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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

SIRMA: Water economy in Irrigated Systems in North Africa

    The irrigated agriculture sector is the primary water consumer in North Africa (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia). These countries have mobilized most of their resources and should now continue to improve management of demand to guarantee the environmental and socio-economic sustainability of the sector. National agricultural water economy strategies have been defined. The aim is that these measures be implemented by local bodies (from the perimeter manager to the agricultural water user) in spite of the difficulties associated with the major technical, social and economic constraints involved. The aim of the research project is to develop new management tools and procedures (via modelling) to try and balance water resources, the needs of plants and social and economic practices in the irrigated perimeters. The aim is to "co-construct " new practices with the irrigated perimeter managers then, via modelling and further trials, to select those which are most suitable and to apply them to other irrigated sites.


    Government of France - General Directorate for International Cooperation and Development

    Government of France - Nat'l Cttee -Intn'l Comm. on Irrigation & Drainage

    Government of France - PCSI: Common Irrigated Systems Program

    Government of Morocco - Ministry of Agriculture -SEEN

    Government of Tunisia - CRDA: Reg. Commission on Agricultural Development

    Government of Tunisia - DGGR: General Rural Engineering Directorate

    Major Groups:

    Blida University (Algeria)

    ENP: Ecole Nationale Polytechnique (Algeria)

    IGR UB Rural Engineering Institute (Algeria)

    INA EH: National Agronomics Institute, El Harrach (Algeria)

    Cemagref: Ag.& envt'l engineering research inst. (France)

    Cirad: Centre int'l coop. ag. research for dev. (France)

    ENGREF: Inst. of Forestry, Ag. and Envt'l Eng. (France)

    IRD: Institute for Research & Development (France)

    AUEA: Assoc. of Agricultural Water Users (Morocco)

    ENAM: National School of Agriculture (Morocco)

    INRA: National Institute for Agricultural Research (Morocco)

    Meknès IAV HII: Agronomic & Vet. Inst. Hassan II (Morocco)

    ORMVA: Regional Added Value Agriculture Office (Morocco)

    IWMI: International Water Management Inst. (South Africa)

    ENIT: National Engineering College (Tunisia)

    GIC: Community Interests Group (Tunisia)

    INAT: National Agricultural Institute (Tunisia)

    INRGREF (Tunisia)

    IRESA: Agricultural Research & Higher Ed. Inst (Tunisia)

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    Action Network
    Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    01 January 2007 (date of completion)
    Contact Information