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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

The Preferred/Social Name Eletronic form (e-form) implementation in the Health Units in Rio de Janeiro: Enforcement of Human Rights to Transvestites and transsexual peolple.


    The Rio de Janeiro Town Hall Sexual Diversity Coordination (CEDS-Rio) was created by the Decree no. 33376/2011.The city of Rio de Janeiro instituted the Decree no. 33816/2011 that provided the possibilty of having the right to use the preferred/social name of transvestites and transsexual people in the scope of the government services. Starting in 2017, the implementation of the Preferred/Social Name Eletronic form brought the possibility to have a eletronic field on the e-form to be fullfilled by the preferred/social name at the health units.

    Objective of the practice

    The population of transvestites, transmasculine and transfeminine people avoid seeking health units, mainly due to the fear of being embarrassed not to have their preferred/social name respected. Although the legal name and gender change is ensured by the Supreme Court determination, many face difficulties to face the steps brought by the Supreme Court Judgement. Many transgender, either for personal reasons or they cannot change due to other legal constraints. So, they prefer not to legally change their names and gender . In these cases, respecting the preferred/social name guarantees the access without embarrassment to the government services, in this case health services. They have to access the government health services in order to avoid aggravation of existing diseases, prevention of various diseases, including STI diseases, for example. In the cases of more serious diseases, the absence of the adequate treatment can lead them to death. CEDS-Rio within Rio Saude (that is an NGO for health administration contracted by the Municipal Health Department) built together the Preferred/Social Name field (gap) in the e-form. To this end, it promoted awareness-raising meetings for those of whom is responsible for the e-form in health units. In this way, everyone has the right to be called by his or her preferred/social name. Thus, this action aims to ensure the effectiveness of the Decree no. 33816/2011 providing the respect to the transgender population human rights enforcement in the health units covered by the reported practice. In this way, this action contributes to the effectiveness of goal 03 by providing the access to health in a humanized way, ensuring healthy living and promoting well-being for all, at all ages.

    The main stakeholders are: Transvestites, Transsexual Women and Transsexual Men.
    The partnership was established between Rio de Janeiro Town Hall Sexual Diversity Coordination and Municipal Health Department and Rio Saude NGO.
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    CEDS-Rio, in partnership with the Municipal Health Department decided to have a pilot project in the implementation of the Preferred/Social Name Eletronic form (e-form) in the health units administred by Rio Saude, that are: Barra Regional Emergency Center, Rocha Faria Municipal Hospital, Emergency Care Units of Santa Cruz, Rocha Miranda and Cidade de Deus.
    From the choice of venues, meetings were organized at CEDS-Rio with Rio de Janeiro health and administrative personnel to understand the importance of the Preferred/Social Name so we could organize the best way to implement the e-form. Thus, we can compare the numbers before and after the implementation of the Preferred/Social Name Eletronic form (e-form) in the health units.
    Before the implementation of the Preferred/Social Name Eletronic form (e-form) the health units before mentioned showed the following numbers concerning medical assistence. The numbers are displayed in the following organization: Health Unit, Number of Transvestites o Transgender assistence. The period tracked for this pilot study is from January and 2017 until June of 2017:
    • CER Bar: 04
    • UPA Santa Cruz: 06
    • UPA Rocha Miranda: 06
    • UPA Cidade de Deus: 0
    • Municipal Hospital Rocha Faria: 0
    After the implementation of the Preferred/Social Name Eletronic form (e-form) the health units before mentioned showed the following numbers concerning medical assistence. The numbers are displayed in the following organization: Health Unit; Number of Transvestites o Transgender assistence. The period tracked for this pilot study is from July 2017 to September of 2018:
    • CER Bar: 55
    • UPA Santa Cruz: 60
    • UPA Rocha Miranda: 32
    • UPA Cidade de Deus: 48
    • Municipal Hospital Rocha Faria: 13

    The described practice brought a series of results in the evaluated health units. Amongst them, it stands out, firstly, the growth of 1.225% of health assistence by the implementation of the the preferred/social name e-form in the period between July 2017 and September 2018. This increase consolidates the respect for the use of the preferred/social name of Transvestites and Transsexual people in the emergency units, thus ensuring the effectiveness of the Decree no.33816/2011. And, even with preliminary results, it has contributed to the debate in the approval of the Municipal Law 6329 in March/18, which provides a LAW not anymore a simple decree to consolidate the right of transvestites and transgenders to use the preferred/social name in city of Rio de Janeiro government units. In addition, the expansion of the use of the preferred/social name in the health units, enabled the debate on the health of the transgender population in the Rio municipality health policy. All of this paradigm shift contributed to the development of an institutional campaign for the use of the preferred/social name, developed in 2019 to respect the Law no. 6328/18.
    Enabling factors and constraints
    The database used by the health units until July/17 did not have an specific field to insert the preferred/social to respect the existing Decree no. 33816/11. Because of that, besides not mentioning the preferred/social name in the database, at the moment to health assist the transgender people, the name that was used was the one of the civil registry, causing numerous embarrassments.
    The implementation of the e-form and the consequent discussions around the thematic, ratified the importance of having laws that regulate the use of the social name, thus the elaboration of the Law no. 6329/18 in Rio de Janeiro.
    Sustainability and replicability
    The Preferred/Social Name Eletronic form (e-form) implementation is a public policy that began in July 2017 and ended its pilot in September 2018. Such practice has demonstrated an effective increase in the access of trans people to health assistence. Although the pilot project has come to an end, the e-form continues to be used in the health facilities where it was implanted, the objective now is to expand the e-form as a public policy in Rio de Janeiro. Popularizing the e-form is a must not only for the emergency units but also the basic health care units and even at other municipal health departments. It should be noted that the low cost of this protocol makes it extremely sustainable and exponentially replicable.

    The practice that CEDS-Rio developed in the city of Rio de Janeiro with the Preferred/Social Name Eletronic form (e-form) implementation in the emergency units managed by the Rio Saude Social NGO comes from the ODS perspective of not leaving anyone behind. The LGBT population was not explicitly included in the ODS targets. Thus, it is extremely important to present public actions that consider this population minority, and especially the transvestites and transgender population.<br />
    The population of transvestites, transsexual women and transsexual men avoid accessing to the health units mainly because of the fear of not having their preferred/social name respected. The legal change of name and gender was only possible through a lawsuit based on numerous medical reports completely disconnected to the real social needs of this population. In 2018, the Federal Supreme Court authorized the civil registry offices to legal change name and gender only with the request of the interested party, without judicial/medical proceedings. Thus, it is latent that respect for the preferred/social name is the fastest way to meet the right to identity of transgender people.<br />
    Thus, in order to ensure a healthy life and promote well-being for all, at all ages it is imperative that we seek objective ways of respecting gender identity for transvestites and transgenders. The Preferred/Social Name Eletronic form (e-form) implementation in the Rio de Janeiro health uinits guarantees the right to the identity of these people by expanding access to health assistence and contributing to the treatment of diseases and the end of epidemics addressed by goal 3 in sub-item 3.3.<br />
    With the expansion of access to health assistence, municipal public policy can access part of the LGBT population that suffers most from depression and violence, resulting in a large number of suicides. Resorting often to alcohol and other drug abuse. In this way, a simple practice that respects identity through the use of the preferred/social name contributes to sub-item 3.5. Finally, from the access to transvestites, transsexual women and trans men in health assistence, it will be possible to know and recognize their demands that go beyond the sexual reassignment surgery. For transvestites and transgender people are also exposed to all the diseases that afflict the rest of the population, but they find obstacles to access public health due to prejudice to their gender identity as proclaimed by heteronormative society. This prejudice also includes the organization of public services. Thus, public policies that develop actions and practices that guarantee the right of the LGBT population are urgent so that the Sustainable Development Goals are achieved.

    Staff / Technical expertise
    The technical staff of CEDSRIO and Rio Saúde were responsible for the implementation of the pilot project, without the need for extra expenses of public resources.
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    Name Description
    Action Network
    SDG Good Practices First Call
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 July 2017 (start date)
    30 September 2018 (date of completion)
    Rio de Janeiro Town Hall Sexual Diversity Coordination (CEDS-Rio)
    1. Latin America and the Caribbean
    Geographical coverage
    Emergency Units from the west, north and south zones
    Website/More information
    Contact Information

    Nelio Georgini, Special Coordinator