Australia, The Netherlands and United Kingdom
Australia, The Netherlands and United Kingdom
Sustainable Development Goals Open Working Group 10, 31 March – 4 April 2014
Cluster 1: Poverty eradication, promote equality
The elimination of poverty in all its dimensions remains the overriding priority and a necessary condition for sustainable development. Eradicating extreme poverty by 2030, with no one left behind, will not be possible without promoting equality, including through increasing income equality for the poorest people, and promoting equality of opportunity.
We propose a goal on ending poverty, in which the following three targets are key:
- Eradicating extreme poverty (1a) is our overarching aim. We need to bring the number of people living on less than $1.25 a day to zero.
- We need to reduce the number of people vulnerable to extreme poverty and living on less than $2.50 a day.
- Additionally, we need to reduce the share of people living below their national poverty definition.
Additional targets within a goal on ending poverty include:
- Providing effective social protection and social protection floors to reduce vulnerabilities of the poor and marginalized;
- Ensuring access to property and productive assets including associated rights, finance and markets;
- Ensuring universal access to financial services;
- We need to build resilience and reduce deaths from natural disasters.
We highlight the importance of developing and using evidence-based, high quality, timely, disaggregated data and impartial, internationally established methods for evaluating progress (1g). Moreover, targets in the new framework should be met by all relevant social and income groups.
Inequalities can be addressed by integrating the following measures throughout the framework:
- reducing poverty in all its dimensions;
- eliminating discrimination in laws, policies and practices, including those between women and men (12a);
- reducing inequalities among social groups, including economic, social, political and environmental inequalities (12b);
- empowering and inclusion of marginalized groups, including indigenous peoples, minorities, migrants, refugees, persons with disabilities, older persons, children and youth (12c);
- ensuring equality of economic opportunities for all, including marginalized groups (12d);
- strengthening social protection systems, and social protection floors as relevant (12e);
- promoting differentially high per capita income growth at the bottom of the income distribution (12f).
Sustainable Development Goals Open Working Group 10, 31 March – 4 April 2014
Cluster 1: Poverty eradication, promote equality
The elimination of poverty in all its dimensions remains the overriding priority and a necessary condition for sustainable development. Eradicating extreme poverty by 2030, with no one left behind, will not be possible without promoting equality, including through increasing income equality for the poorest people, and promoting equality of opportunity.
We propose a goal on ending poverty, in which the following three targets are key:
- Eradicating extreme poverty (1a) is our overarching aim. We need to bring the number of people living on less than $1.25 a day to zero.
- We need to reduce the number of people vulnerable to extreme poverty and living on less than $2.50 a day.
- Additionally, we need to reduce the share of people living below their national poverty definition.
Additional targets within a goal on ending poverty include:
- Providing effective social protection and social protection floors to reduce vulnerabilities of the poor and marginalized;
- Ensuring access to property and productive assets including associated rights, finance and markets;
- Ensuring universal access to financial services;
- We need to build resilience and reduce deaths from natural disasters.
We highlight the importance of developing and using evidence-based, high quality, timely, disaggregated data and impartial, internationally established methods for evaluating progress (1g). Moreover, targets in the new framework should be met by all relevant social and income groups.
Inequalities can be addressed by integrating the following measures throughout the framework:
- reducing poverty in all its dimensions;
- eliminating discrimination in laws, policies and practices, including those between women and men (12a);
- reducing inequalities among social groups, including economic, social, political and environmental inequalities (12b);
- empowering and inclusion of marginalized groups, including indigenous peoples, minorities, migrants, refugees, persons with disabilities, older persons, children and youth (12c);
- ensuring equality of economic opportunities for all, including marginalized groups (12d);
- strengthening social protection systems, and social protection floors as relevant (12e);
- promoting differentially high per capita income growth at the bottom of the income distribution (12f).