A Convention on Corporate Sustainability Reporting
Publication Year: Publisher: Corporate Sustainability Reporting CoalitionBackground
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Coalition of Institutional Investors urges
Governments to agree at Rio+20 to develop a Convention on Corporate
Sustainability Reporting. This is consistent with the call for greater corporate
transparency in paragraphs 24 and 104 of the Rio+20 Zero Draft.
In our view, there need only be two core elements within such a Convention. First,
the Convention would be a commitment by UN member states to develop national
regulations, formal codes or listing rules that encourage the integration of material
sustainability issues within the annual report of all listed and large private
companies. Second, in order to be flexible, it would establish an opt-out for those
companies that elect not to prepare such a report: they would be required to explain
their rationale to their shareholders, creditors and other stakeholders. In other
words, corporate sustainability disclosure would be on a ?report or explain? basis.