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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Latin American Network on Short Life Climate Pollutants

    The subscribed organizations commit to collaborating in:

    - Promoting the implementation of Article 222 of the Rio + 20 Declaration, in which States commit to: support a gradual phase-down in the consumption and production of HFCs.

    This will include specifically:

    - Promoting public policies for controlling and monitoring short life climate pollutants;

    - Strengthen the local, regional and global work at each of the RACC organizations;

    - Promote the exchange of experiences and strategies to influence public policy on short life climate pollutants;

    - Coordinate a regional strategy to promote the phaseout of short life climate pollutants
    Implementation of the Project/Activity

    The subscribed organizations shall:

    - Promote legislation to control and monitor short life climate pollutants at the municipal, provincial and national levels;
    - Promote a regional treaty for the control and monitoring of short life climate pollutants;
    - Increase awareness of policy makers and private sector actors on short life climate pollutants and their impact on human health and development;
    - Exchange information on the current state of each country with RACC members;
    - Exchange information on the state of regional and global situation regarding short life climate pollutants;
    - Exchange scientific information on short life climate pollutants;

    Centro de Derechos Humanos y Ambiente (CEDHA), Argentina

    IEMA, Brazil

    IDEA, Paraguay

    CEMDA, Mexico

    AIDA, Latin America - Regional
    A dedicated website for the RACC network
    Model legislation on short life climate pollutants for RACC members and others to submit to their respective legislatures
    Virtual library of resources on short life climate pollutants
    Dissemination of information on short life climate pollutants
    Financing (in USD)
    In-kind contribution
    computer, office supplies, utilities, website
    Staff / Technical expertise
    one person from each partner responsible for initiative
    No progress reports have been submitted. Please sign in and click here to submit one.
    Action Network
    This initiative does not yet fulfil the SMART criteria.
    01 January 1970 (start date)
    01 January 2012 (date of completion)
    Geographical coverage
    Latin America
    More information
    Contact Information

    Romina Picolotti, President