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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Towards 100% sustainable materials

    The Bridgestone Group set a long-term environmental vision for the year 2050 and beyond with respect to the three objectives in order to help establish a more sustainable society.

    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    In order to realize a sustainable society, all players in the automotive industry must make efforts to reduce the volume of CO2 emitted by automobiles. The Bridgestone Group is promoting activities to reduce CO2 emissions throughout its product lifecycles – from the procurement of raw materials to production, distribution, use and disposal. In 2010, we drew up mid-term targets for 2020, based on our target of cutting global greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2050. As a leading tire company, we feel it important to consider how we can make efficient and sustainable use of limited resources. To this end, we have decided to aim for the goal of using “100% sustainable materials” in our business as a long-term target (valuing natural resources).We feel that converting to sustainable materials combined with reducing CO2 emissions will help us make great strides in achieving our goal of being in harmony with nature and creating a more sustainable society, as defined in the Environmental Mission Statement. We will continue to promote activities throughout our company based on this rationale.

    This target is supported by the entire Bridgestone Group in more than 150 countries.

    Bridgestone Corporation

    Value natural resources: Towards 100% sustainable materials:The Bridgestone Group has set the goal of using 100% sustainable materials in our products as the long-term environmental vision for 2050 and beyond in our resource conservation activities.
    In harmony with nature: In balance with nature(contribution & footprint). Reduce CO2 emissions: Contribute to globally-agreed target(over 50% reduction). We are pursuing these key priorities as part of our long-term environmental vision, targeting 2050 and beyond.
    We have made an aggressive goal to reduce CO2 emissions by 35% per sales through the company's total operations (i.e., raw material and component procurement, manufacturing, logistics and the product's use at end of life) by 2020, based on a 2005 benchmark.
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    Action Network
    Global Compact
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    01 January 2030 (date of completion)
    Geographical coverage
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