Provide qualitative indicators of SDG5
The initiative is mainly focused on unifying national efforts and international organizations led by the Palestinian Ministry of Women's Affairs in providing qualitative indicators in the fifth goal, which relate to laws and legislation, and to discover legal gaps between women and men. A specialized team has been formed from the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, the Prime Minister’s office, and the Authority. UN Women has been contacted with international organizations specialized in indicators to provide their expertise in providing indicators. For example, we have worked with the FAO to provide the index related to countries that have laws to guarantee women and men in economic property. And agricultural holdings, and it was also agreed with the United Nations Population Organization to provide an index of the law on health services for women.
One of the most important activities that have been practiced to achieve the initiative is to create a mechanism for continuous communication and communication between members of the group, especially in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, and to agree on deliberate steps to be documented in the minutes of the meetings, and then contact is made by the initiative leadership in the Ministry of Women's Affairs via e-mail, Several meetings are organized with the international body with jurisdiction, terms of reference are drawn up to provide the required, and experts specialized in law are brought in to study the indicator and review all the necessary documents, and then a mini-meeting is held with the supervision team and the expert team to lay down the necessary steps for implementation, and after completion From the first draft, the entire team from all institutions is invited to verify and validate the information received
One of the most important results achieved is the provision of an indicator on economic properties and agricultural holdings related to the fifth goal, in cooperation with the FAO. Providing the first indicator for the fifth goal related to legal frameworks on civil rights and protection. Agreement to provide an index of laws guaranteeing health services with the United Nations Population Fund Agreement with the United Nations Organization for Women to provide the last indicator in the fifth goal related to the budget allocated for the implementation of activities for gender equality
The interest in the Ministry of Women’s Affairs is one of the most prominent steps for the success of this initiative, as is the interest of the main partners and all partners, in addition to the availability of national expertise capable of carrying out tasks quickly, and whatever funding is available to implement the important activities to achieve the initiative and practice
It is important to maintain the joint work team to maintain the initiative and continue to provide more important work in accelerating the achievement of the fifth goal, and communication with the wider team through workshops, and the Re-trite plays an important role also in preserving these gains, and it is important to mention also to provide Funding for the Ministry of Women’s Affairs to continue to preserve the gains made
The Covid-19 pandemic played a negative role in implementing the practice fully and at the specified time, due to the health risk it produced related to family and individual life, as it declared a state of emergency and announced the home quarantine and the work of institutions at specific times, but we worked on its materials by developing platforms Electronic, and electronic communication until we succeeded in achieving the meetings and meetings necessary to complete the mission successfully.
Deliverables & Timeline
Resources mobilized
Partnership Progress

Other beneficiaries
With regard to the beneficiary group, the Palestinian woman is the group that will directly benefit from this practice by providing qualitative legal indicators, in addition to the benefits that the Palestinian population will benefit from by getting acquainted with the most prominent legislations related to gender equality. Regarding the main partners, they are the Ministry of Women’s Affairs in Leadership, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, and the United Nations Women’s Organization. As for the other partners, they understand the gender units in the ministries related to the fifth goal, women's institutions, the FAO, and the United Nations Population Fund.
More information
Contact Information
Amin, General Director of planning and policies