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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Reducing quantities of Ocean Debris by tackling sources both in and out of water.

Private sector
    As part of a current campaign called #AdoptADiveSite from Project AWARE, BDN already pledge that we will revisit our chosen site at least, once a month. Here we safely remove and record any debris found, also reporting any marine life directly affected to them directly.

    For #WorldOceansDay 2017 we have organised an 8 hour long beach clean - inviting the whole community to help - to tackle Miri's beach worst affected by marine debris - located between two river mouths. Prior to this event we will commit (with the hope of inspiring other members of the community ) spending a minimum gathering debris from beaches around Miri on a rotation basis.
    ALL data will be recorded and submitted to Ocean Conservancy.

    By 2020, with a community completely supporting Borneo Dive Network, we would like to have gathered enough data from our clean up's both in and out of the water, to propose the installation of a catchment net for both rivers, gathering all trash in a given area, with scheduled collection days.This simple method could be an effective way that could reduce Marine Debris found on the coastlines and in waters of Miri by up to 50%.

    We will:
    - use social media to engage the community of current efforts, scheduled events and for recognition within the community for other campaigns, targeting the same issue, organised by others..
    - arrange visits and purpose-organised events, as well as keeping ourselves current with social media in order to raise awareness of the importance of prevention to marine debris - especially plastics!
    - Educate local communities (via above methods) - target mainly children and young adults - about the affects an unhealthy ocean has on humans and benefits we will have if we take effective action now - starting at home and changing the attitudes of many locals through understanding and inspiration.
    - be an inspiration to anybody - locally or internationally by passing our passion to young students or by maintaining/extending interests of active supporters by having fun, doing what we all love - having an immediate positive impact on our environment and ecosystems by taking action to conserve the preservation of Our Ocean Planet.

    Collect record and submit debris gathered at beach and reef clean ups to both ; Project AWARE and Ocean Conservancy (NGO's)
    Reef Clean

    Goal 14

    Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

    Goal 14


    By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution


    (a) Index of coastal eutrophication; and (b) plastic debris density


    By 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans


    Number of countries using ecosystem-based approaches to managing marine areas


    Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels

    Average marine acidity (pH) measured at agreed suite of representative sampling stations


    By 2020, effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices and implement science-based management plans, in order to restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, at least to levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristics

    Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels


    By 2020, conserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with national and international law and based on the best available scientific information

    Coverage of protected areas in relation to marine areas


    By 2020, prohibit certain forms of fisheries subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing, eliminate subsidies that contribute to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and refrain from introducing new such subsidies, recognizing that appropriate and effective special and differential treatment for developing and least developed countries should be an integral part of the World Trade Organization fisheries subsidies negotiation


    Degree of implementation of international instruments aiming to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing


    By 2030, increase the economic benefits to Small Island developing States and least developed countries from the sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism


    Sustainable fisheries as a proportion of GDP in small island developing States, least developed countries and all countries


    Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology, taking into account the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology, in order to improve ocean health and to enhance the contribution of marine biodiversity to the development of developing countries, in particular small island developing States and least developed countries

    Proportion of total research budget allocated to research in the field of marine technology


    Provide access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets


    Degree of application of a legal/regulatory/policy/institutional framework which recognizes and protects access rights for small‐scale fisheries


    Enhance the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources by implementing international law as reflected in United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which provides the legal framework for the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources, as recalled in paragraph 158 of "The future we want"


    Number of countries making progress in ratifying, accepting and implementing through legal, policy and institutional frameworks, ocean-related instruments that implement international law, as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, for the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and their resources

    Name Description
    14.1 By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution
    Beach Clean Lutong Beach - recording and submitting all data to Ocean Conservancy
    Weekly beach cleans -- working on rotation cycle once per week - collect and submit to Ocean Conservancy
    Proposal for nets to be installed at given areas on rivers. An effective solution/reduction/prevention to litter accessing Miri's waters and coastline via its two main rivers.
    Organise and commit to Project AWARE Adopt a Dive Site reef clean @ Kenyalang wreck! Last week every month -- Data submitted to Project AWARE foundation
    Staff / Technical expertise
    Team of Divers able to plan and execute a safe reef clean
    Other, please specify
    Transportation for vast amounts of debris from site to correct disposal area
    Other, please specify
    Volunteers from local diving community - to help with monthly reef clean
    No progress reports have been submitted. Please sign in and click here to submit one.
    Action Network
    Ocean conference wheel logo
    01 March 2017 (start date)
    01 June 2025 (date of completion)
    Borneo Dive Network (BDN))
    Geographical coverage
    Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
    Other beneficiaries
    Local communities and citizens, local businesses, tourism trade
    Ocean Basins
    Communities of Ocean Action
    Marine pollution
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Daisy Beresford-Slnn, Miss