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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Post 2015 and the SDGs. Nourishing People, Nurturing the Planet.

Publication Year: 2015 Publisher: FAO


FAO and the Post-2015 development agenda issue papers.

Persistently high levels of hunger and malnutrition – 795 million chronically hungry people in the world in 2014–2016 – and unsustainable human ativity on the earth’s carrying capacity present a major challenge for agriculture.

To meet the growing food demand of the over nine billion people who will exist by 2050 and the expected dietary changes, agriculture will need to produce 60 percent more food globally and 100 percent more in the developing countries. At the same time, roughly one-third of food produced – 1.3 billion tonnes per year – is lost or wasted globally throughout the supply chain, with enormous financial and environmental costs.