South African Elecrification Programme
Eskom strives to accelerate electrification in support of the South African government's objective of universal access to electricity, and is committed to helping the government achieve its electrification targets by 2022/23. Since 1994, Eskom has been very successful in electrification connecting 4.07 million households to the grid and providing non grid access (PV) to a further 6 000 households through the Eskom/Shell Joint Venture.
Eskom implements the integrated national electrification programme on behalf of the Department of Energy (DOE) in the company's licenced supply areas. Electrification in a municipality's licensed areas of supply is carried out by the municipality. Meeting the government's target of universal access to electricity is dependent on the funding from the DOE. Eskom works with the department and other interested parties continuously on planning, funding and other requirements for universal access.
Eskom has investigated the potential for an accelerated electrification programme that would increase the number of new households connected per year beyond current government plans. The programme makes use of internal technical resources.