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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

The Mont-Blanc Meetings – International Forum of the Social and Solidarity Economy Entrepreneurs

    The MBM organizes a worldwide forum with entrepreneurs of social and solidarity economy (SSE) on the theme “Post-2015 MDGs: changing the course of globalization through SSE”.

    The forum will focus on new objectives definitation for the post-2015 Millennium challenges as:

    • Is there redistribution of roles between States, local authorities, SSE enterprises, traditional private sector?

    • How do Civil Society exercise its empowerment and societal responsibility?

    • Education: what contents to be taught? how effective is the learning ? measures to improve access to training?

    • Commons: is collective management a model for tomorrow?
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    From November 2012 to November 2013, the Board of Directors, and all the Committees work on the logistic aspects of the event.
    The Scientific Committee (SC) is in charge to work on the theme that is the involvement of the SSE in the post-2015 Millennium Development Goals. The SC will first assess the MDG's implemented from 2000 to 2015, and then make proposals to be a decision support for new objectives. A preliminary report will be published and send to the attendees, in order to let them think and define together new development goals, focused on the social and solidarity economy output to achieve it.

    The methodology employed to reach collective decisions and recommendations will be workshops. During the Forum, conferences and round tables will alternate with workshops made with 10 or 15 persons each. At the end of the event, a synthesis with the proposals of the attendees will be done and send to the Head of States and International Organizations who already have expressed their approval towards MBM activities or who are involved in the promotion of Social and Solidarity Economy in their country or geographical areas.


    The MBM has organized two side-event, at the UN headquarters and at Rio+20 Summit to present 20 proposals to reach sustainable development.<br />
    The capacity building is implemented by organizing conferences, workshops, and toward the social network available on the MBM website. The methodology employed is based on reciprocity, experience sharing, highlighting cultural and socio-economic differences, to benefit from the diversity of members and attendees. Their experience from different countries, with specific socio-economical contexts, cultural specificities, and legal SSE statutes ensure a mutual capacity building. The Scientific Committee gathered researchers, university professors, so their report and preliminary work contribute to the capacity building. <br />
    <br />
    The “Project Place” too allows capacity building. The SSE entrepreneurs can meet, build projects and share their resources (ideas, funds, human resources…) both on the social network of the MBM website and during the event. We’ll organize sessions to put in touch ideas for new projects and resources to implement them.


    The Mont-Blanc Meetings is an association governed by a Board of Directors, elected by the General Assembly. For the event, several Committees have been created: an Event Committee, a Finance Committee, a Scientific Committee, and a Committee in charge of Development and international organizations relations. <br />
    These committees are in charge to prepare the Forum. Its members are both members of the MBM or social and solidarity actors, and scientific, researchers. Committees have been created to represent every continent and geographical areas of the world, in order to benefit from the diversity of point of views and experiences. <br />
    The Board of Directors is made of the members of the association (natural bodies representing social and solidarity economy enterprises as legal entities). Directors meet every month to prepare the event and make decisions, working closely with the committees. <br />
    The Mont-Blanc Meetings association created a “Project Place” to let entrepreneurs build projects and partnerships. It is a privileged place to foster cross-border partnerships between social and solidarity economy enterprises. The « Project Place » is a fertile ground for innovations, from which initiatives and international projects are emerging, all economically, socially and ecologically responsible. <br />

    Members : social and solidarity enterprises (MAIF (France), PFAC (Cameroon), Lartes (Senegal), MACIF(France), MATMUT (France), AG2R La Mondiale (France), Caisse ES Desjardins (Quebec), Fondaction (Quebec), DSI (Quebec), Crédit Coopératif (France), Groupe Chèque Déjeuner (France), Aqabal (Costa Rica), Esfin-Ides (France), IDEAC (Dominican Republic), AMIE (Comoros), Kafo Jiginew (Mali)

    States (represented in the Rio+20 side-event): France, Brazil, Ecuador

    MBM book: The SSE, a response to the international challenges
    Pre-report MBM
    Initiatives report, 3rd edition
    Conclusion of the MBM Forum and synthesis
    Financing (in USD)
    In-kind contribution
    members, voluntaries
    Staff / Technical expertise
    2 permanent staff and technical expertise on communication and public relations
    No progress reports have been submitted. Please sign in and click here to submit one.
    Action Network
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    11 November 2013 (date of completion)
    Geographical coverage
    Paris, France
    Contact Information

    Anne-Marie Wioland-Sahabana, Executive Manager