Cabo Verde
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Implementation of SDG14: Conserve and Sustainably Use the Oceans,
Seas and Marine Resources for Sustainable Development
Preparatory Meeting, NY 14 - 15 February 2017
Considerations of J. L. Rocha, Ambassador and PR of Cabo Verde
on the Elements for the ‘‘Call for Action’’
Co-facilitators, Distinguished Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen
1. At the thematic session, I highlighted the fact that the oceans environment, seas,
coastal lines, the coral reefs and their magnificent diversity of marine flora and fauna
are indeed invaluable resource for the whole planet and especially for the Small
Island Developing States, the so-called sea locked countries, whose societies, culture
and economies are intrinsically linked with oceans.
2. As we know, through carbon sequestration, the oceans also regulate the climate and
temperature, making the planet friendly to diverse forms of life. Yet, human
activities are threatening, in many ways, the healthiness and balance of oceans, seas
and their marine ecosystems. Many of these threats, in particular those related to
overexploitation and mismanaging and some climate change impact should be
3. We all refer to their interconnection and indivisibility, when it comes to
implementing the SDGS, and so it will be the case with SDG14. Moreover, we had the
opportunity to consider extensively the themes that should contribute to a global and
integrated implementation of the specific targets with regard to SDG14. It also
means that national, regional or global policies and their programs can now, and
more than ever, rely on clearly defined guidelines. What we need from now on, as a
true Call for action, is to lay the groundwork for effective implementation of policies
and programs that will realize the SDG14 targets.
4. A meaningful and comprehensive ‘’Call for Action’’ should address, in a balanced
manner, at least 3 major aspects:
a. Focus areas: with priority for ocean health and its monitoring, drivers of
economic growth (fisheries…), potable water production from desalinization
and climate change mitigation and adaptation, among others.
b. Means of implementation, i.e. access to finance, capacity building, data
collections and processing and technology sharing specially for the most
vulnerable countries like SIDS;
c. Follow up and Review of the partnership developed during the
Partnership Dialogues.
My delegation stands ready to engage constructively in this discussion and look forward
for the co-facilitators proposal.
]âÇàÉ wtá at†Æxá hÇ|wtá
Implementation of SDG14: Conserve and Sustainably Use the Oceans,
Seas and Marine Resources for Sustainable Development
Preparatory Meeting, NY 14 - 15 February 2017
Considerations of J. L. Rocha, Ambassador and PR of Cabo Verde
on the Elements for the ‘‘Call for Action’’
Co-facilitators, Distinguished Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen
1. At the thematic session, I highlighted the fact that the oceans environment, seas,
coastal lines, the coral reefs and their magnificent diversity of marine flora and fauna
are indeed invaluable resource for the whole planet and especially for the Small
Island Developing States, the so-called sea locked countries, whose societies, culture
and economies are intrinsically linked with oceans.
2. As we know, through carbon sequestration, the oceans also regulate the climate and
temperature, making the planet friendly to diverse forms of life. Yet, human
activities are threatening, in many ways, the healthiness and balance of oceans, seas
and their marine ecosystems. Many of these threats, in particular those related to
overexploitation and mismanaging and some climate change impact should be
3. We all refer to their interconnection and indivisibility, when it comes to
implementing the SDGS, and so it will be the case with SDG14. Moreover, we had the
opportunity to consider extensively the themes that should contribute to a global and
integrated implementation of the specific targets with regard to SDG14. It also
means that national, regional or global policies and their programs can now, and
more than ever, rely on clearly defined guidelines. What we need from now on, as a
true Call for action, is to lay the groundwork for effective implementation of policies
and programs that will realize the SDG14 targets.
4. A meaningful and comprehensive ‘’Call for Action’’ should address, in a balanced
manner, at least 3 major aspects:
a. Focus areas: with priority for ocean health and its monitoring, drivers of
economic growth (fisheries…), potable water production from desalinization
and climate change mitigation and adaptation, among others.
b. Means of implementation, i.e. access to finance, capacity building, data
collections and processing and technology sharing specially for the most
vulnerable countries like SIDS;
c. Follow up and Review of the partnership developed during the
Partnership Dialogues.
My delegation stands ready to engage constructively in this discussion and look forward
for the co-facilitators proposal.