27 March 2015
United Nations Headquarters, New York
Post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals and Targets Session: Shaping the Means of Implementation Session in April
Statement by Kushla Munro, Assistant Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
As delivered
Australia looks forward to the upcoming session in April.
Directly hearing about progress being made in the Financing for Development process will provide a critical context to better understand the scope of our own negotiations and also provide greater clarity on the intersections.
One essential element that is missing from the programme is the opportunity to hear directly from esteemed development finance experts. These experts can share evidence and best practice perspectives on the current and future role of development financing and cooperation.
In this regard, both national and regional perspectives would be invaluable. We consider that co-facilitators should invite Member states to put forward such highly esteemed experts to present at the next session.
We also look forward to the multi-stakeholder session. Presentations should be focussed on how these organisations will form part of the revitalised global partnership. We all agree that we need a global partnership that catalyses action and there is no better time to hear how these organisations will play their part.
If we are to discuss technology, we should also discuss innovation. To achieve our truly transformative agenda we must discuss how innovation and improvements in research and technology development will play a role. In this regard, we are interested to hear from global innovation initiatives or from the work of existing technology mechanisms.
We would also caution against spending any time debating issues that are already being extensively considered and discussed by all member states in the FFD process. We must be careful with our time and resources and not duplicate the efforts of our colleagues in the FFD process.
Lastly, while we I will be guided by the co-facilitators on the best timing, Australia stands ready to get on with the job of making sure we have done the necessary due diligence on the targets that our leaders will expect of us.