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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

A Youth Delegation's Commitment to Mission Leading Up to and During the Earth Summit

    Fulfilling our mission:

    To address the current and emerging environmental, economic and social challenges facing the polar regions

    To promote the long-term sustainability of the polar regions through education and collaboration with the Major Group for Children and Youth, civil society organizations, the Arctic Council, the Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty, and UN member states

    To provide a unique perspective to decision-makers at Rio+20 as youth having visited and studied the polar regions through the Students on Ice polar education program

    To encourage decision-makers at Rio+20 to be accountable to future generations
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    Our commitment to our mission will be achieved during the Rio+20 Summit by:

    Authoring and publishing a research-based policy platform with recommendations the international community can adopt to promote sustainable development in the polar regions.

    Encouraging the international community to prioritize protection of the polar regions by participating in negotiations as members of the Major Group for Children and Youth.

    Leading an official Rio+20 side event where our delegates will speak to the international community about polar issues and solutions (pending approval from UN) .

    Creating a kiosk to distribute educational materials and to engage in conversations with conference attendees about the polar regions (pending approval from UN).

    Educating students around the world about Earth Summit negotiations and activities by providing daily updates via blog, video journalism, live video-conferencing and podcast. We will also use social and traditional media outlets to increase awareness. Youth worldwide are encouraged to organize local events where one of our delegates in Rio will conference call with them as the Earth Summit unfolds, allowing all youth to truly engage in the Earth Summit.

    Self-learning Our delegates will have the opportunity to learn about sustainable development by participating in educational events organized alongside the Earth Summit negotiations.

    Students on Ice Alumni Delegation
    Educating 200 members of international community at Rio+20 through our side event presentation on polar sustainability issues
    Engage in conversations with 2,000 conference attendees over three days about polar sustainability issues
    Using media, raise awareness to 1,000,000 youth and citizens around the world about what our youth delegation is standing for at Rio+20: ensuring a sustainable future for the polar regions, some of the most vital regions of our planet that must be protect
    Other, please specify
    Volunteer efforts by passionate, devoted delegation members
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    Action Network
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    25 June 2012 (date of completion)
    Geographical coverage
    Canada, US, Norway, Mexico, Israel, Hong Kong
    More information
    Contact Information

    Andrew Wong, Founder and Executive Director