Integrated Water Resource Management
Australian Intervention
1 March 2005
Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) Plans require sound institutional, legal
and policy frameworks based on the following principles:
· water planning and management frameworks are based on national systems
applied on a sub- national (regional watershed) basis for implementation;
· an equitable and workable system of access entitlements that recognises the
environment as a legitimate user of water, allows private sector participation and
investment, and support efficient water use;
· adopting risk or evidence based water quality protection policies; and
· a transparent, participatory approach.
On access to water in urban areas, our international aid experience points to a need to
shift from supply driven approaches to a demand focussed system with an objective to
reach all consumers:
· governance is the primary issue;
· effective planning frameworks allow for investor confidence;
· this process was demonstrated in Bangalore with a partnership between Australia,
India and Japan.
Economic growth and openness to trade are the main drivers of development and poverty
Australia is working actively to increase the ability of developing countries to access
global markets for their goods and services, including breaking down barriers for
agricultural products in developing countries.
Integrated Water Resource Management
Australian Intervention
1 March 2005
Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) Plans require sound institutional, legal
and policy frameworks based on the following principles:
· water planning and management frameworks are based on national systems
applied on a sub- national (regional watershed) basis for implementation;
· an equitable and workable system of access entitlements that recognises the
environment as a legitimate user of water, allows private sector participation and
investment, and support efficient water use;
· adopting risk or evidence based water quality protection policies; and
· a transparent, participatory approach.
On access to water in urban areas, our international aid experience points to a need to
shift from supply driven approaches to a demand focussed system with an objective to
reach all consumers:
· governance is the primary issue;
· effective planning frameworks allow for investor confidence;
· this process was demonstrated in Bangalore with a partnership between Australia,
India and Japan.
Economic growth and openness to trade are the main drivers of development and poverty
Australia is working actively to increase the ability of developing countries to access
global markets for their goods and services, including breaking down barriers for
agricultural products in developing countries.