UNCSD — 1st Intercessional Meeting
New York, United States of America
10 -11 January 2011
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Session 2 (Theme 1 ) – Green economy in the context of sustainable development
and poverty eradication
Thank you Co-chair
Thank you to the Secretariat and the panel members for an excellent and
stimulating set of presentations on the Green Economy theme. The interactive
discussion has helpfully identified a number of important issues relevant to
how we move forward.
Firstly - The broad recognition of the cross- cutting nature of the green
economy theme and the identification of the interaction with the other themes
and objectives is welcome and important. It strikes us that the challenge for the
preparatory process will be not only consistent framing of scope and rationale
around the green economy theme but how we draw out in a clear and practical
way the key cross-cutting elements as a basis on which to move forward – We
are interested in views on how drawing out these linkages could be facilitated
in the lead -up to the next preparatory meeting.
Secondly - The wide recognition of the potential for a green economy approach
to act as a vehicle to support more powerful integration across the three pillars
of sustainable development is welcome. Implementation of the approach will
demand greater emphasis on broader measures of progress and success and a
number of other interventions have recognised the need to develop tools
beyond purely economic indicators to those perhaps focussed more broadly on
measures of ‘wellbeing’. Measures of wellbeing will need to draw in social and
environmental elements in an integrated way.
A question to the panel is how important is it to have a framework of integrated
measures or indicators developed alongside any specific outcomes related to
the green economy theme.
UNCSD — 1st Intercessional Meeting
New York, United States of America
10 -11 January 2011
Page 2 of 2
New York, United States of America
10 -11 January 2011
Page 1 of 2
Session 2 (Theme 1 ) – Green economy in the context of sustainable development
and poverty eradication
Thank you Co-chair
Thank you to the Secretariat and the panel members for an excellent and
stimulating set of presentations on the Green Economy theme. The interactive
discussion has helpfully identified a number of important issues relevant to
how we move forward.
Firstly - The broad recognition of the cross- cutting nature of the green
economy theme and the identification of the interaction with the other themes
and objectives is welcome and important. It strikes us that the challenge for the
preparatory process will be not only consistent framing of scope and rationale
around the green economy theme but how we draw out in a clear and practical
way the key cross-cutting elements as a basis on which to move forward – We
are interested in views on how drawing out these linkages could be facilitated
in the lead -up to the next preparatory meeting.
Secondly - The wide recognition of the potential for a green economy approach
to act as a vehicle to support more powerful integration across the three pillars
of sustainable development is welcome. Implementation of the approach will
demand greater emphasis on broader measures of progress and success and a
number of other interventions have recognised the need to develop tools
beyond purely economic indicators to those perhaps focussed more broadly on
measures of ‘wellbeing’. Measures of wellbeing will need to draw in social and
environmental elements in an integrated way.
A question to the panel is how important is it to have a framework of integrated
measures or indicators developed alongside any specific outcomes related to
the green economy theme.
UNCSD — 1st Intercessional Meeting
New York, United States of America
10 -11 January 2011
Page 2 of 2