support most of the elements concerning the measures addressing international level inequalities.
Internal efforts to reduce inequalities within countries is the responsibility of national governments in accordance with their national circumstances. Therefore, we propose to merge all the bullet points a,b,c,f,g within countries into a narrative para as “encourage national governments to reduce inequalities and work towards more inclusive societies”
Promoting equality should not be a standalone goal area.It could be combined or reflected within other goals such as poverty eradication and gender equality.
Cluster 1
Poverty Eradication
Our troika is of the view that “eradication of poverty in all objective for sustainable development”. Therefore, poverty eradication is not only a standalone goal, but also should be a cross-cutting issue throughout all SDGs. We hope that the narrative para of poverty eradication area could reflect this.
As for specific elements, we have the following comments:
As for bullet point a: change “absolute” to “extreme”, use UN agreed term, we need to have defined poverty line for “extreme poverty”, for example could be less than $1.5 income a day.
As for bullet point b:reducing relative poverty, we propose to use national poverty line as reference to define relative poverty with base timeline 2015 in order for different countries to adapt in accordance with their national circumstances and development stage.
As for bullet point d: we propose to change to “access to productive resources” and delete the rest. We believe all kinds of productive resources are essential for poverty eradication and we need to mobilize them in a wholistic manner.
As for bullet point e: Since there is a Focus area 12 Promoting equality, it is not necessary to discuss it here.
As for bullet point g, we suggest deleting g : evaluating process should be discussed as a seprate issue after the goals and targets are formulated. According the Rio+20 mandate, the SDGsOWG is to develop global sustainable development goals to be agreed by the GA. Therefore, the evaluation work should be further discussed and decided by the intergovernmental process at GA.
Strong MOI could include:ensuring predictable and adequate international financing for developing countries by fulfilment of commitment of ODA, technology and capacity building, the UN and its agencies and other international organizations to establish mechanisms to address poverty eradication through integrated, coordinated and coherent strategies at all levels, improving international economic governance with the objective of addressing the specific constrains faced by developing countries, etc
Promoting equality
Promoting equality should mainly focus on the international level, addressing the inequality between countries and imbalance of global development. We support most of the elements concerning the measures addressing international level inequalities.
Internal efforts to reduce inequalities within countries is the responsibility of national governments in accordance with their national circumstances. Therefore, we propose to merge all the bullet points a,b,c,f,g within countries into a narrative para as “encourage national governments to reduce inequalities and work towards more inclusive societies”
Promoting equality should not be a standalone goal area.It could be combined or reflected within other goals such as poverty eradication and gender equality.