Brazil and Nicaragua
Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
V Meeting – Energy
Statement by Brazil and Nicarágua
The importance of energy to the sustainable development agenda cannot be overestimated. The Rio+20 outcome document reflected this consensus by expressing the international community's commitment to action so as to make sustainable energy for all a reality and, through this, to help eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities and bring about sustainable development and global prosperity.
Discussions and action on energy must be guided by two main considerations: the need to ensure access to energy as well as the sustainability of energy sources.
Lack of access to energy hinders efforts towards poverty eradication and, consequently, the Millenium Development Goals. The social, economic, and environmental effects of the lack of energy access are undeniable. It is imperative that we ensure that the poorest are not excluded because of cost.
Ensuring energy access requires investment in infrastructure.
Brazil's "Light for All Programme" aims to universalize energy access, with special focus on rural populations. Since its inception it has benefited over 14 million people.
Investments in energy should be guided by a balanced approach with regards to sources, while at the same time favoring renewables as they provide the best chance for energy sustainability. Hydroelectricity, bioenergy, wind and solar power constitute important sources of renewable energy.
Investment in renewable energy infrastructure and production creates jobs and promotes local development while reducing dependence on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions.
Hydropower constitutes and important source, both real and potential, for renewable energy, bearing in mind that its technology is consolidated and of relative ease of access for developing countries as compared with other sources.
Bioenergy is a valuable instrument in the promotion of sustainable development as it combines environmental, social and economic benefits. Biofuels have proven their potential in reducing emissions, helping to mitigate climate change while producing positive effects with regards to access to energy and economic development.
Energy efficiency represents a crucial aspect of ensuring access and sustainability, as well as being central to energy security and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. A case can also be made for the economic benefits of increased energy efficiency. There is a balance and complementarity between increasing energy efficiency and ensuring universal access to energy. It is important to recognize that energy efficiency solutions must take into account the conditions of each country.
Cooperation and Post-2015
International cooperation can play a crucial role in achieving international objectives with regards to energy. Increased support for research and development will help expand sustainable energy use and reduce costs.
The Sustainable Energy for All Initiative is helping to increase momentum for action in the area of energy. Its objective of making sustainable energy available for all a reality by 2030 is an important contribution to sustainable development and poverty eradication.
The Post 2015 Development Agenda should recognize the importance of energy and address this agenda, recognizing the opportunity to upgrade infrastructure and national capacities, use new, cleaner technologies, while at the same time creating jobs and boosting economies.
Brazil has sought to support internationally the development of projects for the production and use of sustainable bioenergy through such initiatives as viability studies, technical capacity-building and dissemination of the country's experiences in this area.
V Meeting – Energy
Statement by Brazil and Nicarágua
The importance of energy to the sustainable development agenda cannot be overestimated. The Rio+20 outcome document reflected this consensus by expressing the international community's commitment to action so as to make sustainable energy for all a reality and, through this, to help eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities and bring about sustainable development and global prosperity.
Discussions and action on energy must be guided by two main considerations: the need to ensure access to energy as well as the sustainability of energy sources.
Lack of access to energy hinders efforts towards poverty eradication and, consequently, the Millenium Development Goals. The social, economic, and environmental effects of the lack of energy access are undeniable. It is imperative that we ensure that the poorest are not excluded because of cost.
Ensuring energy access requires investment in infrastructure.
Brazil's "Light for All Programme" aims to universalize energy access, with special focus on rural populations. Since its inception it has benefited over 14 million people.
Investments in energy should be guided by a balanced approach with regards to sources, while at the same time favoring renewables as they provide the best chance for energy sustainability. Hydroelectricity, bioenergy, wind and solar power constitute important sources of renewable energy.
Investment in renewable energy infrastructure and production creates jobs and promotes local development while reducing dependence on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions.
Hydropower constitutes and important source, both real and potential, for renewable energy, bearing in mind that its technology is consolidated and of relative ease of access for developing countries as compared with other sources.
Bioenergy is a valuable instrument in the promotion of sustainable development as it combines environmental, social and economic benefits. Biofuels have proven their potential in reducing emissions, helping to mitigate climate change while producing positive effects with regards to access to energy and economic development.
Energy efficiency represents a crucial aspect of ensuring access and sustainability, as well as being central to energy security and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. A case can also be made for the economic benefits of increased energy efficiency. There is a balance and complementarity between increasing energy efficiency and ensuring universal access to energy. It is important to recognize that energy efficiency solutions must take into account the conditions of each country.
Cooperation and Post-2015
International cooperation can play a crucial role in achieving international objectives with regards to energy. Increased support for research and development will help expand sustainable energy use and reduce costs.
The Sustainable Energy for All Initiative is helping to increase momentum for action in the area of energy. Its objective of making sustainable energy available for all a reality by 2030 is an important contribution to sustainable development and poverty eradication.
The Post 2015 Development Agenda should recognize the importance of energy and address this agenda, recognizing the opportunity to upgrade infrastructure and national capacities, use new, cleaner technologies, while at the same time creating jobs and boosting economies.
Brazil has sought to support internationally the development of projects for the production and use of sustainable bioenergy through such initiatives as viability studies, technical capacity-building and dissemination of the country's experiences in this area.