Australian Intervention
1 March 2005
Australia supports the Secretary General?s comments that an integrated approach to
dealing with water and sanitation is vital, especially to gain health outcomes for the
poorest. Our experts, in particular Mr Albert Reicht and Ms Nafisa Barot, succinctly
described this in the panel yesterday.
The practical policy outcome we will pursue in CSD 13 is an agreement on the need for
national governments, NGOs and donors to work together to manage the demands for
fresh, clean usable water and sanitation arrangements. This will ensure that water and
sanitation can be managed, allocated and used across a range of competing needs and
Supply driven initiatives need to give way to demand focussed programmes that
encourage more efficient infrastructure.
An example of this is seen in Bangalore (India) where Australian aid has been targeted to
meet the city?s demand for safe and sustained supplies of water and sanitation for all
consumers through the development of a demand-focussed master plan.
In this case a modest investment by Australia allowed the development of a master plan
that established good governance arrangements (regulatory, legal and institutional)
through which external funding bodies (from Japan ODA) were more confident of
pursuing investment opportunities. Good governance allows leverage.
An interesting aspect of this project was the differentiation of water quality, with high
quality water being supplied to domestic users and lower quality water being supplied to
industrial uses.
Every drop counts, whether it is water or money.
We welcome discussion regarding constraints to financing sanitation, as outlined in the
Secretary General?s paper. Key points include the need to mobilise all financial resources
and the necessity of good governance to underpin these investments.
Australian Intervention
1 March 2005
Australia supports the Secretary General?s comments that an integrated approach to
dealing with water and sanitation is vital, especially to gain health outcomes for the
poorest. Our experts, in particular Mr Albert Reicht and Ms Nafisa Barot, succinctly
described this in the panel yesterday.
The practical policy outcome we will pursue in CSD 13 is an agreement on the need for
national governments, NGOs and donors to work together to manage the demands for
fresh, clean usable water and sanitation arrangements. This will ensure that water and
sanitation can be managed, allocated and used across a range of competing needs and
Supply driven initiatives need to give way to demand focussed programmes that
encourage more efficient infrastructure.
An example of this is seen in Bangalore (India) where Australian aid has been targeted to
meet the city?s demand for safe and sustained supplies of water and sanitation for all
consumers through the development of a demand-focussed master plan.
In this case a modest investment by Australia allowed the development of a master plan
that established good governance arrangements (regulatory, legal and institutional)
through which external funding bodies (from Japan ODA) were more confident of
pursuing investment opportunities. Good governance allows leverage.
An interesting aspect of this project was the differentiation of water quality, with high
quality water being supplied to domestic users and lower quality water being supplied to
industrial uses.
Every drop counts, whether it is water or money.
We welcome discussion regarding constraints to financing sanitation, as outlined in the
Secretary General?s paper. Key points include the need to mobilise all financial resources
and the necessity of good governance to underpin these investments.