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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Life Beyond Growth

Publication Year: 2012 Publisher: AtKisson

Green economy

Related Goals


The Life Beyond Growth publication by AtKisson for the Institute for Studies in Happiness, Economy and Society, explores, as a basis, alternatives and complements to GDP] Measured growth as a framing concept for social progress. The report begins by analysing the history of the economic growth paradigm, summarising the key factors that hav supported the dominance of ggrowthh in global history, and then continues to provide insight on some of the contemporary political factors and technical initiatives that have led to new thinking on green growth and human well]being as indicators for social progress.

The document aims to provide a summation of the current state of the art in relation to rethinking economic growth in favour of alternative models such as green growth. It concludes with a section on the ethics of growth and happiness and a vision for the future.