11th Session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
5. – 9. May 2014
Statement by Austria
Focus area 11. Sustainable Consumption and Production + Focus area 12. Climate change
Mr. Co-Chair,
Austria deems focus area 11 on sustainable consumption and production to be important and thinks that it should contain a reference to the 10 Year Framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production patterns to clearly mark that it is at its basis. It also should contain a reference to chemicals and hazardous waste.
We also would suggest to rephrase target a) as follows: “by 2030 achieve sustainable and gender-responsive management and use of natural resources which is inclusive of women and girls’ views and needs and sensitive to women’s role in the value chain.”
Turning to focus area 12, Austria supports an own focus area on climate change and prefers the mentioning of the 2 degree target. Furthermore we believe climate related targets should be mainstreamed into all other goals and targets. In this context building resilience and reduction of disaster risk is of great importance. We should however avoid all duplication with the UNFCCC process.
Also, we suggest that target d) reads as follows: “introduce instruments and incentives for investments in sustainable low-carbon solutions in infrastructure, industry and other sectors.”
Finally, Austria suggests adding two additional targets that read as follows:
1. “Integrate a gender perspective in environmental and climate change policies, strengthen mechanisms and ensure women’s full and equal participation in decision making at all levels on environmental issues, in particular on strategies related to the impacts of climate change and natural disasters.”
2. “Ensure gender balance in climate change decision-making bodies and access to climate information and technologies.”
Thank you!
11th Session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
5. – 9. May 2014
Statement by Austria
Focus area 11. Sustainable Consumption and Production + Focus area 12. Climate change
Mr. Co-Chair,
Austria deems focus area 11 on sustainable consumption and production to be important and thinks that it should contain a reference to the 10 Year Framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production patterns to clearly mark that it is at its basis. It also should contain a reference to chemicals and hazardous waste.
We also would suggest to rephrase target a) as follows: “by 2030 achieve sustainable and gender-responsive management and use of natural resources which is inclusive of women and girls’ views and needs and sensitive to women’s role in the value chain.”
Turning to focus area 12, Austria supports an own focus area on climate change and prefers the mentioning of the 2 degree target. Furthermore we believe climate related targets should be mainstreamed into all other goals and targets. In this context building resilience and reduction of disaster risk is of great importance. We should however avoid all duplication with the UNFCCC process.
Also, we suggest that target d) reads as follows: “introduce instruments and incentives for investments in sustainable low-carbon solutions in infrastructure, industry and other sectors.”
Finally, Austria suggests adding two additional targets that read as follows:
1. “Integrate a gender perspective in environmental and climate change policies, strengthen mechanisms and ensure women’s full and equal participation in decision making at all levels on environmental issues, in particular on strategies related to the impacts of climate change and natural disasters.”
2. “Ensure gender balance in climate change decision-making bodies and access to climate information and technologies.”
Thank you!