China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan
Statement by
Dr. Endah Murniningtyas
Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environment of
the National Development Planning Agency
Republic of Indonesia
on behalf of China, Indonesia and Kazakstan
Eighth Meeting of the OWG on SDGs
New York, 3-7 February 2014
First of all, I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to the panelists for sharing the information on the importance of oceans, seas and forests and its linkage across cross-cutting issues, especially to employment and poverty eradication.
I have the honor of presenting the views of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan at this exchange of views on oceans, seas, forests and biodiversity.
We align ourselves with the statement made by the distinguished representative of Bolivia on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.
Oceans, seas, forests, biodiversity are central issues for all of sustainable development pillars. We recognize that the MDGs addresses oceans, forests and biodiversity through goal 7. However, we believe that all four issues deserve further expression under the environmental pillar of sustainable development.
There are specific points on the sustainable management of oceans, seas, forests, biodiversity that we would like to underscore when we set up goals :
First, there is an urgent need to enhance sustainable management of ocean and seas. The oceans, seas and marine biodiversity are highly sensitive to pollutants caused by shipping and illegal disposals. Developing countries are in particular difficulty of handling pollution in their oceans and seas due to constraints in enforcing international laws in their waters, and also the lack of capacity in the institutional and national legal framework on this issue. Sustainable management of ocean and seas should be enhanced and marine eco-conservation culture should be promoted.
Second, global warming has already increased ocean temperatures, and if it continues to increase it will adversely impact marine fishery and ocean biodiversity. We therefore urge developed countries to meet their commitments in 2015, to enable support on adaptation measures in rural and coastal communities in developing countries. International cooperation and communication on marine affairs should be encouraged to promote sustainable management of ocean and seas.
Third, there is an urgent need to balance between efforts to manage and sustainably gain benefits from the biodiversity in ocean, seas and forests. Conservation is imperative. However, economic and social well being of local people and communities has to be taken into consideration for sustainable biodiversity management.
Fourth, strengthen developing countries’ capability to develop “economic, social and ecological revenues” from the use of biodiversity. Developing countries, especially LDCS, are still behind in terms of reaping the benefits from biodiversity, and have a considerable gap to close with developed countries. This underscores the importance of safeguarding the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of biodiversity as guided by the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing. Developed countries should increase their financial and technological assistance to developing countries so as to help them address the challenges of biodiversity.
Fifth, local communities should be the primary beneficiaries of biodiversity use and should not be relegated to a marginalized role. The local community is also the keeper of local wisdom, which has added value when synergized with modern management techniques and technology. At the same time, the integration of local wisdom secures the continued existence of the local community. Moreover, local community involvement in taking the lead to manage biodiversity helps to prevent inequalities and inequities that would have otherwise perpetuated themselves if local communities were completely ignored.
Sixth, protection and conservation of forests and oceans are priority, among others in protected forests as well as in forests/marine conservation areas that are important to be the source of water supply, food security, providing support to ecosystem to improve lives and livelihoods in vulnerable areas, including coastal and rural communities, for the sake of current and future generations. Therefore, sustainable forest management need to be applied to secure the multiple uses of forests; and this should also be reflected in the relevant SDGs targets.
At the international level, the approach to protect and promote biodiversity has been guided by three objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity, namely, conservation, sustainable use and sharing of benefits from the utilization of genetic resources, which should receive adequate and equal focus. This approach continues to be underscored in the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity for 2011 until 2020, which includes a vision for 2050, along with the 20 Aichi Biodiversity targets.
Taking into account that the United Nations General Assembly and Rio+20 outcomes reaffirmed the strategic plan and Aichi targets; it would be the most logical framework to contextualize biodiversity for poverty eradication and sustainable development. Furthermore, the strategic plan and the Aichi targets are measurable. They are also broadly framed, providing adequate policy space for each country.
Mr. Co-chairs,
In conclusion, biodiversity along with oceans, seas and forests have tremendous value for poverty eradication and sustainable development. Taking care of these four areas contributes to the many complex challenges we are facing, including climate change.
As previously discussed in earlier sessions of the OWG SDGS, means of implementation is considered a central issue to each of the thematic discussions. We know that the financial gap to achieve the Aichi Biodiversity Targets is huge. COP-11 of the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted a meaningful decision to double the total biodiversity-related international financial resource flows to developing countries by 2015, and at least maintain these levels until 2020. We believe that this is an important decision that needs to be taken into account in our discussions.
Thank you.
Dr. Endah Murniningtyas
Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environment of
the National Development Planning Agency
Republic of Indonesia
on behalf of China, Indonesia and Kazakstan
Eighth Meeting of the OWG on SDGs
New York, 3-7 February 2014
First of all, I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to the panelists for sharing the information on the importance of oceans, seas and forests and its linkage across cross-cutting issues, especially to employment and poverty eradication.
I have the honor of presenting the views of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan at this exchange of views on oceans, seas, forests and biodiversity.
We align ourselves with the statement made by the distinguished representative of Bolivia on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.
Oceans, seas, forests, biodiversity are central issues for all of sustainable development pillars. We recognize that the MDGs addresses oceans, forests and biodiversity through goal 7. However, we believe that all four issues deserve further expression under the environmental pillar of sustainable development.
There are specific points on the sustainable management of oceans, seas, forests, biodiversity that we would like to underscore when we set up goals :
First, there is an urgent need to enhance sustainable management of ocean and seas. The oceans, seas and marine biodiversity are highly sensitive to pollutants caused by shipping and illegal disposals. Developing countries are in particular difficulty of handling pollution in their oceans and seas due to constraints in enforcing international laws in their waters, and also the lack of capacity in the institutional and national legal framework on this issue. Sustainable management of ocean and seas should be enhanced and marine eco-conservation culture should be promoted.
Second, global warming has already increased ocean temperatures, and if it continues to increase it will adversely impact marine fishery and ocean biodiversity. We therefore urge developed countries to meet their commitments in 2015, to enable support on adaptation measures in rural and coastal communities in developing countries. International cooperation and communication on marine affairs should be encouraged to promote sustainable management of ocean and seas.
Third, there is an urgent need to balance between efforts to manage and sustainably gain benefits from the biodiversity in ocean, seas and forests. Conservation is imperative. However, economic and social well being of local people and communities has to be taken into consideration for sustainable biodiversity management.
Fourth, strengthen developing countries’ capability to develop “economic, social and ecological revenues” from the use of biodiversity. Developing countries, especially LDCS, are still behind in terms of reaping the benefits from biodiversity, and have a considerable gap to close with developed countries. This underscores the importance of safeguarding the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of biodiversity as guided by the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing. Developed countries should increase their financial and technological assistance to developing countries so as to help them address the challenges of biodiversity.
Fifth, local communities should be the primary beneficiaries of biodiversity use and should not be relegated to a marginalized role. The local community is also the keeper of local wisdom, which has added value when synergized with modern management techniques and technology. At the same time, the integration of local wisdom secures the continued existence of the local community. Moreover, local community involvement in taking the lead to manage biodiversity helps to prevent inequalities and inequities that would have otherwise perpetuated themselves if local communities were completely ignored.
Sixth, protection and conservation of forests and oceans are priority, among others in protected forests as well as in forests/marine conservation areas that are important to be the source of water supply, food security, providing support to ecosystem to improve lives and livelihoods in vulnerable areas, including coastal and rural communities, for the sake of current and future generations. Therefore, sustainable forest management need to be applied to secure the multiple uses of forests; and this should also be reflected in the relevant SDGs targets.
At the international level, the approach to protect and promote biodiversity has been guided by three objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity, namely, conservation, sustainable use and sharing of benefits from the utilization of genetic resources, which should receive adequate and equal focus. This approach continues to be underscored in the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity for 2011 until 2020, which includes a vision for 2050, along with the 20 Aichi Biodiversity targets.
Taking into account that the United Nations General Assembly and Rio+20 outcomes reaffirmed the strategic plan and Aichi targets; it would be the most logical framework to contextualize biodiversity for poverty eradication and sustainable development. Furthermore, the strategic plan and the Aichi targets are measurable. They are also broadly framed, providing adequate policy space for each country.
Mr. Co-chairs,
In conclusion, biodiversity along with oceans, seas and forests have tremendous value for poverty eradication and sustainable development. Taking care of these four areas contributes to the many complex challenges we are facing, including climate change.
As previously discussed in earlier sessions of the OWG SDGS, means of implementation is considered a central issue to each of the thematic discussions. We know that the financial gap to achieve the Aichi Biodiversity Targets is huge. COP-11 of the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted a meaningful decision to double the total biodiversity-related international financial resource flows to developing countries by 2015, and at least maintain these levels until 2020. We believe that this is an important decision that needs to be taken into account in our discussions.
Thank you.