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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Ending poverty in our generation – Save the Children’s vision for a post-2015 framework

Publication Year: 2012 Publisher: Save the Children


A historic achievement is within reach. We can be the generation that ends poverty, forever. For the first time, it is feasible to imagine that in the next couple of decades no child will die from preventable causes, every child will go to school, every child will have protection from violence and we will eradicate absolute poverty.

The Millennium Development Goals, one of the most resonant and unifying agreements in political history, reach a turning point in 2015, the deadline for their realisation. We must do everything in our power to achieve them, but also find an agreed way forward on work that will remain to be accomplished. This report sets out Save the Children’s vision for a new development framework to this end, supporting the creation of a world in which all people everywhere realise their human rights within a generation.