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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Partnerships in the local implementation of coastal strategies and integrated coastal management programs in East Asia

    Several local governments in the East Asian Sea Region are in the process of developing long-term, vision-oriented coastal strategies and action plans. The strategies and action plans will concentrate local stakeholder actions on sustainable use of coastal resources, improving the health of ecosystems and the lives of people living in the costal area by alleviating poverty, enhancing public health, providing access to safe and affordable drinking water and sanitary services, and creating sustainable development opportunities.

    This initiative is primarily aimed at forging a regional partnership among the local governments and ICM practitioners, with the objective of consolidating their efforts, and increasing management effectiveness and efficiency by sharing experiences, good practices, lessons, expertise, approaches and resources through south-south cooperation. Ten local governments in 8 coastal nations of the region will initially participate in the partnership, covering a total coastline length of 1,242 km and a total sea area of 10,565 km2. The partnership will benefit 6 million inhabitants.

    Over the life of the project, the total number of local governments implementing ICM will increase steadily to 20 and estimated to benefit at least 12 million coastal inhabitants. The success of the networking will lead to expansion of membership to cover other coastal management initiatives and accelerate ICM practice throughout the region. It will also establish linkages with other coastal management programs in other regions of the world.

    Major Groups:

    Don Bosco Foundation of Cambodia (Cambodia)

    Provincial Government of Sihanoukville (Cambodia)

    Wetlands International (Cambodia)

    Xiamen Municipal Government (China)

    Nampo City Government (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)

    Bali Focus Foundation (Indonesia)

    Moderat (Indonesia)

    Provincial Government of Bali (Indonesia)

    Pusat Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup (Indonesia)

    Yayasan Bathera Nusantara (Indonesia)

    Malaysia Nature Society (Malaysia)

    Maritime Institute of Malaysia (Malaysia)

    National Hydraulic Research Institute (Malaysia)

    State Government of Selangor (Malaysia)

    Wetlands International-Asia Pacific (Malaysia)

    Bataan Coastal Care Foundation (Philippines)

    Bataan NGO Consortium (Philippines)

    Catholic Bishop's Conf. of the Philippines (Philippines)

    Coastal Management Center (CMC) (Philippines)

    Earth Saver's Movement of the Philippines (Philippines)

    Ibaan Community Foundation (Philippines)

    Kalipunan ng mga Mangingisda- Manila (Philippines)

    Kapisanan ng mga Brodkasters sa Pilipinas (Philippines)

    Kilos Lingap Kalikasan (Philippines)

    Likhang Kabitenyo Foundation (Philippines)

    Marine Science Institute, Univ. of the Philippines (Philippines)

    Miriam College (Philippines)

    Oplan 4K (Philippines)

    Philippine Independent Catholic Group (Philippines)

    Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement (Philippines)

    Provincial Government of Bataan (Philippines)

    Provincial Government of Batangas (Philippines)

    World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) (Philippines)

    Korean Network for Coastal Conservation (Republic of Korea)

    Provincial Government of Kyonggi (Republic of Korea)

    Boy Scouts Association of Thailand (Thailand)

    Burapha University (Thailand)

    Provincial Government of Chon Buri (Thailand)

    Restaurant Owners Association (Thailand)

    Sriracha Fisherman's Association (Thailand)

    City Government of Danang (Viet Nam)

    Danang Youth Association (Viet Nam)

    Farmers Association (Viet Nam)

    Women's Association (Viet Nam)

    UN System:

    International Maritime Organization (IMO) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

    United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (United States of America)

    Other intergovernmental organizations:

    Partnership for Environmental Management of Seas East Asia (PEMSEA) (Philippines)

    The Global Environment Facility (GEF) (United States of America)


    Mass media (Viet Nam)

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    Action Network
    Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    01 December 2005 (date of completion)
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