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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

MEDIES: Mediterranean Education Initiative for Environment & Sustainability -With an emphasis on water and waste

    This initiative/partnership on EfES, facilitates the educational community and students to contribute in a systematic and concrete way for the implementation of Agenda 21 and the Millennium Declaration goals, through the successful application of innovative Educational Programmes in countries around the Mediterranean basin. These Educational Programmes are based on cross-cutting themes in the existing school-curricula. During the first years of implementation the Initiative focuses on freshwater including all its aspects (sanitation, health, floods, agriculture, etc.), followed by wastes.

    The main objectives of the initiative compatible with the principles of sustainable development are:

    - Wise management of freshwater resources

    - Wise management of wastes

    - Facilitation of Educators' networks


    Government of Albania - Ministry of Environment

    Government of Cyprus - Ministry of Agriculture

    Government of Egypt - Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs

    Government of Greece - Ministry for Environment

    Government of Italy - Agency for Envt'l Prot. & Tech Services (APAT)

    Government of Palestian Territory, Occupied - Environmental Quality Authority (MinEnv)

    Government of Slovenia - Ministry of Envt, Spatial Planning & Energy

    Government of Tunisia - Ministry of Agriculture, Envt & Water Resources

    Major Groups:

    Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE) (Greece)

    Protection & Preservation of Natrl Envt in Albania (Albania)

    Fed. of Envt'l & Ecol. Orgs of Cyprus (FEEOC) (Cyprus)

    Arab Office for Youth and the Environment (Egypt)

    The Arab Office for Youth and the Environment (Egypt)

    Environmental Educational Centre of Cletoria (Greece)

    Hellenic Society for Protection of Environment (Greece)

    Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles (Greece)

    South - Eastern Mediterranean Environmental Project (SEMEP) (Greece)

    Land and Human to Advocate Progress (LHAP) (Jordan)

    Land and Human to Advocate progress (LHAP) (Jordan)

    Club Marocain d' Edu en Mariete de Pop. et d' Envt (Morocco)

    Society for Protection of Animals & Nature (SPANA) (Morocco)

    Society for Bird Research & Nature Protection (Slovenia)

    Society for Bird Research and Nature Protection (Slovenia)

    Mediterrania Centre of Ecological Initiatives (Spain)

    Assoc for Protection of Nature & Envt. -Kairouan (Tunisia)

    Assoc for the Protection of Envt. & Nature -Ariana (Tunisia) Devt et de Protection de l¿Envt- La Marsa (Tunisia)

    Association of sustainable development (ADD) (Tunisia)

    Tenmya 21, Association for Sustainable Development (Tunisia)

    Green Steps for Environmental Literacy (GSEL) (Turkey)

    TEMA Foundation (Turkey)

    Turkish Marine Environment Protection Association (Turkey)

    UN System:

    UN Educational, Scientific & Cultural Org (UNESCO) (France)

    United Nations Environment Program / Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) (Greece)

    Other intergovernmental organizations:

    Global Water Partnership Mediterranean (GWP-Med) (Greece)


    National Kapodistrian University of Athens (UoA) (Greece)

    University of La Verne, Athens (ULV, Athens) (Greece)

    Jordan University for Science & Technology (JUST) (Jordan)

    No progress reports have been submitted. Please sign in and click here to submit one.
    Action Network
    Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    01 January 2007 (date of completion)
    More information
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