Plurinational State of Bolivia
Bolivia considers that the preamble and the introductory section of the proposed document are setting out a western and anthropocentric mindset of the world, reinforcing a perspective which has originated the current problems in the world for not achieving sustainable development. The problem cannot appear as a global solution.
Therefore, there is the need to introduce in the text a more balanced understanding of the visions and approaches of countries in order to achieve sustainable development. Bolivia supports the vision of the Living-well, as one of the visions to implement sustainable development, in which the metabolic relationship between peoples and nature is recognized. A more clear recognition of the relationship between peoples and nature can enrich substantially the scope of the document and the context in which the SDGs are crafted.
In this regard, a more balanced document that recognizes different visions and approaches of the world can be achieved through the incorporation of the following wording.
Peoples, indigenous peoples and local communities
We want to ensure that all human beings, considering their rights to development and their rights to and adequate standard of living, can fulfil their potential. We want to end poverty in all its forms and dimensions; end hunger and malnutrition; achieve food security; promote human dignity; combat inequalities in and between countries; achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls; ensure quality education; water and sanitation and a healthy life for all; ensure equal access to natural resources, a healthy environment and well-being for all; and secure the participation of all people and groups, including children, persons with disabilities, migrants and indigenous peoples, in the realization of the Goals and targets.
Planet earth and Mother Earth
We reaffirm that planet Earth and its ecosystems are our home and that “Mother Earth” is a common expression in a number of countries and regions. It was noted that some countries recognize the rights of nature in the context of the promotion of sustainable development. The conviction was affirmed that, in order to achieve a just balance among the economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations, it is necessary to promote harmony with nature. The natural and cultural diversity of the world was acknowledged, and it was recognized that all cultures and civilizations can contribute to sustainable development (CURRENT PARAGRAPH 9 OF ANNEX 2).
Prosperity and Living-Well
We want all human beings, together with all living-beings, to enjoy the fruits of economic, social and technological progress and live productive and fulfilling lives. We want to ensure sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, considering the relationship existing between nature and the society which lives in it, and that nature cannot be regarded as something separate from ourselves. In this context, we recognize the need to promote decent work and employment for all; strengthen productive capacities, foster innovation, shared prosperity and sustainable patterns of consumption and production; promote sustainable patterns of consumption and production; promote sustainable industrialization, agriculture and infrastructure in harmony with nature; and ensure access to affordable, reliable and sustainable modern energy services.
Cooperation and partnership
We want to revitalise an effective Global Partnership for Sustainable Development embracing all countries and stakeholders. The Global Partnership will mobilize the means required for implementation of the Agenda, acting in a spirit of strengthened global solidarity and supporting, in particular, the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable by focussing on a people-centred approach to development. We reaffirm our commitment to strengthen international cooperation to address the persistent challenges related to sustainable development for all, in particular in developing countries.
2. On behalf of the peoples we serve, we have adopted a historic decision on a comprehensive, people-centered and far-reaching set of universal and transformative Goals and targets TO ACHIEVE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND POVERTY ERRADICATION, IN HARMONY WITH NATURE AND MOTHER EARTH. We commit ourselves to working tirelessly for the full implementation of this Agenda by 2030. Realizing our ambitions will change for the better the world in which we all live.
3. We recognize that eradicating poverty in all its dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. We are committed to achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions – economic, social and environmental – in a balanced and integrated manner. We will also build upon the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals and seek to address their unfinished business. We resolve, between now and 2030, to end poverty and hunger everywhere; to combat inequalities within and between countries; to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies; to protect human rights and promote gender equality; to ensure the lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources; to promote holistic and integrated approaches to sustainable development that will guide humanity to live in harmony with Mother Earth; and to create conditions for sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and decent work for all, taking into account different levels of national development and capacities.
5. This is an Agenda of unprecedented scope and significance. It is accepted by all countries and is applicable to all, taking into account different national circumstances, principles and priorities, and different visions, approaches and tools to achieve sustainable development. These are universal goals and targets which involve the entire world, rich and poor countries alike. They are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.
8. In these Goals and targets, we are supremely ambitious to achieve the post 2015 development agenda, considering that there are different approaches, visions, models and tools available to each country, in accordance with its national circumstances and priorities, to achieve sustainable development in its three dimensions, which is our overarching goal. (CURRENT PARAGRAPH 13 of annex 2). Poverty eradication in all its forms and dimensions is the overarching priority and central imperative of the Agenda. We envisage a world free of poverty, hunger, disease and want, where all life can thrive. We envisage a world free of fear and violence. A world with equitable and universal access to quality education at all levels and to health care and social protection, where physical, mental and social well-being are assured. A world where the human right of access to water and sanitation is universally realized right to have access to safe and affordable drinking water is universally realized; where food is sufficient, safe, affordable and nutritious; where there is adequate and accessible sanitation. A world where human habitats are safe, resilient and sustainable and where there is universal access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy.
20. This is an Agenda which seeks to respect, protect and fulfil all human rights. It will work to ensure that human rights and fundamental freedoms are enjoyed by all without discrimination on grounds of race, ethnicity, colour, sex, age, language, religion, culture, migration status, political or other opinion, national or social origin, economic situation, birth, disability or other status. In this context, we emphasize the need for the full implementation of the Declaration of the rights of indigenous peoples.
Bolivia considers that the preamble and the introductory section of the proposed document are setting out a western and anthropocentric mindset of the world, reinforcing a perspective which has originated the current problems in the world for not achieving sustainable development. The problem cannot appear as a global solution.
Therefore, there is the need to introduce in the text a more balanced understanding of the visions and approaches of countries in order to achieve sustainable development. Bolivia supports the vision of the Living-well, as one of the visions to implement sustainable development, in which the metabolic relationship between peoples and nature is recognized. A more clear recognition of the relationship between peoples and nature can enrich substantially the scope of the document and the context in which the SDGs are crafted.
In this regard, a more balanced document that recognizes different visions and approaches of the world can be achieved through the incorporation of the following wording.
Peoples, indigenous peoples and local communities
We want to ensure that all human beings, considering their rights to development and their rights to and adequate standard of living, can fulfil their potential. We want to end poverty in all its forms and dimensions; end hunger and malnutrition; achieve food security; promote human dignity; combat inequalities in and between countries; achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls; ensure quality education; water and sanitation and a healthy life for all; ensure equal access to natural resources, a healthy environment and well-being for all; and secure the participation of all people and groups, including children, persons with disabilities, migrants and indigenous peoples, in the realization of the Goals and targets.
Planet earth and Mother Earth
We reaffirm that planet Earth and its ecosystems are our home and that “Mother Earth” is a common expression in a number of countries and regions. It was noted that some countries recognize the rights of nature in the context of the promotion of sustainable development. The conviction was affirmed that, in order to achieve a just balance among the economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations, it is necessary to promote harmony with nature. The natural and cultural diversity of the world was acknowledged, and it was recognized that all cultures and civilizations can contribute to sustainable development (CURRENT PARAGRAPH 9 OF ANNEX 2).
Prosperity and Living-Well
We want all human beings, together with all living-beings, to enjoy the fruits of economic, social and technological progress and live productive and fulfilling lives. We want to ensure sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, considering the relationship existing between nature and the society which lives in it, and that nature cannot be regarded as something separate from ourselves. In this context, we recognize the need to promote decent work and employment for all; strengthen productive capacities, foster innovation, shared prosperity and sustainable patterns of consumption and production; promote sustainable patterns of consumption and production; promote sustainable industrialization, agriculture and infrastructure in harmony with nature; and ensure access to affordable, reliable and sustainable modern energy services.
Cooperation and partnership
We want to revitalise an effective Global Partnership for Sustainable Development embracing all countries and stakeholders. The Global Partnership will mobilize the means required for implementation of the Agenda, acting in a spirit of strengthened global solidarity and supporting, in particular, the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable by focussing on a people-centred approach to development. We reaffirm our commitment to strengthen international cooperation to address the persistent challenges related to sustainable development for all, in particular in developing countries.
2. On behalf of the peoples we serve, we have adopted a historic decision on a comprehensive, people-centered and far-reaching set of universal and transformative Goals and targets TO ACHIEVE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND POVERTY ERRADICATION, IN HARMONY WITH NATURE AND MOTHER EARTH. We commit ourselves to working tirelessly for the full implementation of this Agenda by 2030. Realizing our ambitions will change for the better the world in which we all live.
3. We recognize that eradicating poverty in all its dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. We are committed to achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions – economic, social and environmental – in a balanced and integrated manner. We will also build upon the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals and seek to address their unfinished business. We resolve, between now and 2030, to end poverty and hunger everywhere; to combat inequalities within and between countries; to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies; to protect human rights and promote gender equality; to ensure the lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources; to promote holistic and integrated approaches to sustainable development that will guide humanity to live in harmony with Mother Earth; and to create conditions for sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and decent work for all, taking into account different levels of national development and capacities.
5. This is an Agenda of unprecedented scope and significance. It is accepted by all countries and is applicable to all, taking into account different national circumstances, principles and priorities, and different visions, approaches and tools to achieve sustainable development. These are universal goals and targets which involve the entire world, rich and poor countries alike. They are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.
8. In these Goals and targets, we are supremely ambitious to achieve the post 2015 development agenda, considering that there are different approaches, visions, models and tools available to each country, in accordance with its national circumstances and priorities, to achieve sustainable development in its three dimensions, which is our overarching goal. (CURRENT PARAGRAPH 13 of annex 2). Poverty eradication in all its forms and dimensions is the overarching priority and central imperative of the Agenda. We envisage a world free of poverty, hunger, disease and want, where all life can thrive. We envisage a world free of fear and violence. A world with equitable and universal access to quality education at all levels and to health care and social protection, where physical, mental and social well-being are assured. A world where the human right of access to water and sanitation is universally realized right to have access to safe and affordable drinking water is universally realized; where food is sufficient, safe, affordable and nutritious; where there is adequate and accessible sanitation. A world where human habitats are safe, resilient and sustainable and where there is universal access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy.
20. This is an Agenda which seeks to respect, protect and fulfil all human rights. It will work to ensure that human rights and fundamental freedoms are enjoyed by all without discrimination on grounds of race, ethnicity, colour, sex, age, language, religion, culture, migration status, political or other opinion, national or social origin, economic situation, birth, disability or other status. In this context, we emphasize the need for the full implementation of the Declaration of the rights of indigenous peoples.