Watergy - Addressing Municipal Water Challenges through Energy and Water Efficiency Partnerships
Purpose: The Alliance Watergy Program works with local and regional partners in developing countries to develop sustainable strategies for increasing energy efficiency within municipal water supply systems. While water provision is the immediate concern of water utilities, energy for water pumping and treatment is one of the main components of a water utility's costs. In many developing countries the energy used for the basic service of water provision to urban residents accounts anywhere from 40 to 70 percent of a municipality's total budget. The fact that large numbers of people in the developing world still lack ready access to water places more pressure upon decision makers to develop sustainable energy and water management strategies. The Alliance Watergy Program's efforts are based upon a holistic model that incorporates the participation of important stakeholders involved in sustainable development of the urban area, and the sustained development of their technical, managerial and financial capacities to overcome the energy inefficiencies in municipal systems. This is done by systematically addressing a range of issues that affect municipalities such technical and managerial capacities, education and awareness, team building, equipment rehabilitation and maintenance, non-revenue water reductions, proper pressure management, effective demand side management, pre-paid water metering, etc. Through these efforts, the Alliance Watergy Program aims to achieve the larger purpose of providing local and regional institutions and organizations with a sustainable framework and the proper tools for addressing the long-term water and energy needs of their peoples.
Goals: The Watergy program evolves and changes as efficiency models are developed and new opportunities emerge. Goals for the program include:
- Build institutional capacity to improve water and energy resource management
- Advocate and assist in the integration of energy efficiency considerations in developing countries, primarily in the efficient operation and maintenance of systems supplying water services
- Promote energy-efficient technologies and practices, especially in optimizing and modernizing municipal water supply systems
- Increase education and awareness concerning energy efficiency and environmentally sound water and energy systems
- Develop innovative financing mechanisms to implement projects aimed at improving energy use in water delivery
- Develop centers of excellence on energy for sustainable development to support and promote capacity building efforts and technology transfer activities and serve as information clearinghouses
Please also visit the website at : Watergy Mexico
Goals: The Watergy program evolves and changes as efficiency models are developed and new opportunities emerge. Goals for the program include:
- Build institutional capacity to improve water and energy resource management
- Advocate and assist in the integration of energy efficiency considerations in developing countries, primarily in the efficient operation and maintenance of systems supplying water services
- Promote energy-efficient technologies and practices, especially in optimizing and modernizing municipal water supply systems
- Increase education and awareness concerning energy efficiency and environmentally sound water and energy systems
- Develop innovative financing mechanisms to implement projects aimed at improving energy use in water delivery
- Develop centers of excellence on energy for sustainable development to support and promote capacity building efforts and technology transfer activities and serve as information clearinghouses
Please also visit the website at : Watergy Mexico
Government of India - Karnataka Urban Development Infrastructure and Finance Corporation (KUIDFC)
Government of United States of America - USAID
Government of Brazil - Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA)
Government of Brazil - CAGECE
Government of Brazil - CEMIG
Government of Brazil - COPASA
Government of India - Andhra Pradesh Urban Services for the Poor (APUSP)
Government of India - Delhi Jal Board (DJB)
Government of India - Government of Karnataka - Department of Urban Development
Government of India - Government of Maharashtra - Department of Urban Development
Government of Mexico - Comision Federal de Energia (CFE)
Government of Mexico - Comision Nacional del Agua (CNA)
Government of Philippines - Metro Cebu Water District (MCWD)
Government of Philippines - Metro Iloilo Water District
Government of South Africa - Buffalo City Local Municipality
Government of South Africa - City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Council
Government of South Africa - Department of Development Planning and Local Government
Government of South Africa - Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs
Government of South Africa - Department of Planning and Local Government
Government of South Africa - Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
Government of South Africa - Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Council
Government of South Africa - Emfuleni Local Municipality
Government of South Africa - Mogale City Local Municipality
Government of South Africa - National Treasury
Government of South Africa - Polokwane Local Municipality
Government of South Africa - Sol Plaatje Local Municipality
Government of Sri Lanka - National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB)
Major Groups:
Brazilian Association of Water and Energy (ABAE) (Brazil)
All India Institute of Local Self Government (AIILSG) (India)
Karnataka Urban Development Infrastructure and Finance Corporation (KUIDFC) (India)
The Environment and Resources Institute (TERI) (India)
Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Agua y Saneamiento de México (ANEAS) (Mexico)
Energy Managers Association of the Philippines (ENMAP) (Philippines)
University of the Philippines (UP) (Philippines)
City Water Managers Forum (South Africa)
Eskom (South Africa)
Municipal Infrastructure Investment Unit (South Africa)
Rand Water (South Africa)
South African Cities Network (South Africa)
South African Local Government Association (South Africa)
Sustainable Energy Africa/ Energy Development Group (South Africa)
Water Research Commission (South Africa)
Other intergovernmental organizations:
World Bank (India)
Asian Development Bank (ADB) (Philippines)
Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) (United States of America)
Government of India - Karnataka Urban Development Infrastructure and Finance Corporation (KUIDFC)
Government of United States of America - USAID
Government of Brazil - Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA)
Government of Brazil - CAGECE
Government of Brazil - CEMIG
Government of Brazil - COPASA
Government of India - Andhra Pradesh Urban Services for the Poor (APUSP)
Government of India - Delhi Jal Board (DJB)
Government of India - Government of Karnataka - Department of Urban Development
Government of India - Government of Maharashtra - Department of Urban Development
Government of Mexico - Comision Federal de Energia (CFE)
Government of Mexico - Comision Nacional del Agua (CNA)
Government of Philippines - Metro Cebu Water District (MCWD)
Government of Philippines - Metro Iloilo Water District
Government of South Africa - Buffalo City Local Municipality
Government of South Africa - City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Council
Government of South Africa - Department of Development Planning and Local Government
Government of South Africa - Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs
Government of South Africa - Department of Planning and Local Government
Government of South Africa - Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
Government of South Africa - Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Council
Government of South Africa - Emfuleni Local Municipality
Government of South Africa - Mogale City Local Municipality
Government of South Africa - National Treasury
Government of South Africa - Polokwane Local Municipality
Government of South Africa - Sol Plaatje Local Municipality
Government of Sri Lanka - National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB)
Major Groups:
Brazilian Association of Water and Energy (ABAE) (Brazil)
All India Institute of Local Self Government (AIILSG) (India)
Karnataka Urban Development Infrastructure and Finance Corporation (KUIDFC) (India)
The Environment and Resources Institute (TERI) (India)
Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Agua y Saneamiento de México (ANEAS) (Mexico)
Energy Managers Association of the Philippines (ENMAP) (Philippines)
University of the Philippines (UP) (Philippines)
City Water Managers Forum (South Africa)
Eskom (South Africa)
Municipal Infrastructure Investment Unit (South Africa)
Rand Water (South Africa)
South African Cities Network (South Africa)
South African Local Government Association (South Africa)
Sustainable Energy Africa/ Energy Development Group (South Africa)
Water Research Commission (South Africa)
Other intergovernmental organizations:
World Bank (India)
Asian Development Bank (ADB) (Philippines)
Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) (United States of America)
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01 January 1970 (start date)
01 December 2008 (date of completion)
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