Statement by the
Federal President of the Republic of Austria,
Mr. Heinz Fischer
Summit for the Adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
New York,
27th September 2015
Statement by the Federal President of the Republic of Austria, Mr. Heinz Fischer
Summit for the Adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
New York, 27th September 2015
President of the General Assembly,
Distinguished Heads of State,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me thank you, President of the General Assembly Lykketoft and Mr. Secretary-General, for having convened this summit to adopt the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is my great pleasure to participate in this historic meeting and to assure you of Austria’s full commitment to the seventeen specific goals the International Community subscribes to in this important document.
Since we adopted the Millennium Development Goals fifteen years ago, our world has changed significantly. We are faced with some old and many new challenges, such as a fast-growing world population, diminishing natural resources, the serious effects of climate change and huge refugee flows. The question of how to ensure sustainable development for future generations has become more urgent than ever.
The year 2015 is a year of important decisions for the international community. Three big conferences will help shape the path to a sustainable future:
- The Third Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Abeba last July provided us with a new global framework for financing sustainable development.
- The COP21 in Paris in December 2015 will be a decisive conference for our collective effort towards tackling climate change. Paris can and must be a success. We need a global and comprehensive Paris Agreement that is legally binding and reflects the maximum ambition from everyone, in line with our common 2 °C target. We all know that reaching an agreement will not be easy. But I can assure you that in Austria and the European Union we will do everything we can to make Paris a success.
o Here I would like to mention the invaluable contribution of the IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, to providing scientific data and analysis. In October it will elect a new bureau. I am pleased to announce that Austria has nominated Professor Nakicenovic, the internationally renowned and highly respected scientist as Chair of the IPCC, and hope that you will be able to support this excellent candidate.
- And this Summit convened to adopt the Agenda 2030, a new milestone for our global sustainable development agenda. This agenda is the outcome of almost three years of consultations between Member States, International Organizations and Civil Society on an unprecedented scale. Preparatory conferences, such as the 2nd Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries – which Austria was very pleased to host in November 2014 – helped focus our attention on the most fragile countries.
The new Agenda 2030 provides us with a blueprint of how to achieve a better, more just world for all. The Sustainable Development Goals build on and complete the Millennium Development Goals and are universal and applicable to every country. The Agenda 2030 makes one thing very clear: no one must be left behind.
Austria takes this message very seriously, which is why in addition to providing development aid to other countries, the Austrian government has made decent work and education, the rule of law, as well as access to justice priorities of its national work program for the years 2013-2018, and puts a particular focus on youth, women, older persons and persons with disabilities.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Agenda 2030 presents us with the opportunity to make sustainable development a reality. But it also gives us significant responsibility to implement, follow-up and review the progress made towards achieving the goals we set for ourselves. In designing and implementing our national strategies, as well as our monitoring and accountability mechanisms, we have to work together with our national parliaments, supreme audit institutions, civil society, and all other relevant stakeholders. During our ECOSOC-Presidency, Austria strived to contribute to strengthening the High-level Political Forum as the appropriate international follow-up mechanism.
To sum up, I repeat Austria’s commitment to the New Agenda and its successful implementation at the national, regional and international level.
Thank you very much.
Federal President of the Republic of Austria,
Mr. Heinz Fischer
Summit for the Adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
New York,
27th September 2015
Statement by the Federal President of the Republic of Austria, Mr. Heinz Fischer
Summit for the Adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
New York, 27th September 2015
President of the General Assembly,
Distinguished Heads of State,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me thank you, President of the General Assembly Lykketoft and Mr. Secretary-General, for having convened this summit to adopt the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is my great pleasure to participate in this historic meeting and to assure you of Austria’s full commitment to the seventeen specific goals the International Community subscribes to in this important document.
Since we adopted the Millennium Development Goals fifteen years ago, our world has changed significantly. We are faced with some old and many new challenges, such as a fast-growing world population, diminishing natural resources, the serious effects of climate change and huge refugee flows. The question of how to ensure sustainable development for future generations has become more urgent than ever.
The year 2015 is a year of important decisions for the international community. Three big conferences will help shape the path to a sustainable future:
- The Third Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Abeba last July provided us with a new global framework for financing sustainable development.
- The COP21 in Paris in December 2015 will be a decisive conference for our collective effort towards tackling climate change. Paris can and must be a success. We need a global and comprehensive Paris Agreement that is legally binding and reflects the maximum ambition from everyone, in line with our common 2 °C target. We all know that reaching an agreement will not be easy. But I can assure you that in Austria and the European Union we will do everything we can to make Paris a success.
o Here I would like to mention the invaluable contribution of the IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, to providing scientific data and analysis. In October it will elect a new bureau. I am pleased to announce that Austria has nominated Professor Nakicenovic, the internationally renowned and highly respected scientist as Chair of the IPCC, and hope that you will be able to support this excellent candidate.
- And this Summit convened to adopt the Agenda 2030, a new milestone for our global sustainable development agenda. This agenda is the outcome of almost three years of consultations between Member States, International Organizations and Civil Society on an unprecedented scale. Preparatory conferences, such as the 2nd Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries – which Austria was very pleased to host in November 2014 – helped focus our attention on the most fragile countries.
The new Agenda 2030 provides us with a blueprint of how to achieve a better, more just world for all. The Sustainable Development Goals build on and complete the Millennium Development Goals and are universal and applicable to every country. The Agenda 2030 makes one thing very clear: no one must be left behind.
Austria takes this message very seriously, which is why in addition to providing development aid to other countries, the Austrian government has made decent work and education, the rule of law, as well as access to justice priorities of its national work program for the years 2013-2018, and puts a particular focus on youth, women, older persons and persons with disabilities.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Agenda 2030 presents us with the opportunity to make sustainable development a reality. But it also gives us significant responsibility to implement, follow-up and review the progress made towards achieving the goals we set for ourselves. In designing and implementing our national strategies, as well as our monitoring and accountability mechanisms, we have to work together with our national parliaments, supreme audit institutions, civil society, and all other relevant stakeholders. During our ECOSOC-Presidency, Austria strived to contribute to strengthening the High-level Political Forum as the appropriate international follow-up mechanism.
To sum up, I repeat Austria’s commitment to the New Agenda and its successful implementation at the national, regional and international level.
Thank you very much.