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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

SIGN 3 Asia - Sustainable Investment - Global Network for Asia

    SIGN3-Asias central aim is to promote sustainable investments and to assist in: developing synergies between private capital, institutional investments and Official Development Assistance (ODA). Bringing the broad financial resource streams together is the principal of synergies, which is primarily designed to boost sustainable investments in Asia addressing sustainable development and resource productivity along the global value chain. Shouldering responsibilities between Governments, International Institutions, Transnational Corporation, Local Entrepreneurs will help to leapfrog development and reduce investments risks while addressing the specific needs of each sector developing synergies with existing initiatives in Asia, supported by Asian Governments and interested parties, the UN the EU, USA, International Organisations, i.e., Development Banks, the OECD, Export Credit Agencies, AsRIA and a coalition of progressive business SIGN3-Asia means Sustainable Investment Global Network for Asia. The N3 in the term echoes the need to consider the triple bottom line of sustainable development economic prosperity, social equity and environmental protection in all investment decisions. SIGN3-Asia is a not-for-profit regional network.

    SIGN3- Asia's Catalytic Role. There are a number of initiatives aimed at promoting FDI in Asia or affecting the form it takes. No initiative has so far been identified which addresses - sustainable foreign direct investment for a whole region and which attempts to bring the main stakeholders together. SIGN3 needs to build on these initiatives and encourage synergies instead of duplicating efforts. A priority for the initial stages of SIGN 3 is to make contact with the secretariats of all these initiatives and discuss how the synergies between the various initiatives can be exploited.


    Government of Denmark - DANIDA

    Government of France - Ministry of the Environment

    Government Asian Governments on the Board of APO

    Major Groups:

    Regional Institute for Environmental Technologies (Singapore)

    European Partners for the Environment (Belgium)

    European Partners for the Environment (EPE) (Belgium)

    Regional Institute for Environmental Technologies (Singapore)

    Rabobank ()

    TotalFinaElf ()

    UN System:

    UNEP ()

    Other intergovernmental organizations:

    Asian Productivity Organisation (APO) (Japan)

    The European Commission (Belgium)

    Asian Productivity Organisation (APO) (Japan)

    APDC ()

    Export credit Agencies network (OECD & EU) ()

    No progress reports have been submitted. Please sign in and click here to submit one.
    Action Network
    Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    01 April 2007 (date of completion)
    Contact Information