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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

UNTGG China Gender Facility administered by UN Women China: Adopting a Participatory Gender-Integrated Approach (PGIA) for Climate Change Adaptation Actions to Enhance Biodiversity Conservation in Poyang Lake (PYL) Region, China

    UN Women, through the project, will support provincial and local governments take measures to ensure that women and men have equal access to and understanding of extreme weather and climate change adaptation information in PYL Region in Jiangxi Province, so that women and men's equal rights and participation in adapting to extreme weather conditions resulting from climate change in PYL Region will be promoted.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    A research study on gender issues existing in government's CC/DRR adaptation strategies, policies and plans, and in CC/DRR-related attitudes and activities among the rural population in PYL Region will be conducted. The findings of the research study will be used for a policy recommendation on enhancing women's roles in adapting to climate change, especially extreme weather events, to relevant government departments in Jiangxi and also be used for training to and advocacy for governmental officials. Training will be provided to 100 rural women in pilot areas of the PYL Region on basic knowledge of gender equality and skills on how to deal with climate change and prepare for weather disasters, so that the opportunities and capacity of women to adapt to and mitigate the risk of extreme weather will be improved. An advocacy conference on gender, climate change and weather disaster prevention will be organized, including government policy makers and the media to enhance their awareness of the linkages between gender and CC/DRR.

    UN Women, Climate Change Monitoring and Evaluation Center of Jiangxi Province
    A research study on gender issues existing in government's CC/DRR adaptation strategies, policies and plans, and in CC/DRR-related attitudes and activities among the rural population in PYL Region will be conducted.
    100 people (over 60% female) will attend the training on basic knowledge of gender equality and skills on how to deal with climate change and mitigate weather disaster risk. The research report will be submitted to UN Women.
    An advocacy conference on gender, climate change and weather disaster prevention will be organized, including about 30 government policy makers and the media to enhance their awareness of the linkages between gender and CC/DRR.
    A policy recommendation on enhancing women's roles in adapting climate change, especially extreme weather events will be submitted to relevant government departments in Jiangxi Province.
    Financing (in USD)
    Other, please specify
    Training to 100 local people (USD 3000) and A research study (USD 7000)
    Other, please specify
    An advocacy conference to be organized among government policy makers and the media (USD 5000)
    Other, please specify
    A policy recommendation to be completed and submitted (USD 4000)
    Other, please specify
    A policy recommendation to be completed and submitted (USD 4000)
    No progress reports have been submitted. Please sign in and click here to submit one.
    Action Network
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    28 October 2012 (date of completion)
    Geographical coverage
    Jiangxi Province, China
    More information
    Contact Information

    Julie Broussard, Country Programme Manager, UN Women China