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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Social Development, Sustainable value chain processes, Economic empowerment of women

    1) Development and upvalueing of goods/products of women, indigenous and farmer groups for niche, green retail market. 2) The increase of retail stores/outlet that support green sustainable lifestyle.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    ECHOsi Foundation is running a nation-wide strategic program of product development and upvalueing products for niche, specialty markets. This also supports the greening of the value chain and the creation of green jobs.

    Funding coming from two special programs

    1) the CIDA's Great Women Project under the Philippine Commission for Women and

    2) government funds under the Department of Agrarian Reform. Partial fund coming from the New Zealand Embassy in the Philippines

    Other support: The network of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts specific to the cultural and indigenous communities all over the country.

    Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)- international agency,

    Philippine Commission for Women (PCW) - government,

    Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) - government,

    Peace and Equity Foundation (PEF) - Civil Society/ NGO,

    Women's Business Council (WBC) - Civil Society / NGO,

    National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) - government
    DESIGN CLINICS: Increased number of community groups (women, indigenous, farmers) where product development clinics will be held with clear output of upvalued products for commodity and niche retails. Metrics: Number of communities and people who have benefited from the design and product development clinics, who would have been taught sustainable production processes through the various parts of the value chain.
    STORE EXPANSIONS: Expansion of ECHOstore's (and its other sub-brands) retail outlets and other distribution points that position the green, sustainable lifestyle to the general public.
    NEW PRODUCTS: Increased number of new products created or refined that support the sustainable lifestyle, and make their way to retail outlets. This would include not only the new product but the change in packaging.
    INFORMATION DISSEMINATION: Media coverage, online initiatives and other information activities that support the initiative of advocating for the green sustainable lifestyle and the green economy. Metrics: Media values, number of talks and people reached during these talks; also information materials sent out.
    BRAND FOR WOMEN'S ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT. The creation of a line of sustainable products made by women that can be brought to the niche retail market. Metrics: New Brand, plus product variants, possible sales.
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    Action Network
    Global Compact
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    01 January 2013 (date of completion)
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