Bulgaria and Croatia
Open-Working Group on
Sustainable Development Goals
11th Meeting
Promote sustainable industrialization and
equality among nations
Building inclusive, safe and sustainable cities and human settlements
I have the honor to make this intervention on behalf of Croatia and Bulgaria
Mr. Co-chair, I will start with the issue of equality/inequality. Bulgaria and Croatia already expressed their view when we discussed poverty eradication. So now I will just say that we see it as a crosscutting issue and we need to make sure that the targets we formulate under different focus areas address this issue.
On industrialization. Bulgaria and Croatia consider matters, related to the industrialization as essential ones. We are supportive of the targets a, the second part of it, e and f from the co-chairs document. But as we said this morning we see the industrialization as one of the pillars of the economic growth.
Build inclusive, safe and sustainable cities and human settlelments
Bulgaria and Croatia believe that sustainable cities are one of the important cross-cutting areas to be reflected across multiple goals. Certainly, these endeavors require many different partnerships and sharing of best practices and expertise. We should also keep in mind that local authorities, civil community and private sector have a large responsibility in it all, but also a significant existential interest and business perspectives as well.
To overcome the challenges before us with regard to the sustainable cities we need to take care of issues like: reduce pollution, ensure necessary funding to provide basic services, address shortage of adequate housing and declining infrastructure, ensure access to education and health services and other basic services like water, sanitation, sufficient living area, energy or security of tenure; reduce pressure on natural resources; improve waste management; strengthen physical security and safety and increase the resilience to natural disasters, develop sustainable efficient transport systems.
In conclusion, Mr. co-chair, Bulgaria and Croatia find the proposed targets in the co-chairs’ document relevant. We think they address the concerns we have. At the same time we would like to make few changes in targets c and h which we believe should be further clarified and strengthened. So target c will read “Enhance capacities for integrated sustainable urban planning and management, including historical urban landscapes, integrated coastal zones management and maritime spatial planning in order to preserve the environment, promote social cohesion and intercultural dialogue“
Target h will read: „Protect and safeguard the world's cultural and natural heritage with full involvment of and participation by the local community“
Sustainable Development Goals
11th Meeting
Promote sustainable industrialization and
equality among nations
Building inclusive, safe and sustainable cities and human settlements
I have the honor to make this intervention on behalf of Croatia and Bulgaria
Mr. Co-chair, I will start with the issue of equality/inequality. Bulgaria and Croatia already expressed their view when we discussed poverty eradication. So now I will just say that we see it as a crosscutting issue and we need to make sure that the targets we formulate under different focus areas address this issue.
On industrialization. Bulgaria and Croatia consider matters, related to the industrialization as essential ones. We are supportive of the targets a, the second part of it, e and f from the co-chairs document. But as we said this morning we see the industrialization as one of the pillars of the economic growth.
Build inclusive, safe and sustainable cities and human settlelments
Bulgaria and Croatia believe that sustainable cities are one of the important cross-cutting areas to be reflected across multiple goals. Certainly, these endeavors require many different partnerships and sharing of best practices and expertise. We should also keep in mind that local authorities, civil community and private sector have a large responsibility in it all, but also a significant existential interest and business perspectives as well.
To overcome the challenges before us with regard to the sustainable cities we need to take care of issues like: reduce pollution, ensure necessary funding to provide basic services, address shortage of adequate housing and declining infrastructure, ensure access to education and health services and other basic services like water, sanitation, sufficient living area, energy or security of tenure; reduce pressure on natural resources; improve waste management; strengthen physical security and safety and increase the resilience to natural disasters, develop sustainable efficient transport systems.
In conclusion, Mr. co-chair, Bulgaria and Croatia find the proposed targets in the co-chairs’ document relevant. We think they address the concerns we have. At the same time we would like to make few changes in targets c and h which we believe should be further clarified and strengthened. So target c will read “Enhance capacities for integrated sustainable urban planning and management, including historical urban landscapes, integrated coastal zones management and maritime spatial planning in order to preserve the environment, promote social cohesion and intercultural dialogue“
Target h will read: „Protect and safeguard the world's cultural and natural heritage with full involvment of and participation by the local community“