Bulgaria and Croatia
Open Working Group on
Sustainable Development Goals
11th Meeting
Statement on
Sustainable Consumption and Production
Climate Change
By Croatia and Bulgaria
Mr. Co-Chair,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have the honour to make this intervention on behalf of Croatia and Bulgaria.
Our countries believe that Post-2015 framework needs to put a stress on focus area Sustainable consumption and production since current patterns of production and consumption are not sustainable due to excessive, inefficient or irresponsible resource use resulting in negative impacts on health, environment and economy.
We support the targets proposed in this Focus area and propose an intervention in target d) where we need to introduce ‘ecological footprint’ and ‘balanced’ before ‘lifestyles’ so that it reads ‘ by 2030 redouble efforts to raise awareness on ecological footprint and for creating a culture of sufficiency, balanced and sustainable lifestyles, including sustainability information on products and services’. We strongly welcome target h) on sustainable tourism and would like to propose its elaboration so that it reads: ‘create incentives for sustainable tourism and integrate SCP patterns in tourism policies and frameworks’. Finally, Croatia and Bulgaria consider that there should be a prominent role for a target on chemicals and waste, which should include reducing exposure to harmful substances, including in products, and leaking of toxic substances into the environment. In that sense we propose adding a target i) that would read as follows: to achieve, by 2030, the sound management of chemicals throughout their life cycle and of hazardous waste in ways that lead to minimization of significant adverse effects on human health and the environment, as set out in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation.
SCP policies are an overarching objective of and essential requirement for sustainable development, the means to decoupling the economic growth from resource consumption and environmental degradation, to leap-frog to a more resource-efficient, profitable and cleaner growth and the means to reduce inequalities and secure social justice, therefore addressing adequately this focus area in the future set of SDGs and base our activities on the adopted 10 YFP on SCP will ensure forward-looking interlinkages between inherently complex, but complementary dimensions of sustainable development.
On Focus Area 12 Climate Change, our two countries believe that Post-2015 development agenda must address climate change while avoiding duplication and parallel processes. In supporting all the targets currently listed in the Co-Chairs’ proposal and in particular target a) of holding the global average temperature change below x degrees Celsius rise in accordance with international agreements; we are aware that this topic needs to be reinvigorated by means of climate-smart set of goals and targets. Having said that, we point out to the interlinkages of this area with sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition, water and sanitation, education, health and population dynamics, energy, gender equality and women’s empowerment, sustainable consumption and production, sustainable cities and human settlements, conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas, ecosystems and biodiversity. In that sense, Croatia and Bulgaria have high expectations from the mutually reinforcing global processes underway on climate change and DRR aiming at reaching a new comprehensive climate agreement with legally-binding commitment for all by 2015 at the latest on one hand and defining the Post-2015 Hyogo framework (Hyogo Framework of Action 2) for disaster risk reduction on the other. We expect the goals that will be globally agreed in those processes to strengthen the climate-smart goals and targets and further efforts towards prevention of climate change.
Thank you for your attention!
Sustainable Development Goals
11th Meeting
Statement on
Sustainable Consumption and Production
Climate Change
By Croatia and Bulgaria
Mr. Co-Chair,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have the honour to make this intervention on behalf of Croatia and Bulgaria.
Our countries believe that Post-2015 framework needs to put a stress on focus area Sustainable consumption and production since current patterns of production and consumption are not sustainable due to excessive, inefficient or irresponsible resource use resulting in negative impacts on health, environment and economy.
We support the targets proposed in this Focus area and propose an intervention in target d) where we need to introduce ‘ecological footprint’ and ‘balanced’ before ‘lifestyles’ so that it reads ‘ by 2030 redouble efforts to raise awareness on ecological footprint and for creating a culture of sufficiency, balanced and sustainable lifestyles, including sustainability information on products and services’. We strongly welcome target h) on sustainable tourism and would like to propose its elaboration so that it reads: ‘create incentives for sustainable tourism and integrate SCP patterns in tourism policies and frameworks’. Finally, Croatia and Bulgaria consider that there should be a prominent role for a target on chemicals and waste, which should include reducing exposure to harmful substances, including in products, and leaking of toxic substances into the environment. In that sense we propose adding a target i) that would read as follows: to achieve, by 2030, the sound management of chemicals throughout their life cycle and of hazardous waste in ways that lead to minimization of significant adverse effects on human health and the environment, as set out in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation.
SCP policies are an overarching objective of and essential requirement for sustainable development, the means to decoupling the economic growth from resource consumption and environmental degradation, to leap-frog to a more resource-efficient, profitable and cleaner growth and the means to reduce inequalities and secure social justice, therefore addressing adequately this focus area in the future set of SDGs and base our activities on the adopted 10 YFP on SCP will ensure forward-looking interlinkages between inherently complex, but complementary dimensions of sustainable development.
On Focus Area 12 Climate Change, our two countries believe that Post-2015 development agenda must address climate change while avoiding duplication and parallel processes. In supporting all the targets currently listed in the Co-Chairs’ proposal and in particular target a) of holding the global average temperature change below x degrees Celsius rise in accordance with international agreements; we are aware that this topic needs to be reinvigorated by means of climate-smart set of goals and targets. Having said that, we point out to the interlinkages of this area with sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition, water and sanitation, education, health and population dynamics, energy, gender equality and women’s empowerment, sustainable consumption and production, sustainable cities and human settlements, conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas, ecosystems and biodiversity. In that sense, Croatia and Bulgaria have high expectations from the mutually reinforcing global processes underway on climate change and DRR aiming at reaching a new comprehensive climate agreement with legally-binding commitment for all by 2015 at the latest on one hand and defining the Post-2015 Hyogo framework (Hyogo Framework of Action 2) for disaster risk reduction on the other. We expect the goals that will be globally agreed in those processes to strengthen the climate-smart goals and targets and further efforts towards prevention of climate change.
Thank you for your attention!