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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development in Mining Activities

    At present many countries especially developing countries are facing increased growth in the mining industry. One shared issue facing countries having mining activities is the deterioration of its environmental quality such as surface and ground water, air, coastal and sea areas. Countermeasures taken to deal with the situation are the introduction of clean technology in carrying out processing and best mining practices in the mining products. These practices have been applied in developing countries with various results achieved.

    Most developing countries have already environmental standards for emission, effluent, groundwater contamination in place as well as hazardous and toxic management guidelines. Nevertheless, mining industry still do not comply due to weak law enforcement, lack of monitoring capability and skilled human resources. One effective tool that can be applied is to improve the mining industries environmental performance and management through harmonization of environment standards within the developing countries.

    This partnership aims to improve environmental performance and management of the mining industry through harmonization of environmental standards within the ASEAN countries which produce mining products.

    Expected results include:

    a. Create a demand from the public for environmentally mining process in complying with effluent, emission standards and hazardous and toxic management;

    b. Pressurize mining industries to comply with existing environmental standards;

    c. Heightened public awareness on mining industries that pollute;

    d. Ensure openness and transparency in the implementation of environmental standards for mining industries;

    e. Obtain reliable information on performance of mining industries;


    Government of Indonesia - Ministry of Environment

    Government Ministries of Environment ASEAN countries

    Government Ministries of Internal Affairs, ASEAN countries

    Government Ministries of Mining, ASEAN countries

    Major Groups:

    Indonesian Mining Association (Indonesia)

    Indonesian Trade Chamber (KADIN) (Indonesia)

    ASEAN countries with mining activities ()

    Concerned with reducing pollution in mining activ. ()

    Industrial Associations within ASEAN regions ()

    Industrial Mining Association ()

    Other intergovernmental organizations:

    ASEAN countries ()

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    Action Network
    Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    31 December 2022 (date of completion)
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