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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

NetMark Plus: A Public-Private Partnership for Sustainable Malaria Prevention

    Building on the partnership efforts at the WSSD, the United States expanded its existing NetMark Program, making it an expansive and cutting edge model for achieving public health objectives through joint investment with the commercial sector. What was originally a 5 year, $15.4 million program designed to create sustainable commercial markets for insecticide-treated mosquito nets in four countries, became an eight year, $65.4 million program with a much broader goals. NetMark Plus is USAID's primary mechanism to support the Roll Back Malaria Partnership in achieving its goals of making high quality, and affordable ITNs available across the continent of Africa. Now looking to build commercial markets for ITNs in at least 10 countries, NetMark is expanding its partnerships, playing a critical role in defining best practices for delivering targeted subsidies, advocating a positive policy environment, creating integrated approaches through partnerships with NGOs that link commercial and subsidized product delivery, and helping to introduce state-of-the-art products (some of which will be manufactured in Africa).

    NetMark Plus expects to create fully sustainable markets for ITNs across sub-Saharan Africa that can provide a sustainable source of quality products for a large percentage of at-risk populations. NetMark Plus will also link these markets with targeted subsidies being provided through other donor-funded activities, helping both the public and commercial sectors to create a model for sustainable development through mutually beneficial collaboration and investment on a large scale. This will result in a reduction of malaria morbidity and mortality, a positive effect on the African economy, and reduction of the burden on the international community and ministries of health in procuring and distributing ITNs.


    Government of Ghana - Ministry of Health

    Government of Mali - Ministry of Health

    Government of Nigeria - Ministry of Health

    Government of Senegal - Ministry of Health

    Government of Uganda - Ministry of Health

    Government of United States of America - USAID

    Government of Zambia - Ministry of Health

    Major Groups:

    Academy for Educational Development (AED) (United States of America)

    Polyflex (Cameroon)

    Societe Jaco (Cameroon)

    Vestergaard Frandsen (Denmark)

    BASF (Germany)

    Bayer Environmental Science (Germany)

    Syngenta (Germany)

    Agrimat and Transcol (Ghana)

    Mossnet (Ghana)

    Agrivet (Madagascar)

    Beesago (Mali)

    CICO (Mali)

    Dangote Group (Nigeria)

    CAD (Senegal)

    SIMEX (Senegal)

    Quality Chemicals (Spain)

    Siamdutch Mosquito Netting Co., LTD (Thailand)

    Felly Turyamushanga (Uganda)

    SAFRO (Uganda)

    Reckitt Benckiser (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

    SMI (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

    ChevronTexaco (United States of America)

    Exxonmobil (United States of America)

    FCB Advertising (United States of America)

    Johns Hopkins University (United States of America)

    Cropserve (Zambia)

    Ecomed (Zambia)

    A-Z Textiles ()

    CHI ()

    Consumer Marketing ()

    Exp Momentum - Experiential Marketing ()

    Harvestfield Industries Limited ()

    Insecticide Manufacturers ()

    Sunflag Limited ()

    UN System:

    WHO/RBM (Switzerland)

    UNICEF (United States of America)

    World Bank (United States of America)

    Other intergovernmental organizations:

    Malaria Consortium (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

    London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine ()


    Technical Advisory Group (United States of America)

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    Action Network
    Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    01 September 2007 (date of completion)
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