We first wish to align ourselves with the statements made on behalf of G77 and
China and on behalf of AOSIS.
In the Barbadian context, there are a number of policies and programmes being implemented
that fall within the international approach to adopt a framework of programmes
to advance Sustainable Consumption and Production.
Our Sustainable Development Policy, ratified by our Parliament in 2004 has as its
overarching goal, ensuring the optimization of the quality of life for every person by
ensuring that economic growth and development does not occur to the detriment of
our ecological capital.
This philosophy has been further reflected in our new long term and medium term
planning frameworks, that have further outlined strategies towards ?Building a Small
Island Green Economy?
Implementation is being seen in the areas of sustainable natural resources use and
management with emphasis on our coastal and marine resources; the establishment of
our National Park and system of open spaces with the dual objective of protecting our
cultural heritage and ecological assets while at the same time promoting low-impact
sustainable tourism activities; increasing the deployment of renewable energy technologies
in the national grid; increasing investments in our water resources distribution
and management infrastructure; promoting sustainable transport options; upgrading
our waste management infrastructure; embedding best practices in the application
of chemicals with respect to land management and agriculture practices; and the
promotion of greater corporate social and environmental responsibility. In the latter
respect, the GOB, the Barbados Banking Association and UNEP-FI have been engaged
in promoting environmental and social risk management tools in the local and
regional financial sector.
With respect to educating consumers and the general public, the Ministry of Environment,
Water Resources and Drainage as of 2008, to the present, adopted the slogan
?Living Sustainably?? as the theme for its environment month of activities.
Public input on SCP issues is also being incorporated currently into the development
of a new National Environmental Education Strategy.
At the local level, a preliminary assessment identified agro-tourism opportunities as
an economically viable development option for rural communities. And, via the collaboration
and support of the Government of Barbados, a gastronomic tourism project
was successfully piloted. There are now efforts afoot to undertake similar initiatives
in other Caribbean states. The Government is also undertaking efforts to see this programme
integrated in a CSD partnership framework.
Mr. Chairman, effective mainstreaming of SCP in the National Development Framework
is challenged by the following:
1. The absence of an integrated, multi-stakeholder governance mechanism;
2. The need for an instituted monitoring and evaluation mechanism on SCP. It is
critical that a system of indicators be institutionalized with the requisite technical
and human resources;
3. The need for economic instruments and other enabling mechanisms such as ecoefficiency
centers to support private sector involvement in SCP.
4. The need for targeted business-oriented educational programmes on SCP.
5. The need for a dedicated sub-regional support institutional mechanism to support
coordination, resource mobilization and implementation of national and subregional
actions in the context of Caribbean SIDS;
6. The need for dedicated international mechanisms in the area of technological and
financial resources to support implementation of SCP
Chair, in conclusion, Barbados has and continues to attach great importance to the
Marrakech Process in the development of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on
SCP. We view this as a needed action-oriented cooperative, multi-stakeholder platform
for international, regional, sub-regional and national efforts to embed resource
efficiency, sustainable resources management while addressing poverty alleviation,
resilience building, enhancing competitiveness through the the provision of new and
diversified sustainable economic opportunities for the people, communities and enterprises
of developing countries.
We reaffirm our earlier call and that of AOSIS on the need for a restructured, focussed
and resourced partnership facility within the framework of the CSD ahead of the
19th session.
I thank you Mr. Chairman
China and on behalf of AOSIS.
In the Barbadian context, there are a number of policies and programmes being implemented
that fall within the international approach to adopt a framework of programmes
to advance Sustainable Consumption and Production.
Our Sustainable Development Policy, ratified by our Parliament in 2004 has as its
overarching goal, ensuring the optimization of the quality of life for every person by
ensuring that economic growth and development does not occur to the detriment of
our ecological capital.
This philosophy has been further reflected in our new long term and medium term
planning frameworks, that have further outlined strategies towards ?Building a Small
Island Green Economy?
Implementation is being seen in the areas of sustainable natural resources use and
management with emphasis on our coastal and marine resources; the establishment of
our National Park and system of open spaces with the dual objective of protecting our
cultural heritage and ecological assets while at the same time promoting low-impact
sustainable tourism activities; increasing the deployment of renewable energy technologies
in the national grid; increasing investments in our water resources distribution
and management infrastructure; promoting sustainable transport options; upgrading
our waste management infrastructure; embedding best practices in the application
of chemicals with respect to land management and agriculture practices; and the
promotion of greater corporate social and environmental responsibility. In the latter
respect, the GOB, the Barbados Banking Association and UNEP-FI have been engaged
in promoting environmental and social risk management tools in the local and
regional financial sector.
With respect to educating consumers and the general public, the Ministry of Environment,
Water Resources and Drainage as of 2008, to the present, adopted the slogan
?Living Sustainably?? as the theme for its environment month of activities.
Public input on SCP issues is also being incorporated currently into the development
of a new National Environmental Education Strategy.
At the local level, a preliminary assessment identified agro-tourism opportunities as
an economically viable development option for rural communities. And, via the collaboration
and support of the Government of Barbados, a gastronomic tourism project
was successfully piloted. There are now efforts afoot to undertake similar initiatives
in other Caribbean states. The Government is also undertaking efforts to see this programme
integrated in a CSD partnership framework.
Mr. Chairman, effective mainstreaming of SCP in the National Development Framework
is challenged by the following:
1. The absence of an integrated, multi-stakeholder governance mechanism;
2. The need for an instituted monitoring and evaluation mechanism on SCP. It is
critical that a system of indicators be institutionalized with the requisite technical
and human resources;
3. The need for economic instruments and other enabling mechanisms such as ecoefficiency
centers to support private sector involvement in SCP.
4. The need for targeted business-oriented educational programmes on SCP.
5. The need for a dedicated sub-regional support institutional mechanism to support
coordination, resource mobilization and implementation of national and subregional
actions in the context of Caribbean SIDS;
6. The need for dedicated international mechanisms in the area of technological and
financial resources to support implementation of SCP
Chair, in conclusion, Barbados has and continues to attach great importance to the
Marrakech Process in the development of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on
SCP. We view this as a needed action-oriented cooperative, multi-stakeholder platform
for international, regional, sub-regional and national efforts to embed resource
efficiency, sustainable resources management while addressing poverty alleviation,
resilience building, enhancing competitiveness through the the provision of new and
diversified sustainable economic opportunities for the people, communities and enterprises
of developing countries.
We reaffirm our earlier call and that of AOSIS on the need for a restructured, focussed
and resourced partnership facility within the framework of the CSD ahead of the
19th session.
I thank you Mr. Chairman