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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Aiming for Impact: Credit Suisse and the Sustainable Development Goals

Publication Year: 2015 Publisher: Credit Suisse


Business thrives best in a context of political and social stability, where the rule of law prevails and a sound environmental basis allows for the sustainable use of resources. The SDGs have the potential to preserve and strengthen these vital framework conditions. The private sector has been directly engaged in negotiations for the post-2015 agenda, and is starting to recognize the benefits of contributing to the realization of the SDGs.

As a global financial institution, Credit Suisse is closely interconnected with the economy and society and has
responsibilities towards a wide range of stakeholders. Our first priority is to act as a reliable financial partner to our
clients, providing services and advice to meet their individual needs. At the same time, we make a direct contribution to the economy in our role as a financial intermediary, bringing together lenders and borrowers of capital around the world – from companies and public sector bodies to private individuals and institutions. This includes supplying businesses with the capital they need to expand their activities and drive innovation, thus helping to foster economic growth and job creation.

For Credit Suisse, corporate responsibility is about creating sustainable value for clients, shareholders, employees and other stakeholders. We aspire to comply with the ethical values and professional standards set out in our Code of
Conduct in every aspect of our work. We do so based on our broad understanding of our duties as a financial services provider, member of the economy and society, as an employer, and in recognition of our responsibility to protect the natural environment.