Biovision Foundation for Ecological Development
Statement delivered by Mr. Stephen Chacha, World Society for the Protection of Animals / Food and Agriculture Cluster
Thank you Co-Chair,
I have the honor to deliver this statement on focus area 2 which include inputs from the following Major Groups: Women, Indigenous peoples, and NGOs, as well as the Food and Agriculture Cluster and other stakeholders.
We strongly support a stand-alone goal on “Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition”, which can be summarized in the word SHIFT:
S for Small-scale food producers, especially women, including pastoralists, fishermen and forest people are empowered
H for Hunger and all forms of malnutrition ended, and full access to nutritious, adequate and affordable food ensured
I for Inclusiveness in decision-making on sustainable agriculture, including acknowledging food sovereignty as a key demand of the poor
F for Food systems established which are sustainable, diverse, and resilient, less wasteful, restore soil fertility, marine diversity, halt land degradation
T for Trade policies reshaped and food price volatility mitigated
Targets to be achieved by 2030 are:
1. Secure year-round access to safe, adequate, nutritious, affordable and culturally appropriate food for all, and end hunger and malnutrition, with special attention to stunting.
2. Ensure small-scale food producers, especially women and youth and including pastoralists, fishermen and indigenous communities, have secure access to knowledge, productive resources and services to sustainably improve their livelihoods, including income, productivity and resilience.
3. Implement productive, resilient, and diverse sustainable agriculture and food systems, including sustainable livestock, fisheries, aquaculture and forestry, that maintain and regenerate natural resources and ecosystems, mitigate the negative impacts of climate change, promote indigenous and sustainable farming, reverse land degradation, and protect animal welfare.
4. Halve the global rate of food production losses (crops, livestock and fish) and waste throughout the food supply chain, including by reducing overconsumption and protein loss and waste.
5. Ensure markets are functioning and accessible for all, especially smallholders and women, through sustainable transportation and the reshaping of trade policies, including phasing-out and redirecting export and other harmful subsidies, and measures to mitigate excessive food price volatility.
Finally, Co-Chair, let us also acknowledge the suggestions of five targets by the Rome-based agencies, based on the Zero Hunger Challenge. Those targets were recently presented at the High-Level Roundtable on “Food and Nutrition Security through Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems in the Post-2015 agenda”, which strongly resonate with the proposals just presented.
We would like to remind the OWG that sustainable agriculture, includes not only crops but also livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture and that this differentiation should be kept in the SDGs, as they were in the Rio+20 Outcome document.
I thank you Co-Chair.
Statement delivered by Mr. Stephen Chacha, World Society for the Protection of Animals / Food and Agriculture Cluster
Thank you Co-Chair,
I have the honor to deliver this statement on focus area 2 which include inputs from the following Major Groups: Women, Indigenous peoples, and NGOs, as well as the Food and Agriculture Cluster and other stakeholders.
We strongly support a stand-alone goal on “Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition”, which can be summarized in the word SHIFT:
S for Small-scale food producers, especially women, including pastoralists, fishermen and forest people are empowered
H for Hunger and all forms of malnutrition ended, and full access to nutritious, adequate and affordable food ensured
I for Inclusiveness in decision-making on sustainable agriculture, including acknowledging food sovereignty as a key demand of the poor
F for Food systems established which are sustainable, diverse, and resilient, less wasteful, restore soil fertility, marine diversity, halt land degradation
T for Trade policies reshaped and food price volatility mitigated
Targets to be achieved by 2030 are:
1. Secure year-round access to safe, adequate, nutritious, affordable and culturally appropriate food for all, and end hunger and malnutrition, with special attention to stunting.
2. Ensure small-scale food producers, especially women and youth and including pastoralists, fishermen and indigenous communities, have secure access to knowledge, productive resources and services to sustainably improve their livelihoods, including income, productivity and resilience.
3. Implement productive, resilient, and diverse sustainable agriculture and food systems, including sustainable livestock, fisheries, aquaculture and forestry, that maintain and regenerate natural resources and ecosystems, mitigate the negative impacts of climate change, promote indigenous and sustainable farming, reverse land degradation, and protect animal welfare.
4. Halve the global rate of food production losses (crops, livestock and fish) and waste throughout the food supply chain, including by reducing overconsumption and protein loss and waste.
5. Ensure markets are functioning and accessible for all, especially smallholders and women, through sustainable transportation and the reshaping of trade policies, including phasing-out and redirecting export and other harmful subsidies, and measures to mitigate excessive food price volatility.
Finally, Co-Chair, let us also acknowledge the suggestions of five targets by the Rome-based agencies, based on the Zero Hunger Challenge. Those targets were recently presented at the High-Level Roundtable on “Food and Nutrition Security through Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems in the Post-2015 agenda”, which strongly resonate with the proposals just presented.
We would like to remind the OWG that sustainable agriculture, includes not only crops but also livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture and that this differentiation should be kept in the SDGs, as they were in the Rio+20 Outcome document.
I thank you Co-Chair.